There are lots of laws where society restricts what you can and can't do with your body. I have given you many examples. That is the only point that I am making with these examples.
You are claiming that a woman has a right to decide whether to end a pregnancy or not. Many people disagree with this claim. Most people who believe that an abortion ends a human life want abortion restricted... because our society doesn't allow the taking of human life except in very specific circumstances.
I notice that you are wording things to highlight the right of a woman over her own body. I am wording the same thing to highlight the fact that abortion ends a human life. These word games don't change the fact that
there are two sides to this issue.
I understand that you believe that a woman has the right to decide. I don't see this as an absolute right particularly if you consider the fetus to be a human life. But this is a disagreement over values, not over facts.
However, It is factually wrong to say that society can't tell men or women what they can or can't do with their bodies. Society does that all of the time, and you agree with it at least some of the time.