The Independent's comment:
Quote: Leading Articles
Publish or be damned
25 March 2005
A brutal prospect now faces the British Government. It is that unless and until it publishes the full documentation behind the legal advice to go to war in Iraq, the impression will grow that it took the country into an illegal war, threw its troops into battle and at the cost of the lives of tens of thousands of civilians on the basis of a false prospectus and fluctuating advice from its senior law officer.
It's a quandary entirely of Tony Blair's own making. Yesterday in the Commons, the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, repeated the old mantras that convention demands that legal advice be always kept discreet and that the advice of the Attorney General was finally clear and unequivocal. But what he also accepted was that Lord Goldsmith's advice had changed in the weeks immediately prior to the war for reasons he refused to divulge.
This is no mere matter of legal niceties or party politics. We are talking here not of some minor government political embarrassment or policy point. We are talking of a country going to war and the reasons it did so. The question of the legality of that war and the Attorney General's advice was absolutely crucial to the willingness of the armed forces to undertake the campaign, of parliament's support for it and of the public's acceptance of so drastic and terrible a step.
The point of the Attorney General's advice, given finally in a summary parliamentary answer on 17 March, is that it (alongside the evidence of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction) was used to convince the country to undertake a step they might very well have refused if they had known the full facts.
The decision to go to war had been made early on. Once it was made, the Prime Minister turned to his legal officers, and his intelligence chiefs, to find the reasons to justify that decision and give him legal cover.
We now know, thanks to the evidence before the Butler review as well as the letter of resignation of the Foreign Office lawyer, Elizabeth Wilmhurst, finally revealed this week, that the Government's legal officers initially took the view that an invasion of Iraq could not be legally justified on either grounds of self defence or on the basis of the resolutions of the United Nations, without further authority from the Security Council.
"My views," said Ms Wilmhurst in a paragraph deliberately blanked out by the Government when it released the letter in which she said she could not go along with a war she regarded as illegal, "accord with the advice that has been given consistently in this office before and after the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 1441 and with what the Attorney General gave us to understand was his view prior to his letter of 7 March."
It is that 13-page letter of 7 March that the Government refuses to release, although we know, partly from the evidence to Lord Hutton, that it was full of caveats about the war. Those doubts led the Attorney General to insist that the Government put in writing its assurance that there was real proof that Saddam Hussein was in breach of the terms of the UN resolutions demanding he disarm.
His advice, in the words of the Hutton report, "did require the Prime Minister, in the absence of a further UN Security Council resolution, to be satisfied that there were strong factual grounds for concluding that Iraq had failed to take the final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations under relevant resolutions of the Security Council and that it was possible to demonstrate hard evidence of non-compliance and non- co-operation with the requirements of Security Council Resolution 1441, so as to justify the conclusion that Iraq was in further material breach of its obligations."
Ten days later, Lord Goldsmith gave his final verdict in a written answer to Parliament shorn of all caveats and any doubts that the Government did have the authority of the UN to go to war.
What changed his mind in those 10 days? No new evidence of Saddam's intentions or weaponry had been found. The UN inspectors said they needed more time. A second resolution was failing.
Jack Straw says that a lawyer has a right to change his mind or to firm-up his opinions. Robin Cook, the former Foreign Secretary, suggests that it was not the evidence but the failure of a second resolution and the US military timetable that was forcing the legal advice to back it.
At this stage we can't know, not for certain. All we do know is that this country went to war on the basis of intelligence that proved to be deeply flawed, if not deliberately manipulated, and a legal advice that mysteriously altered from the equivocal to the certain in the last days before the invasion.
Only full disclosure can begin to answer some of the questions raised by that enterprise. Parliament can insist on publication, so can the Information Commissioner, charged with overseeing the Freedom of Information Act. Both should act now. This is too important an issue to be pushed aside with cavils about precedent and the proprieties of an election that has yet to be called.
Just letting you know that I am reading with interest, Walter -
"The Independent" campaign still rumbling along nicely. I read the newspaper, of course, but have been away for a few days. Thanks to Walter for posts.
Mr Blair's party, New Labour, has long ago sought to put these matters behind it, but people are not so easily fooled, and Mr Blair should not be able to survive lying to Parliament and the country.
I don't know why I've only just found this thread...
but it seems pretty obvious with hindsight that the decision to invade Iraq was made earlier than USUK like to admit, and their major problem was coming up with some legal justification. They settled on wmd, but this wasnt watertight without another UN resolution. By the time they failed to get it, the machinery of war was already rumbling. Therefore pressure was put on the Attorney General to pronounce as legal what he had until then said was illegal or of doubtful legality.
After all if you make your old flat-mate a Lord of the Realm and give him a seat in cabinet, you're entitled to ask the odd favour. Isn't that how it works?
If he lied he should go.
As for the post-facto justifications that Saddam had to be taken out - if was necessary then why not just come out and tell the people the truth? Why cycle through a stream of lies? We might have been okay with taking him out because he was a murdering bastard if that was the reason. But we know that wasn't the reason. We know those oil reserves had to be secured before anyone else could get them.
We've all been lied to and there's nothing we can do about it.
Well actually goodfielder, there is something we (or maybe I) can do.
I have it on good authority that Blair will call a general election next Tuesday for 5th May. Labour voters should make their vote conditional on Blair announcing an early date for his resignation.
I would regard that as an excellent birthday present Steve :wink:
Well in case it slips my mind, happy birthday!
Worth a listen: UK Foreign Secretary
Jack Straw on the BBC's Today programme on Monday this week (link may expire on 2nd May).
As I'm sure you're aware, the full legal advice from 7 March 2003 has finally been released, see the
Guardian article which gives a PDF download link.
Thanks for your responses, partyfriend.
Meanwhile, this subject is discussed on the various elections threads as on the Iran thread (and all you given links have been posted there as well).