John, My funds excluding my bond funds have increased over 10% as of last Friday. Me worry? As long as our overall economy shows strengths in home buying/selling, increasing manufacturing at home, and my observations about how most in the leisure industry continues to grow, I have faith that the US economy will continue to grow.
I just returned from a cruise vacation in Portugal. AMA Waterways is fully booked for this year, and over 80% of their customers are Americans. Because of the flooding of Douro River, and we could cruise for only two days out of the seven, the owners of the company have given us 100% full credit for a future cruise.
The flights going and returning from Portugal were all fully booked.
Hotel occupancy rates in the San Francisco Bay Area is over 85%, and more hotels are in the planning.
There's good news out there, but the media seems to favor bad economic news over the good stuff happening. People's perception seems to lean towards "it's getting worse."
I see the cup as half full.