@Real Music,
"That's nice. You are entitled to deny science if that is what you wish to do."
Well, if you read the quotes above you see 'science' is used for political reasons.
"I am just happy that the people who design, build, and maintain the planes we fly on know something about science."
Designing, building and maintaining has nothing to do with 'science' but with 'technology' and no, 'technology, against popular opinion, has nothing to do with 'science'. Engineers have my highest respect for what they do. scientists are just people inventing gobbledygook, to keep a living and nothing more. Not worth nothing else. They are useless.
"I am also happy that the doctors who could one day be operating on me know something about science."
Well, then how come 'doctoring' is the 3rd cause of death in the usa?
But too be fair, 'medicine'' is good for help with accidents, like broken legs and thinks like that. In the lang haul they are no good at all.
I will do everything in my power to prevent to get in a hospital,