Cycloptichorn wrote:
The whole 'carbon offset' thing is great for businesses, stupid for people. Feel bad? Plant a tree!
The carbon offset thing is not the best solution. The problem is that we in this country and our fellow human inhabitants around the world can't agree on whether global warming exists or what should be done if indeed it is a problem. Developing countries fault the developed countries for wanting to change standards that would prevent them from getting out from their impoverishment while leaving the rich countries rich. And no US politician is going to risk political suicide by advocating a two or three dollar increase in the gas tax.
My first exposure to this type of thing involved taxi licenses in NYC. The city mandated that they would issue one license for (say) every 500 residents. This would presumably ensure that there were enough cabs to service the public but not so many that none of the drivers could make a living. If you wanted to drive a cab, you had to buy one of the existing licenses on the open market.
That is sort of what is going on in the carbon offset arena. A company that is relatively efficient in its pollution control efforts can sell their license to send up so much pollution to a company that is less efficient.
In theory, I think, this encourages all producers to become more efficient.
And, finally, again in theory, someone in NYC could go into the open market and buy and then retire taxi licenses. This would force residents to take mass transit. Similarly, individuals could go into the market and buy and retire pollution rights. The problem is that lobbyists would scream and plead (or whatever else they do) with the politicians in NYC to change the rules and issue, say, one license for every 400 residents.