Brandon9000 wrote:McTag wrote:Iraq could not subjugate my Aunt Fanny.
Whoever said "Truth is the first casualty of war" certainly knew what they were saying.
Easy to say, but easily shown false. I said millions killed or subjugated. An Iraq with nukes or effective bioweapons could kill millions and use the mere knowledge of what it possessed to force it's neighbors to give ground in disputes. Hence, because of the gravity of the consequences if Iraq did still have WMD and development programs, we went in to find out for certain. If you'd like to tell me that an Iraq with serious WMD couldn't kill on a massive scale or dominate its neighbors, start talking.
Pakistan has fissile material, and a lot of people who wish us harm. And it has sold nuclear technology to unstable areas.
Iran is getting there too, helped by Mr Putin.
Both of the above (Pak, Rus) are our allies.
Meanwhile, we attack Iraq, which could not do us harm, and did not do us harm, and create a whole new breeding ground of people who wish us harm.
If you think this is sensible, start talking on another thread.