cicerone imposter wrote:okie, Of coarse there are people retiring and dying, but the simple math tells us that creating <50,000 new jobs a month (under Bush), falls short of the 200,000 new jobs needed to meet demand.
You probably haven't noticed, but more seniors are working after age 65, because they don't have enough savings for retirement; people are living longer; and the greatest number of new jobs are in the service industry (far from middle class wages).
I am not familiar with employment statistics, but something tells me your reasoning is flawed in a big way somehow. I could not seem to find good statistics on people that retire each month but the following site gives the fact that there are 18.4 million people between the ages of 65 and 74. Whether all of those were in the work force at 65, probably not, but the vast majority were likely in the work force sometime in their lives, so they become part of the statistics at some point, it really doesn't matter when. So if you took them all, that is 153,000 people retiring each and every month if they retired at age 65. And if they did not, they would retire later, and thus would eventually be part of the statistics. This does not include the numbers of people dying or being disabled and thus leaving the work force earlier.
So your logic that just because 200,000 people are entering the work force each month, and only 50,000 new jobs are created, then you claim the unemployment statistics have to be grossly wrong, that somehow the bureaucrats are lying big time. Well, their statistics are far from perfect but I doubt they are that bad. I think you are overlooking many factors here, one of which might be that many people are simply moving into existing jobs that are vacated by retirement and other factors. Obviously, I am speaking as someone unfamiliar with what goes into the numbers, but it strikes me that you are making unwarranted claims here, as you did in our previous arguments.
You said the simple math supports your claims, so if you have the simple math, I would be glad to see it.