@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
I don't mind anyone praising any one president, but okie has to compare Reagan to Obama who has been in office for less than two months. His ability to determine any individual's ability at common sense shows me that okie has none. okie is the least able to make intelligent discourse on any topic whether it's about economics or politics.
Show me where I'm wrong.
I'd rather look foolish than let okie spill his drivel every day.
If I may be so brash as to interrupt this conversation, ci, and point out one clear example of Obama's lack of common sense that I brought up, that you have totally ignored.
I go back to the fact that Obama has more than once promised that he would make the U.S. free of importing OPEC oil in ten years, by instituting his energy policy, which apparently consists of throwing more money at wind and solar. He also mentioned geothermal once in a debate as something that he would promote. This is not an honest opinion or it is not an opinion that can be promoted by anyone with common sense. To walk you through this, see the following chart:
Now, I challenge you to read all the material you can put your hands on and provide one ounce of data or evidence that in 10 years, we could become self sufficient from OPEC oil with any realistic hope to do it with wind and solar. Remember, Obama has marginally said he was in favor of nuclear, but he opposes any disposal solutions of waste that have been proposed, so you can forget nuclear as part of the equation. But even if it was, there would be no practical way to expand nuclear in 10 years, given the regulatory nightmares in this country.
ci, Ronald Reagan would have never suggested something like Obama suggested, because it defies something called "common sense." Now, go do your homework, call any energy expert, and report back to us all here on A2k and let us know what you find out. But please come back here with something called evidence. A snide comment about my intelligence no longer flies, as if it ever did.