realjohnboy wrote:THE RETAILER'S TALE
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 might be entitled "Death of a Salesman." In the old days, 30 odd years ago when I started out, we bought stuff from the manufacturers. And they had company salesmen who would visit us, often wearing suits or at least coats and ties. This despite them calling on stores like mine where we had trouble keeping our shoes on all day. (warning from A2K admin: Don't believe everything realjohnboy writes).
Things changed and have lately changed dramatically in the supply chain.
Many of our suppliers are facing competition from imports from China or wherever on commodity products like canvas, paper products, brushes, and other items. The company employed salesguys were the 1st to go. It is simply too expensive to keep them, anymore.
And now we we buy most of our stuff through a middleman, called a "distributor." We get a bit of a less discount then if we went direct, but my buyers can go around with their little scanners and can order 3 of something rather than 12. It is called "Just in time inventory"
In addition to eliminating sales reps, the manufacturers get rid of most of their bookkeeping staff. They are selling to just a few distributers, rather then a whole bunch of small accounts, some of whom don't pay on time or don't pay at all.
CHAPTER 3 formulating, if anyone is interested.