Quote:Of course this is ridiculous, and if you did the slightest bit of googling you would know it was ridiculous.
William Shockley had a PhD from MIT. John Bardeen had one from Princeton. Walter Brattain from University of Minnosota. All of these men were educated in modern Physics (which certainly included Quantum Mechanics at the time). All of them based their theses on subjects related to Quantum Mechanics.
These were not some amateurs futzing around with semiconductors to see what happened. These were highly educated Physicists from prestigious Universities with doctorates who were doing directed research based on the their scientific expertise.
I don't know why I am even saying this... but to pretend that education isn't a very important part of doing Physics is ridiculous.
Hmmmm you really don't seem to get it eh? That those people were 'educated'
(into many wrong things), but so what?
It is crystal clear that the transistor was NOT, I repeat NOT invented by
those Bell Lab's people but by people outside academics and much earlier.
You seem to be under the impression that 'modern physics' is responsible for a lot of 'technology'. But if you have an open mind and do your reseach you really will find out that NOTHING has come out of 'modern physics' because
EVERYTHING that is claimed to be of 'modern physics' was made way earlier
and WITHOUT academia.
(Mention one thing and I can guarantee that it was there way way way before 'modern physics'!)
Those "modern physics" idiots really live in ivory towers, and steel patents and ideas. NOTHING ELSE. Their job is only good to get some money for the grocery and to keep those idiots from the streets.
I can give you a whole list with a lot of things that are claimed by "modern physics" but really haven't anything to do with academic 'modern science"
Like computers etc.