Wed 23 Feb, 2005 08:31 am
Here in the UK, 400+ food products are feared to have Sudan 1.
Sainsbury,Somerfield,Waitrose and Morrisons products are affected.
Ready meals and Sausages are among products affected.
here in american they are finding alot of ingredience that are cancer causing as well. And for some reason.. they are not taken off the market, made to change the ingredience, or even putting warning labels on them.
This is the main reason I have changed my diet. I now do not eat packaged foods. The only things I buy pre packaged are breads, and some vegan/vegetarian foods. Bet those are few and far between.
it is scary to think that the food that we are being sold to ' survive' will actually kill us faster then nature..
Here is a site listing food containing Sudan 1
effective dates to February 18, 2005
I understand the alert has spread to 15 other countries;Canada Ireland(EIRE) and Malta among others.
I understand they have yet more items with Sudan1