Hi, genoves. I don't think I have met you.
1) Unemployment. I am pretty confident that it will rise from 7.2% to 10% as the downturn spread beyond manufacturers to retailers. 34000 job losses at Circuit City alone.
2) Dow hitting 6000. I doubt it for a couple reasons:
a) What is the alternative to the stock market? Bonds, CD's, real estate? I meant to look at dividend yields on Dow stocks. That puts a bit of a floor under the market, perhaps.
b) Two cute financial tricks come to mind: one is comps. Companies ran into trouble last year and lost a lot of money. It they can show less losses this time around they can claim there has been improvement compared to last year.
The other trick, in CPA parlance, is "extraordinary items." Suppose a company loses a factory in LA due to a hurricane. Any cost is not considered usual so it pretty much ends up in a footnote. Fights break out over what is extraordinary. Job layoffs costs are routine nowadays but tend to slip into a footnote. I can imagine that, in the extreme, a blizzard in the NE for a week before Christmas could result in "losses" that should be considered as extraordinary.
Most of the media report earnings (losses) before extraordinary items.
Sorry for the long post. I do tend to go on, don't I?