Thanks Linkat, your advice really helps! I feel a whole lot better. I never thought of it the way you put it.
I'll get an appropriate list together of answers to all of the standard questions and practice my response for when I'm asked.
I'll also think of it this way: I'm interviewing THEM to see if this is a good position I'd like to work in. Just like you said. And I'm sure it'll make it seem like I'm confident and have a passion to do to, and in turn it will make me look like someone they'd want to hire.
And as far as my shyness issues, I'll work around them one way or another. It's difficult to keep a conversation going and everything feels extremely awkward, but I'll try to work past it.
I guess there's nothing wrong with bragging about my achievements. It's just really awkward when they ask something like, "why do you want to work here?"
I could give the standard answer where I say it's because I'd like to contribute to the community and the company, but that's really awkward, but like I said I will find a way to work around the awkwardness.
Thanks again Linkat, your advice really helped me regain my confidence
PS: and what should my attire be when I go for an interview? The obvious answer is don't wear casual clothing, but I don't really have any fancy dress shirts and ties. And I wouldn't look good in them either because I'm a girl, and I'm sort of a tomboy so I have no dresses or anything, but I do wear really nice flannel shirts, nice leather boots, and jeans(nice and new looking ones) so my attire isn't casual really but it's not super-fancy either. I could send you a picture if you'd like.
I was just curious as to if attire makes a big difference, and what kind of attire they like to see.