Shep Smith: Journalists are not the enemy of the people

Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 05:18 pm
Actually, to him it means they are one, or all of the following - they are:
- brainwashed
- scared
- stupid
- liars
- hypocrites

Liars seems to be his favourite catch-all.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 05:27 pm
I wonder why you bother trying to convince all these people that you consider to be liars, hypocrites, terrified, etc. Wouldn't that be an exercise in futility?

It is an exercise in gauging the stupidity, the cognitive dissonance of people, the extent to which people are willing to deny reality and lie when they know there is no way out of their lies.

It is an exercise in gauging how long people will ignore indisputable science, indisputable evidence, all the while having none of their own for their position.

It is an exercise in gauging how long people will cling to their impossible beliefs.

It is an exercise in describing just how badly, how deeply the western MSM is a truly evil enemy of the people, the people whose sworn job it is to protect from excesses of government.

It is an exercise in gauging just how hypocritical people can be in maintaining that they are rational, sentient human beings and yet they exhibit the most delusional of behaviors, like pretending to believe in the USGOCT while they cannot provide any evidence for it.

It is an exercise in gauging how closely these deluded folks are to those who pretend to believe in a god.

The scientific possibilities are endless, vikorr.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 05:29 pm
And all those exercises are proving futile for you, are they not? You get the same results over and over, with no change in results. How long before you can see results? Because they aren't changing.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 05:35 pm
The only person who has remotely agreed with you is a fellow who showed up on the forums around the same time you did...spouting the same stuff you did....in almost the same style you did....what a coincidence !

You clamor for the top position of dishonesty with your every post. You have as much evidence for your lame intimations as you do for your USGOCT.

Everyone agrees with me because everyone knows that the USG official conspiracy theory has no possibility of being accurate, true, possible.

Everyone agrees with me because everyone knows they have no evidence for the USGOCT.

But like typical sheeple, no one has the courage to speak up, except for Glennn, Old Grumpy, ... . So you all remain as what you are, intellectual cowards who have no business taking part in adult things like voting, raising children, driving a car, teaching children, ... .

Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 05:43 pm
And all those exercises are proving futile for you, are they not? You get the same results over and over, with no change in results. How long before you can see results? Because they aren't changing.

More dishonesty from you, vikorr. You [me too] have no idea what people on A2K are thinking yet you make another of your huge pretenses to have knowledge, expertise, ... . You've tried this lame nonsense enough, but still you go on.

You illustrate that you never had any intention of honestly debating/discussing these issues of 9/11. Your intention from the start was to attack me personally, with that fatuous idea used by others, that this is all my ideas, my science, my evidence.

Your dishonesty scream out. You STILL haven't ever provided one piece of evidence for YOUR USGOCT. Why? Because you know there is none hence your incredible dishonesty.

Hence what can only be described as your incredible evil, protecting, lamely, those who have murdered 2,996 westerners and millions of brown skinned people.

How dishonest can you possible get? Have you no sense of honor, decency, truthfulness, ... ?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 05:48 pm
No, Mr. President, only YOU can start a war...

Trump complains about media coverage of Obama’s ‘57 states’ remark 10 years ago

Sep 15th 2018 12:30PM

President Trump took to Twitter Friday night and brought up the media’s coverage of a gaffe by former President Barack Obama 10 years ago.

Trump tagged Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in his tweet and wrote: “When President Obama said that he has been to ‘57 States,’ very little mention in Fake News Media. Can you imagine if I said that…story of the year!”

A Washington Post piece from 2011 says about Obama’s remark: “During a 2008 stop in Oregon, then-Sen. Barack Obama noted that he had visited ‘57 states’ during his presidential campaign. Despite the efforts of some GOP partisans, the mainstream media quickly moved on; most journalists assumed Obama knew the right number and had simply misspoken.”

RELATED: A running list of all the times Trump has attacked 'fake news' on Twitter

During his presidency, Trump has posted numerous tweets asserting that the media is biased against him.

“I just cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest much of the Media is. Truth doesn’t matter to them, they only have their hatred & agenda. This includes fake books, which come out about me all the time, always anonymous sources, and are pure fiction. Enemy of the People!” he tweeted on August 30.

And in early August, he wrote: “The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!”
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 05:49 pm
You clamor for the top position of dishonesty with your every post.
You really don't realise how little your opinion on this means to me do you? I daresay others have put you into a similar category. No one bothers defending themselves from your insults, because they have absolutely no meaning behind them.

So you get the same results, over and over...futility...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 05:59 pm
Lemme see if I have this right.....

Unless a post comes from YOU, it means everybody else is lying or too stupid to know "truth"?

As regards 9/11, you are correct. Except for Glennn, Old Grumpy, Amigo and some others I can't remember.

You can tell, nb, by the fact that none of you USG official conspiracy theorists can provide any evidence for your childish beliefs.

How did Arab hijackers melt/vaporize WTC structural steel? That question has been asked many times to you USGO Conspiracy Theorists and not a one of you has had an answer.

Likely you don't even know what it is about, you don't know the implications, you might have never even heard of it. USG official conspiracy theorists like you are woefully ignorant of the science and actual facts of 9/11.

Your governments love that!



Hmmmmmm, yes.

You are entitled to your belief. But running rampant for pages upon pages makes a very tedious read. I bet you can't let five posts go by without butting in somehow. In fact, that's a challenge to you. Reading other view points, even if you don't agree with them, can lead to a discussion. Try it, you may just learn something new.

Try discussing this USGOCT that you believe in so strongly. You will learn something new and it will be troubling for your personal psyche, but hey that is what adults are supposed to be able to do, is it not, handle the tough stuff and carry on, try to fix what's wrong?


Why The Truth About 9/11 Is Censored By The Media

If the government's account of 9/11 is not accurate, wouldn't the media have been "all over it"?

Isn't the fact that most mainstream media sources don't spend much time covering these issues show that there's nothing there?


Self-Censorship by Journalists
Initially, there has been self-censorship by journalists.

Several months after 9/11, famed news anchor Dan Rather told the BBC that American reporters were practicing "a form of self-censorship":
"there was a time in South Africa that people would put flaming tires around peoples' necks if they dissented. And in some ways the fear is that you will be necklaced here, you will have a flaming tire of lack of patriotism put around your neck. Now it is that fear that keeps journalists from asking the toughest of the tough questions.... And again, I am humbled to say, I do not except myself from this criticism.
"What we are talking about here - whether one wants to recognise it or not, or call it by its proper name or not - is a form of self-censorship."

Indeed, journalists who have even asked innocuous questions about 9/11 have been threatened.

And, referring to another topic, a leading MSNBC news commentator has said that there is self-censorship in the American media, and that:

"You can rock the boat, but you can never say that the entire ocean is in trouble .... You cannot say: By the way, there's something wrong with our .... system".
As Air Force Colonel and key Pentagon official Karen Kwiatkowski has written (at page 26):

"I have been told by reporters that they will not report their own insights or contrary evaluations of the official 9/11 story, because to question the government story about 9/11 is to question the very foundations of our entire modern belief system regarding our government, our country, and our way of life. To be charged with questioning these foundations is far more serious than being labeled a disgruntled conspiracy nut or anti-government traitor, or even being sidelined or marginalized within an academic, government service, or literary career. To question the official 9/11 story is simply and fundamentally revolutionary. In this way, of course, questioning the official story is also simply and fundamentally American."
Censorship by Higher-Ups

If journalists do want to speak out about 9/11, they also are subject to tremendous pressure by their editors or producers to kill the story.

The Pulitzer prize-winning reporter who uncovered the Iraq prison torture scandal and the Mai Lai massacre in Vietnam, Seymour Hersh, said:
"All of the institutions we thought would protect us -- particularly the press, but also the military, the bureaucracy, the Congress -- they have failed. The courts . . . the jury's not in yet on the courts. So all the things that we expect would normally carry us through didn't. The biggest failure, I would argue, is the press, because that's the most glaring....

Q: What can be done to fix the (media) situation?

[Long pause] You'd have to fire or execute ninety percent of the editors and executives. You'd actually have to start promoting people from the newsrooms to be editors who you didn't think you could control. And they're not going to do that."
In fact many journalists are warning that the true story is not being reported. See this announcement and this talk.

And a series of interviews with award-winning journalists also documents censorship of certain stories by media editors and owners (and see these samples).

There are many reasons for censorship by media higher-ups. One is money.

The media has a strong monetary interest to avoid controversial topics in general. It has always been true that advertisers discourage stories which challenge corporate power. Indeed, a 2003 survey reveals that 35% of reporters and news executives themselves admitted that journalists avoid newsworthy stories if “the story would be embarrassing or damaging to the financial interests of a news organization’s owners or parent company.”

False flag terrorism is the most controversial topic there is. Exposure of the truth about 9/11 would challenge the government and the corporate status quo. Exposure of the truth of 9/11 would directly damage the bottom line of the war profiteers (see below). It would also damage the financial interests of the news organizations, since revelation of the truth would show how bad the mainstream media has been in covering real news, thus encouraging more people to get their news from other sources.

In addition, the Bush administration is allowing tremendous consolidation in ownership of the airwaves. The large media players stand to gain billions of dollars in profits if the administration continues to allow monopoly ownership of the airwaves by a handful of players. The media giants know who butters their bread. So there is a spoken or tactit agreement: if the media cover the administration in a favorable light, the MSM will continue to be the receiver of the government's goodies. And censoring the truth about 9/11 is a large part of covering the administration in a favorable light.

Drumming Up Support for War

In addition, the owners of American media companies have long actively played a part in drumming up support for war.

It is painfully obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that the large news outlets studiously avoided any real criticism of the government's claims in the run up to the Iraq war. It is painfully obvious that the large American media companies acted as lapdogs and stenographers for the government's war agenda.

Indeed, veteran reporter Bill Moyers criticized the corporate media for parroting the obviously false link between 9/11 and Iraq (and the false claims that Iraq possessed WMDs) which the administration made in the run up to the Iraq war, and concluded that the false information was not challenged because:

"the [mainstream] media had been cheerleaders for the White House from the beginning and were simply continuing to rally the public behind the President — no questions asked."
But this is nothing new. For example, the mainstream media also played footsie with the U.S. government right before Pearl Harbor. Specifically, a highly-praised historian has documented that the Army’s Chief of Staff informed the Washington bureau chiefs of the major newspapers and magazines of the impending Pearl Harbor attack BEFORE IT OCCURRED, and swore them to an oath of secrecy, which the media honored (page 361) . Also listen to this interview.

And an official summary of America's overthrow of the democratically-elected president of Iran in the 1950's states, "In cooperation with the Department of State, CIA had several articles planted in major American newspapers and magazines which, when reproduced in Iran, had the desired psychological effect in Iran and contributed to the war of nerves against Mossadeq." (page x)

In fact, the large media companies have drummed up support for all previous wars. For example, Hearst with the Spanish-American War. And the military-media alliance has continued without a break (as a highly-respected journalist says, "viewers may be taken aback to see the grotesque extent to which US presidents and American news media have jointly shouldered key propaganda chores for war launches during the last five decades.")

Indeed, the American press has always served the elites in disseminating their false justifications for war.

READ ON, if you have the gumption, neptuneblue, vikorr, ... .


0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 06:02 pm
What happened to Tucker Carlson? This journalist set out to find the answer.
by Julia Waldow @CNNMoney
September 15, 2018: 2:06 PM ET

Years ago, Tucker Carlson was a well-regarded conservative writer with award-nominated articles and praise from journalism's top editors. Now, he shouts about immigrants, cries that big tech is stifling conservative voices, and poses questions like "How, precisely, is diversity our strength?" on his nightly Fox News show.

Carlson's journey has puzzled media critics for years. "What happened to Tucker Carlson?" they want to know. Now, Lyz Lenz, a writer with the Columbia Journalism Review, may have found the answer: Nothing.

Lenz sat down with Carlson for two and a half hours for her piece "The Mystery of Tucker Carlson" to figure out what Carlson's journey could tell her about journalism and America in 2018. She unpacked her findings for CNN's Brian Stelter on this week's Reliable Sources podcast.

The answer to "What happened to Tucker Carlson?" has actually existed for years, Lenz said.

"We want to think that, oh, this is a whole new shtick for him," Lenz told Stelter. "But actually, I think it's just part of who he's always been. If you look at a lot of his early writings... there has always been kind of a latent racism."

When it comes to his job at Fox News as host of a prime time show that's in the time slot previously held by Bill O'Reilly, Carlson often promotes a fear of immigrants taking over white, working-class jobs.

He rarely talks about President Donald Trump's challenges and behavior, according to Stelter. Instead, he dabbles in what a communications professor Lenz spoke with called "change-the-subject conservatism."

"You know, don't mind that burning building over there," Lenz said. "Let's look at this, you know, small kitchen fire over here."

Lenz describes herself as "a single mom, a freelance writer with two kids, swiftly facing a future with no health care." She lives in Iowa and is currently navigating a divorce after 12 years of marriage to a Republican. Lenz said the divorce "didn't come because of the election," but "the election certainly revealed a lot of huge problems that we couldn't overcome."

As a writer, she said, she sees metaphor everywhere; what she saw in her own life, she also saw in politics.

So, she wrote her profile of Carlson in the first person. She acknowledged it was daring, saying writers are "not supposed to make it about ourselves."

"When we're talking about Tucker Carlson, we're not just talking about Tucker Carlson," she said. "We're talking about America. And when we talk about America, we're not just talking about statistics. We're talking about individual lives that are changing and being impacted because of the politics in this country."

When it came time to sit down with Carlson, Lenz expected to have a fruitful conversation. She thought he would be similar to Hamlet -- "pretending to be crazy while pulling off a bigger scheme," she told Stelter.

This didn't happen. "It ended up just him yelling at me for two hours about free speech," Lenz said.

Carlson often depicts himself as a person of the people. But at the same time, he makes millions. When Lenz asked about his lifestyle, Carlson told her he had to provide for his family.

"At one point, I said, 'You know, I have to provide for my family,'" Lenz told Stelter. "'I don't go on TV and shout about immigration.' And he was like, 'Oh, well, well, you're so noble and so good but me, you know, this is just what I had to do.' Which again, I think is just kind of a disingenuous deflection about the real state of things."

"I found the contrast really jarring," she said. "That me, this mom in the Midwest who's struggling to pay for health care, I'm the elite liberal media, but he's not."
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 06:02 pm
Actually, to him it means they are one, or all of the following - they are:
- brainwashed
- scared
- stupid
- liars
- hypocrites

Liars seems to be his favourite catch-all.

This personal introspection, vikorr, will do you a world of good.

I use liars with you, ll, Setanta, farmerman, ... because that is all that you folks have done. Lying by omission is one of your all time favorites.

Never, not a once have you, or the usual suspects, provided any evidence for YOUR USGOCT.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 06:13 pm
Just as you obviously forget, or don't read what I write. I have no attachment to 9-11 theories, and I don't care enough about any of them to provide evidence for any of the theories. I hold an opinion, and make it very clear its an opinion. I've stated it may be wrong, but I doubt it. Your incessant demands that I provide evidence for something I have little attachment to (theories either way), and the subsequent ongoing personal attacks / insults that you throw my way... I cannot see any rationality in it.

Opinions are fine, but repeating the same innanity over and over and over and over... (you get the picture)...is quite creepy.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 06:15 pm
Do you not remember, nb, when Jon Stewart knocked the stuffing out of Tucker and caused the demise of CrossFire, was that its name??? I forget the guy on the liberal side, Begala?????
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 06:18 pm
Stephen Colbert Issues Hilariously Sarcastic Defense Of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson

“Do you think he likes being a hypocrite? No, but it’s part of his job,” joked “The Late Show” host.

By Lee Moran

Did Stephen Colbert actually just defend Fox News’ Tucker Carlson?

Well, yes. And no.

On Friday’s episode of “The Late Show,” host Colbert waded into Carlson’s beef with Michael Avenatti, the attorney for former porn star Stormy Daniels.

Earlier this week, Carlson again dubbed Avenatti the “creepy porn lawyer” as he criticized “The View” for dedicating three segments to him and Daniels.

Avenatti responded on Twitter:

Michael Avenatti

Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson @TuckerCarlson: Do you truly expect people to believe that you have never viewed porn? When is the last time you viewed porn? You demean my client and me because of her profession, meanwhile you are an absolute hypocrite. Nobody likes a hypocrite.
12:29 AM - Sep 13, 2018

Colbert couldn’t help but be faux outraged at the reply.

“That is a low blow, Avenatti. You leave Tucker alone,” he sarcastically said.

Colbert continued:

“Do you think he likes being a hypocrite? No, but it’s part of his job. Yes, over the years, Tucker has debased himself. He has degraded his reputation by saying disgusting things with his mouth all in front a camera for the cheap thrills of an audience of old men just for a few dollars, but he needed the money. Look, all I’m saying is being Tucker Carlson is a legitimate profession. You just shudder to think of your children growing up to do it. He’s somebody’s little boy.”

Colbert’s show was pre-taped Thursday, so he didn’t even get into Avenatti’s showdown with Carlson on his show that night.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 06:24 pm
Just as you obviously forget, or don't read what I write.



You engaged fully, you advanced your silly notions, ideas, etc, about 9/11 ALWAYS without any evidence or reasoned argument. You are still here doing the same thing with the addition that you are trying to squirm out of your lies.

How long has it been, how many weeks, that you have been playing this ongoing game of vikorr dishonesty?

[see Three Dog Night above]

I have no attachment to 9-11 theories, and I don't care enough about any of them to provide evidence for any of the theories.

You're still here, advancing your lies, your perfidy, your lame attempts to bash me as a way to minimize the science, evidence, facts you can't address that show YOUR USGOCT has no validity.

If you were a rational person, you would see and admit to your ongoing lack of truth, honesty, knowledge of the subject.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 06:25 pm
Apparently, anyone that talks about 9-11 with you is invested in it Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 06:32 pm
I always get a big kick from a post of someone pointing out or highlighting others hypocrisy when they are guilty of the same thing.

Don't you too, neptuneblue?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 06:48 pm
Anyone who discusses anything with me, when they are honest, gets a good rational discussion.

Do you think that a sniveling coward who can't address all the impossibilities of the very theory they are pretending to believe in, for whatever reasons that might be, should not get called out on their lies, their dishonesty, their total inability to provide any evidence for their position?

That would be the same person who engaged, of their own doing, on this issue.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 06:53 pm
You are still here, after all this time, still being the same dishonest person you were from the get go, still with zero evidence to support your position.

Still trying to crawl away from your self induced train wreck.

Why have you never addressed any of the myriad impossibilities of the USGOCT when you know full well that they crush the USG official story?

You can't possibly think that your behavior in that regard is remotely honest.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 07:01 pm
Here is Tucker Carlson attempting to bury the truth of 9/11 way back in 2005 in an interview with Dr Steven Jones, who authored the paper, Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?

Professor Steven Jones on MSNBC - Tucker Carlson


Another dandy example that illustrates clearly that MSM are the enemies of the people, enemies of the truth, people who cover up for liars, war criminals, terrorists, baby killers, ... .

0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2018 07:02 pm
Why would I feel the need to address all the 'impossibilities'? I've seen many examples of experts who got it utterly wrong. I've seen examples of things that even had experts stumped. You throw up some interesting questions, but they come with question of their own (this by the way, is not a discussion of 9-11...it is a discussion of concepts). I don't have any investment in any of the versions of how it came down, so there is even less reason to do so.

That would be the same person who engaged, of their own doing, on this issue.
Yes, silly me. If I'd known that discussing with you meant I was invested in it, and expected to prove the US govt version, and disprove yours...I would never have bothered even talking with you. Certainly if I'd known how fixated you are, not only would I have not bothered, but I would have actively avoided posting anything at all relating to it.

If anyone bothers to go back and look at my last what 50 posts where you keep badgering, sane people will see that this explanation fits perfectly with how I've talked with you.

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