Thu 3 Mar, 2005 06:09 am
I, for some bizarre reason have had an idea for flushing.
I think that depending on what ....(sorry cant do this without using certain words)depending on wether it was a poo or a wee only a certain amount of water is needed to flush it away.
I think less water for a wee, more for a poo.
Would it be a good idea to invent a toilet with 2 flush buttons on it, releasing 2 different amounts of water depending on whats in the bowl.
Therefore using less water and keeping water bills down.
Isn't this the theory for urinals? I know some one who came from a family with 7 boys - the dad had a urinal installed to save on water costs.
I think the difficulty is that the amount of water in the bowl to begin with. In order to get all the pee out, you would need to empty the entire bowl and then refill. If you could come up with a way to vary the amount of water in the bowl to begin with - perhaps press a button to add a little more water if doing number two before going? Man I am thinking too much about this crap (pun intended).
Good points tho I was thinking from a girly point of view.
Urinals have been made for woman(christ, can you believe that!!)but luckily havnt been plopular(pun also intended).
Thanks for the imagery, matrial girl.
Yuck, the idea of female urinals makes me shudder too!!!
It was literally a smaller urinal than the guys one with a shower curtain around it for privacy.
Over my rotting festering corpse!!
I meant the "PLOPular", but yeah, that too.
We had a water-less urinal installed in one of the bathrooms in my building last year. Not sure how it worked, but it did not use water, and obviously did not need to be flushed. Never did inquire into the technology, but I've noticed that within this past month they took out the darn thing, replacing it with a more conventional self-flushing model.
Material Girl
Material Girl, I recently bought a new toilet that has a higher seat for disabled people. One thing I like about it is that you can use a short pull on the flush handle and it gives a short flush good for just liquids. If you hold the handle down longer, the flush will last longer and get rid of all more solid material.
Bumblebeeboogie-Beautifully put.I wish Id been able think up that wording.
What a great invention.Looks like my idea has been pipped to the post.
Has anybody been to France?Ther are toilets ther that are just holes in the ground and your expected to squat over them!!
material girl wrote:Bumblebeeboogie-Beautifully put.I wish Id been able think up that wording.
What a great invention.Looks like my idea has been pipped to the post.
Has anybody been to France?Ther are toilets ther that are just holes in the ground and your expected to squat over them!!
I've been to Paris, and they have pay toilets on the streets. I didn't use one, but I believe it self-cleans after every use. My friend used one and said it was very clean.
We have those "hole toilets" in some places in the US.
We have some of those self-cleaning toilets here in Seattle. They're free...
And I think there's already a toilet with two "flush buttons" on the lid -- one for little water, one for lots.
Good idea, MG, but I believe it's been done.
yes, we have that sort of toilet - with two buttons for two different amounts of water- back at home - quite common in europe. and in india. probably everywhere where water is an issue. i don't recall squatting toilets in france - in turkey, morocco, india,yes, but not in france. or is that something new?