Fri 3 Aug, 2018 05:40 am
Of course it is! And it is all used to have public support for the very creepy Agenda 21 , now called Agenda 2030.
getting people out of rural areas, putting them into mega cities, plug into the smartgrid, use smartmeters, smartphones, TIoT, and on it goes.
Until we will be plugged into the 'cloud' and controlled by AI, so we all can become zombies. Just like the 'smartphone zombies" today!
What a world.
of course you think it is...
@Region Philbis,
o good, you disagree, that is ok with me. Can you explain why?
one example out of many --
Quote:It is these types of heatwaves that scientists have been warning would be a consequence of warming the planet through greenhouse gas emissions.
"The impacts of climate change are no longer subtle," said Michael Mann, a climate scientist and director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University.
"We are seeing them play out in real time in the form of unprecedented heatwaves, floods, droughts and wildfires. And we've seen them all this summer," he said.
@Region Philbis,
"Michael Mann"
Duh? wasn't he the clown from the graph with the hockeystick which was completely made up?
And CNN as a source? Don't you know CNN stands for Criminal New Network?
Quote:...wasn't he the clown from the graph with the hockeystick which was completely made up?
No. You've been confused by the anti-environmental propaganda pushed by fossil fuel corporations and their right-wing groupies. The graph wasn't "completely made up". It merely emphasizes the rapid increase in the rate of global warming.
Quote:More than two dozen reconstructions, using various statistical methods and combinations of proxy records, have supported the broad consensus shown in the original 1998 hockey-stick graph, with variations in how flat the pre-20th century "shaft" appears.[12][13] The 2007 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report cited 14 reconstructions, 10 of which covered 1,000 years or longer, to support its strengthened conclusion that it was likely that Northern Hemisphere temperatures during the 20th century were the highest in at least the past 1,300 years.[14] Over a dozen subsequent reconstructions, including Mann et al. 2008 and PAGES 2k Consortium 2013, have supported these general conclusions.
Quote:Don't you know CNN stands for Criminal New Network?
No. It stands for "Cable News Network". Cite any criminal activity on its part and you might have a case.
"No. You've been confused by the anti-environmental propaganda pushed by fossil fuel corporations and their right-wing groupies. "
Without giving any evidence given. Hm very interesting.
"No. It stands for "Cable News Network". Cite any criminal activity on its part and you might have a case."
Oh. Ah well how about 98% of their news items?!
Quote:Without giving any evidence given.
The "evidence" is your parroting of misinformation. The link I provided shows you to be ignorant of the facts.
Quote:Ah well how about 98% of their news items?!
If 98% of their "news items" demonstrate criminal activity it should be easy for you to provide a few examples. You haven't.
go ahead, trust them!
But don't forget the many c.i.a. agenst within C.N.N.
buts just naively trust hem go on!
OldGrumpy wrote:
go ahead, trust them!
But don't forget the many c.i.a. agenst within C.N.N.
buts just naively trust hem go on!
Thankfully, according to your sinister global warming plans, humanity will be zombified in mega cities and probably not care one way or another about CNN agents in the CIA. According to zombie lore, they'll solely be interested in eating brains.
No worries though: if I look at what you post, I'm pretty sure you won't be a target for brain munching anytime soon...
"The link I provided shows you to be ignorant of the facts."
I am sorry but a link to a cnn article isn't convincing for me.
You mean you're too lazy to even investigate the link? It's not from CNN.
Reading is an art form, isn't it? You are quoting this particular post by Region Philbis:
Region Philbis wrote:
one example out of many --
Quote:It is these types of heatwaves that scientists have been warning would be a consequence of warming the planet through greenhouse gas emissions.
"The impacts of climate change are no longer subtle," said Michael Mann, a climate scientist and director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University.
"We are seeing them play out in real time in the form of unprecedented heatwaves, floods, droughts and wildfires. And we've seen them all this summer," he said.
While hightor made another post entirely, complete with a different link:
hightor wrote:
Quote:...wasn't he the clown from the graph with the hockeystick which was completely made up?
No. You've been confused by the anti-environmental propaganda pushed by fossil fuel corporations and their right-wing groupies. The graph wasn't "completely made up". It merely emphasizes the rapid increase in the rate of global warming.
Quote:More than two dozen reconstructions, using various statistical methods and combinations of proxy records, have supported the broad consensus shown in the original 1998 hockey-stick graph, with variations in how flat the pre-20th century "shaft" appears.[12][13] The 2007 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report cited 14 reconstructions, 10 of which covered 1,000 years or longer, to support its strengthened conclusion that it was likely that Northern Hemisphere temperatures during the 20th century were the highest in at least the past 1,300 years.[14] Over a dozen subsequent reconstructions, including Mann et al. 2008 and PAGES 2k Consortium 2013, have supported these general conclusions.
Quote:Don't you know CNN stands for Criminal New Network?
No. It stands for "Cable News Network". Cite any criminal activity on its part and you might have a case.
But of course, it's so difficult to keep two people with different style, a different avatar and a different name separate from each other...
I agree.
wow lots of Grumpy Old men here. lol
IPCC yeah we know we can trust that one!? NOT!