hawkeye10 wrote;
Quote:.....watch how many people mis-use words as they try to drive a point, and how often people resort to personal vilification to try to excuse never dealing with points.....
Used to be that ad hominen retorts are an admission of defeat (or they were, until that probably got distorted in meaning as well as the truth).
Makes me wonder at the rationale behind some people's postings. Either they are defending the indefensible, or just too proud to admit that their own admin is responsible for the atrocious state of everything wrong with the American economy, and it's not really a dem/repub issue, but actually a criminal infiltration of the admin that started possibly in the middle of the last century, if not before then.
Much easier to cling to the old dem/repub issues, isn't it? Where's the middle ground? Where's the third option? Where's the outcry that both candidates are accepting bribes from the same criminal corporate bosses?