Mon 21 May, 2018 07:55 pm
Hi everyone,
I’m doing an assignment where I was training my dog to sit. I want to compare 4 different levels (baseline, calm environments, excited environments & all environments) the last 3 levels had primary reinforcement and the baseline did not. I did a FR1-FR3 for 2 levels and VR5 for the last level.
I believe I can not use a one way anova as they are dependent values (done on the same subject). However I also don’t think I can use repeated measure anova as each level has different number of values (7,15,7,8). Is that correct? Does that mean that I can’t do any anylisis as not able to do chi square as not independent values or multiple t tests as it increases type 1 error. Also I was concerned with the small sample size. I remember reading that the minimum sample size of the total number of levels + 1 so I would be ok, but I’m having trouble working out the minimum sample size from a power analysis.
Thanks for your help