Shep Smith: Journalists are not the enemy of the people

Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 12:20 pm
I don't know any American today that blames German citizens for what happened so long ago.

Stop with the focusing on little inanities, mm.

The Germans stopped their war crimes, genocides, terrorism, ... . The US went into overdrive after WWII and hasn't stopped at all. The US has been doing this for its entire existence. It isn't remotely close to what the propaganda says, it is, and has always been deeply evil. We know this because of the relentless deeply evil acts over the centuries.

And Shep Smith and his ilk provide cover for all US evil this just as Goebbels did for the Nazis.

Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 12:25 pm
Germany didn't really do much to America, unlike London, New York never suffered a blitz. A far better analogy would be the 9/11 bombing. That spawned virulent Islamophobia which resulted in the illegal invasion of Iraq, inertia in Syria, backing military coups in Egypt, creation of Islamic State, and the use of American weapons to blow up a school bus full of kids in Yemen.

Domestically it's lead to the rise of the far right with Nazis openly marching and a president who won't say a word against them.

I bet you know plenty of Americans who hate Muslims.
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 12:28 pm
[quotStop with the focusing on little inanities, mm. e][/quote]

I replied to your statement.
If you don't want me to respond to what you say, don't say it.
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 12:29 pm
nimh wrote:
I'm guessing we agree that Donald Trump is a bigot; and that it would be a little silly to pull posts that point this out.

I'm guessing we also agree that Setanta is not a bigot. But that there is a user or two on a2k who is.

#45 isn't a member of the board (that I know of) - call him what you want. literally anything

Setanta is a member of the board. No name-calling. Directly or indirectly.


That's how I look at it. I may think 2/3rd's of the posters are asswipes but I don't say it (on the board).

Name calling is fine? ok then. Have at it.

Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 12:33 pm
Germany didn't really do much to America, unlike London, New York never suffered a blitz.

Ahhhhh, you poor dears. Maybe if you all had treated Germany in a more decent fashion after WWI, WWII might never have happened.

And why no mention of the UK long history of war crimes, terrorism, illegally and immorally invading the poor nations to steal their wealth?

A far better analogy would be the 9/11 bombing. That spawned virulent Islamophobia which resulted in the illegal invasion of Iraq, inertia in Syria, backing military coups in Egypt, creation of Islamic State, and the use of American weapons to blow up a school bus full of kids in Yemen.

Gee, Izzy, you make it sound like you have never heard of Tony Blair.

Domestically it's lead to the rise of the far right with Nazis openly marching and a president who won't say a word against them.

I bet you know plenty of Americans who hate Muslims.

There's no shortage of those types in your country, actually any western country.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 12:33 pm
camlok wrote:
German death camp guards never got away with the "I was only doing my job" routine.

you do have a point there


explains this in part eh

Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 12:34 pm
Setanta is a member of the board.

That's good, I am "bored" when I read his posts. See how that works?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 12:35 pm
[quotStop with the focusing on little inanities, mm. e][/quote]

Why is it that you still need help with spelling and formatting?

I replied to your statement.
If you don't want me to respond to what you say, don't say it.

One expects more than inanities in a discussion forum. If that is all you are capable of then perhaps you ought to retire.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 12:37 pm
What is your point, ehBeth?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 02:39 pm
The United States, as concerns the Germans, mostly suffered from the U-boat attacks. American merchant shipping lost 14,000,000 tons of shipping, and about 20,000 merchant seamen. As far as the bombing of England went, the Americans paid their price in the skies over Germany--more than 30,000 American aircrew were killed. The Germans never developed heavy bombers such as the RAF and the USAAF employed. What bombers they did have were largely diverted east in mid-1941 with the invasion of the Soviet Union.

Playing a numbers and blame game is odious. Everybody suffered in the second world war, everybody.
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 02:46 pm
Playing a numbers and blame game is odious.

The United States, as concerns the Germans, mostly suffered from the U-boat attacks. American merchant shipping lost 14,000,000 tons of shipping, and about 20,000 merchant seamen. As far as the bombing of England went, the Americans paid their price in the skies over Germany--more than 30,000 American aircrew were killed

M-W: Definition of hypocrisy
plural hypocrisies
1 : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel
His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters.; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion

0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 02:49 pm
Everybody suffered in the second world war, everybody.

Why didn't the USA take note of that and refrain from inflicting such immense pain and suffering on so many tens of millions in Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Indonesia, ... ?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 23 Aug, 2018 03:20 pm
The one good thing that came out from WWII was the GI Bill that allowed the returning military men and women to attend college. That gave a good boost to our economy. https://eh.net/encyclopedia/the-american-economy-during-world-war-ii/
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2018 02:32 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

We have a legal system that strives for equality. That there are individuals who are bigots/racists in government is the only danger. Trump is a good example of that. His border wall and banning all Muslims from entering our country has many supporters, but the supporters of the Constitution should override those actions. Trump is only good at dividing our country like no other president in contemporary times. It's because of his ignorance and immaturity. He speaks as if all Mexicans are "criminals and rapists." That only proves his ignorance. US born citizens commit more crimes than illegal and legal citizens of this country.
While any death is tragic, a February 2018 study by the Cato Institute using 2015 crime statistics from Texas found immigrants in the country illegally were 25 percent less likely to be convicted of homicide than native-born Americans. (Legal immigrants were 87 percent less likely.)

Trump is ignorant of the facts, and he spreads lies to all Americans. That's a greater tragedy for our country.

Many Americans also seem to forget that all of us except for Native Americans are descendants of immigrants. I'm third generation American and have been told by whites in my youth to "go back to your own country." Bigotry still exists today.

I have said these same things to democrats for years and they have never been for eliminating border restrictions. The only reason they are pretending to not favor US citizens currently is because they feel secure that doing so won't have any effect.

What's more, they only want insecure borders because it allows grey traffic to pass through to carry the things liberals like, i.e. drugs, sex, and other cheap migrant labor. Democrats favor capitalism only to the extent it allows them to exploit people to serve them economically. If there was real equality where everyone had to shoulder the same economic burdens, they would support the same kind of tax-based colonialism that the British were using against the colonists to get things for free from the colonies. In fact, this is exactly the same feudal exploitation that the southern plantations were using against the slaves.

Ever wonder why the Democrats and European/Asian socialists get along so well? It is because they cooperate in a system of global capitalism that coordinates the roles of different countries in a way that benefits the elite in all countries at the expense of independence and liberty of the people. If you disagree, tell me why wouldn't Europe simply support Trump's interest in gaining more independence for the US economy? They don't support the democratic right of people to decide for themselves whether or not to participate in larger economic systems. They simply expect participation and cooperation and if people dissent by increasing borders/tariffs, they retaliate to try to force them to give up their position.

Europe/Asia and the democrats should be supporting US independence and reform in the many abuses of global trade that go on, but instead they are fighting against it because it undermines the profits and investment-growth that are their only concern.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2018 02:46 pm
What utter tommy-rot, that is a completely delusional and unrealistic point of view. Everyone acts in their own self-interest, everyone. Except, of course, for President Plump. He has started trade wars because he's too stupid to distinguish political rhetoric from reality, and those trade wars are not in the interest of the United States. The Chinese, in fact, have carefully crafter their response to the fat boy's tariffs, and it is hurting the very fools who voted for Plump in the first place.

It appears that you may truly have drunk the koolaid.
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2018 02:49 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Your incredible conceit doesn't serve you well, ci.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2018 02:56 pm
Hear hear!!!!

Except for one small item. Yes, everyone, well at least most everyone, "acts in their own self-interest".

The problem comes when someoneS, with a gigantic military, puts their incredibly greedy self interest so far above all the poor defenseless countries of the world that we see tens of millions slaughtered, hundreds of millions with their lives ruined. With their wealth that should be feeding their kids gone, filling the deep pockets of thieves.

That's when decent, honest people wish to see those who pretend they are good people hold their war criminal/terrorist governments to account.

The USA is completely capable of dealing in international trade in a fair and equitable manner. When do you think this should happen?
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2018 04:57 pm
camlok wrote:

Hear hear!!!!

Except for one small item. Yes, everyone, well at least most everyone, "acts in their own self-interest".

The problem comes when someoneS, with a gigantic military, puts their incredibly greedy self interest so far above all the poor defenseless countries of the world that we see tens of millions slaughtered, hundreds of millions with their lives ruined. With their wealth that should be feeding their kids gone, filling the deep pockets of thieves.

That's when decent, honest people wish to see those who pretend they are good people hold their war criminal/terrorist governments to account.

The USA is completely capable of dealing in international trade in a fair and equitable manner. When do you think this should happen?

American exceptionalism and the view of the US as the world's superpower is a cultural tactic that benefits non-US economies by stimulating investment in the US and making it difficult for US citizens to live abroad the way migrants of other national identities can.

Think of it this way: all over the world people view the US as a military and economic superpower, so they view it as a safe economy to invest their money. So the US gets all this investment pumped into its markets and people living in the US greedily accept the task of taking and spending and making all that money, but ultimately it is the foreign investors who are exploiting the economic activities within the US for long-term gains, while people within the US are mostly just living in debt.

Now, what happens if you see through this superficial belief that the US is the best place to live because of all the investment? If you go someplace else to live, no one will want to hire you or do business with you except with the idea that you can be used as a way to tap into the big money in the US. So basically you can go live wherever you want outside the US as long as you're bringing in money to satisfy the locals, but the moment you aren't, they will want you to find more US money and bring it to 'their' economy, so you will always be expected to make money from American and invest/spend it there, never will you be welcome to simply leave the US economy and operate within another, at least as long as there are people there who can do whatever it is that you can do.
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2018 05:06 pm
You apparently have little knowledge of any of the fundamentals of political science or economics or history or ... .
Reply Fri 24 Aug, 2018 05:20 pm
camlok wrote:

You apparently have little knowledge of any of the fundamentals of political science or economics or history or ... .

That's silly. You just say that because you don't want to give serious consideration to what I just explained. You have certain conclusions that you want reinforced and so you ignore/dismiss anything that doesn't resonate with those conclusions/assumptions.

Ask yourself this: why do so many rich people go to Europe or elsewhere to spend their money? Answer: because the quality of life is better and society is more peaceful. Why is that the case? Answer: because those governments limit investment and other social-economic aspects of society in ways that prevent the kind of horrors that go on in the US rat race, such as sprawl, traffic congestion, drugs/sex trafficking, etc. They are basically the world's gated communities. Just as rich people in the US live in gated communities far from civil strife, so are there global gated communities where strife is limited by investing in lucrative foreign markets and bringing the money home to the local community.

Where money is invested is where you don't want to live. Where you want to live is where the money goes after it is collected and distributed. So the world invests its money in economies like the US, China, Brazil, etc. where it causes a lot of strife and then the cream is skimmed off to fund places like Europe and gated communities throughout the world, where the bad aspects of the economy are filtered out by keeping them elsewhere. The US just happens to be a major 'elsewhere,' i.e. a market where people can be exploited for profits and welfare-funding of the gated communities of this world, including Europe and other social-cultural paradises.

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