I don't think that is fair Neptune. I have presented my points rationally without attacking you. Let me summarize the points.
1. Abortion is a difficult issue because it involves the ending of a life. People who are against abortion believe that this ends a human life making it an immoral act. There is no objective way to determine at what point human life. Because of this, it is a moral issue that is difficult to resolve.
2. The women and men on the other side of the abortion issue are human beings, citizens and are exercising the same rights that you are to fight for their beliefs. Their purpose is to "protect life". The claims that these women and men "hate women" are personal attacks that completely miss the point.
3. Our society makes laws that restrict what we can do based on a societal sense of morality. If we return to a time where there are laws against abortion, these laws are not unique in the sense that they restrict what people living in society can do with their bodies. There are many such laws that tell us what we can do with our bodies including bans on selling our own kidneys, using drugs, and selling or buying sex.
You can make your points rationally, without attacking people who disagree with you.