Liberals - Practice Conservative Argument Techniques

Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 10:19 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Gosh, that's easy to blurt out ....

You'd think that. Conservatives are so practised at blurting out such condescending pointless nonsense.

Uh, you do spot the parody and humour, right? I seem a little off tonight.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 10:21 am
Foxfyre wrote:
....being cleaned by those 'white niggers' Senator Byrd was talking about recently.


As the link indicates, "not found" I'll apparently have to search for it. But you've failed to provide us with the title of the article. Could you please do that, so I can see the comments in question in their context? Thank you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 10:35 am
Apparently the Post archived the article since I posted the link.

Here's the CNN version which is similar however:

Top Senate Democrat apologizes for slur
March 4, 2001
Web posted at: 2:21 p.m. EST (1921 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd apologized Sunday for a slur he used during a discussion of race relations in a nationally broadcast interview.

In an interview taped Friday for "Fox News Sunday," Byrd, 83, was asked about race relations in the United States.

"They are much, much better than they've ever been in my lifetime," Byrd said, but added that he believed people talk about race too much.

"My old mom told me, 'Robert, you can't go to heaven if you hate anybody.' We practice that. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."

In apologizing, Byrd -- the Senate's senior Democrat -- said the phrase dated back to his childhood. In the same interview, Byrd also talked about joining the Ku Klux Klan in his youth, describing it as a mistake.

Interviewer Tony Snow did not ask Byrd about his use of the expression. But after the videotaped segment was played, Snow noted that Byrd had later apologized for his choice of words.

In a statement released by his office and read on Fox, Byrd expressed regret for the words.

"I apologize for the characterization I used on this program," he said. "The phrase dates back to my boyhood and has no place in today's society.

"As for my language, I had no intention of casting aspersions on anyone of another race," he said. "In my attempt to articulate strongly held feelings, I may have offended people."

"Unfortunately," he added, "there are people in every race who would rather attack others simply because of ill-conceived, false stereotypes based on skin color. People who do this are obstacles to positive race relations and become the stereotypes that they despise. But by working together and continually improving the understanding between the races, we can overcome these narrow-minded people and the obstacles that they represent."

His use of the term came about in his answer to a question about civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who recently admitted that he had an extramarital affair and fathered a child out of wedlock.

Byrd said he had "never been an enthusiastic admirer of Jesse Jackson" but that Jackson "made a bad mistake."

"We all make mistakes. I made a mistake when I was a young man -- it's always been an albatross around my neck -- in joining the Ku Klux Klan," Byrd said. "We all make mistakes. We can strive to overcome them. That's his situation. What he and his God work out between themselves, that's their business

And Michelle Malkin's take on it:

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 11:07 am
Thank you thank you thank you, Foxfire for this wonderful example of conservative dirty tricks. Notice, as you read how there is no mention whatsoever about Robert Byrd's apology, none. His explanation about his ex-Klansmanship, she ignores completely.

Notice the repetition at the beginning of each paragraph. Too bad she didn't consult further with Luntz before publishing, because if she had, she would have known to capitalize and bold the word, "ex-klansman" each time she typed the heading of each paragraph. Excellent work, I'd say.

Notice how she doesn't mention GW's drinking, "youthful" kicking-up-his-heels behavior, or the fact that he was miraculously admitted to Yale, yada yada, the Air National Guard and yada yada without the grades or the credentials, short of his last little name to merit any of those privileges or honors. Oh, but that's right, only past mistakes for which the mistake-maker offers an apology are subject to ridicule by the lovely New Right sweeties. If there's no apology, there's no condemnation. Republicans don't make mistakes, they only goof up. But they never admit to that. That would be considered to be weakness.

Let's all try to learn from this fine example and go forth into the world. Let's stop sitting around being polite and playing defensively. Let's start kicking up some siht. What are we, a bunch of kitty-cats? oopsy, no gender related slur intended.

Michelle Malkin

Sen. Robert Byrd, ex-Klansman

http://www.jewishworldreview.com -- EX-KLANSMAN Robert Byrd, the senior senator from West Virginia, casually used the phrase "white nigger" twice on national TV this weekend. Enraged civil rights groups organized a protest campaign against Sen. Byrd and demanded that he undergo sensitivity training ... not. The ex-Klansman, you see, is a Democrat. Democrats can join hate groups and utter the ugliest racial slurs and get away with it because they are Democrats. They belong to the party of racial tolerance and understanding. They're paragons of virtue, and the rest of us are bigoted rubes.

The ex-Klansman showed his true colors when asked by Fox News Sunday morning talk show host Tony Snow about the state of race relations in America. Sen. Byrd warned: "There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."

The ex-Klansman, famed for Beltway blowhardism, should have quit talking a lot sooner. Why any prominent politician in his right mind would publicly and deliberately use the poisonous epithet "nigger" -- which most daily newspapers refuse to spell out, no matter the context -- is beyond comprehension. It's an open question as to whether the rant-prone, 83-year-old Byrd is even in his right mind, but senility doesn't excuse bigotry.

The ex-Klansman's admirers praise his historical knowledge, mastery of procedural rules, and outspokenness. They refer to the Senate's senior Democrat as the "conscience of the Senate." They downplay his white-sheet-wearing days as a "brief mistake" -- as if joining the Klan were like knocking over a glass of water. Oopsy.

This ex-Klansman wasn't just a passive member of the nation's most notorious hate group. According to news accounts and biographical information, Sen. Byrd was a "Kleagle" -- an official recruiter who signed up members for $10 a head. He said he joined because it "offered excitement" and because the Klan was an "effective force" in "promoting traditional American values." Nothing like the thrill of gathering 'round a midnight bonfire, roasting s'mores, tying nooses, and promoting white supremacy with a bunch of your hooded friends.

The ex-Klansman allegedly ended his ties with the group in 1943. He may have stopped paying dues, but he continued to pay homage to the KKK. Republicans in West Virginia discovered a letter Sen. Byrd had written to the Imperial Wizard of the KKK three years after he says he abandoned the group. He wrote: "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."

The ex-Klansman later filibustered the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act -- supported by a majority of those "mean-spirited" Republicans -- for more than 14 hours. He also opposed the nominations of the Supreme Court's two black justices, liberal Thurgood Marshall and conservative Clarence Thomas. In fact, the ex-Klansman had the gall to accuse Justice Thomas of "injecting racism" into the Senate hearings. Meanwhile, author Graham Smith recently discovered another letter Sen. Byrd wrote after he quit the KKK, this time attacking desegregation of the armed forces.

The ex-Klansman vowed never to fight "with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

If this ex-Klansman were a conservative Republican, he would never hear the end of his sordid past. "Ex-Klansman who opposed civil rights and black justices" would appear in every reference to Sen. Byrd. And even the "ex-" would be in doubt. Maxine Waters and Ralph Neas and Julianne Malveaux and Al Sharpton and all the other left-wing bloodhounds who sniff racism in every crevice of American life would be barking up a storm over Sen. Byrd's latest fulminations. Instead, the attack dogs are busy decrying latent racial bigotry where it doesn't exist, while the real thing roams wild and free in their own political backyard.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 11:18 am
Lash wrote:
No. If a lynchin' is all Trent got--it's all we'll do to Byrd. We do wanna be fair about this...

OK, Lash. Let's be fair. That means we lynch Georgie Boy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 11:29 am
Lola wrote:
Thank you thank you thank you, Foxfire for this wonderful example of conservative dirty tricks. Notice, as you read how there is no mention whatsoever about Robert Byrd's apology, none.

Really? ....

In apologizing, Byrd -- the Senate's senior Democrat -- said the phrase dated back to his childhood. In the same interview, Byrd also talked about joining the Ku Klux Klan in his youth, describing it as a mistake.

In a statement released by his office and read on Fox, Byrd expressed regret for the words.

"I apologize for the characterization I used on this program," he said. "The phrase dates back to my boyhood and has no place in today's society.

Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 11:32 am
More lessons for liberals if they wish to sound like conservatives:

Steven Ward: 'How to write like a conservative'
Posted on Thursday, March 10 @ 10:27:45 EST
By Steven Ward, Tufts Daily

In honor of Ann Coulter's visit to Tufts last night, here are some helpful hints for all of you aspiring right-wing pundits out there. Follow these carefully, and soon you too could be a syndicated columnist dumbing down political discourse in the pages of America's newspapers.

First, you have to choose what type of article you would like to write. While there are many types of conservative opinion pieces, three common categories are the following:

1. The Michelle Malkin Rantathon. First, choose an aspect of popular culture that you find offensive. This can be anything from Janet Jackson's breast to "Desperate Housewives" to low-cut jeans. Label it un-American, and claim it is a symptom of the downfall of society. Then completely ignore the fact that popular culture is created by market forces and that most large media and entertainment corporations are owned by conservatives and contribute heavily to the Republican Party. Now you are free to blame popular culture, and by extension, the downfall of society, on liberals.

2. The Ann Coulter Two-Step. Step 1. Choose a topic. Step 2. Write whatever crazy thing pops into your head as long as it is demonstrably false.

3. The Generic Conservative Student Opinion Article. Anyone who reads the Daily is familiar with these. The process begins with intense viewing of President Bush speaking. The writer must fully open his mind and allow the President's rhetoric to overcome his sense of reason. When the writer can take no more (allow plenty of time, this may take a while), he must quickly get out a piece of paper and regurgitate as much of what he has taken in as possible. The end product should include many uses of phrases such as "freedom is on the march," "ownership society," "culture of life," "compassionate conservatism" and, perhaps, "don't mess with Texas." Remember to read your work, carefully checking to make sure that no well-constructed and empirically supported argument has hidden itself amidst your beds of flowery rhetorical nothingness.

Now that you are well on your way to becoming a right-wing pundit, here are some additional tips. These can make all the difference in determining whether you turn into the next Bill O'Reilly or become the Alan Keyes of the media world.

Get your history book. Throw it out the window. Now, as an exercise in Academic Freedom, write your own history book. Do not include references to separation of church and state, deism, slavery, the Great Depression, McCarthyism, the Vietnam War, Watergate or the Clinton surplus. Include only one chapter on the 1990s and instead of writing it yourself, simply copy and paste the entire text of the Ken Starr Report.

Now get out your Bible. With your Sharpie, black out all the sections which do not specifically mention homosexuality. Now print the remaining passages on a three-by-five inch note card. This is your new Bible. Have it laminated.

Pose nude and post the pictures on the internet. Start a male escort service. Do not attend journalism school and do not pay your taxes. Change your name. Congratulations, you are now qualified to be a White House press correspondent. If anyone has the audacity to question your qualifications or the process by which you received your White House press credentials, he or she is clearly a raging homophobe. And, quite obviously, a slandering, treasonous liberal. If you can find any patriotism within this person (which is unlikely, considering the fact that all liberals are French-terrorist-communists who hate America) be sure to publicly question its authenticity.

Take quotes out of context to support ridiculous claims. Lie incessantly. When people object to your methods and disagree with your point of view, attack their patriotism.

Insist that all sectors of society, the media and academia for instance, which value objectivity have a liberal bias. Now use this claim to demand balance, in the form of ideological rants from the right. If someone does not agree that the media and academia are the two great cogs in the liberal/terrorist machine, attack his or her patriotism.

Sometimes journalism does not pay as well as you would like. Do not worry. If you run short of cash, the government will be happy to support you financially as long as you support it. Just make sure you vote Republican. And if anyone attacks you or the government for what may seem like unethical behavior, this person is probably either a racist or a terrorist, and of course, a dirty, dirty liberal. In any case, vehemently question his or her patriotism.

If you ever run out of things to write about, return to the basics. Ask yourself, what is the root of all that is un-American? Who embodies terrorism, communism, socialism, and fascism? No, not Osama Bin Laden, Josef Stalin, or Adolf Hitler. The answer, of course, is Bill Clinton. What other man would have a quadruple bypass to boost his favorables?

These guidelines were garnered from observing the very best: America's right-wing punditry dream team. Bill O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and many others have proven just how much they love America by transforming public political debate into something truly American - show business. You, too, can share in the continued fictionalization of the media. Just keep this list close to you and keep anything resembling an objective fact very far away. Don't believe me? Maybe you just don't love America enough.

Steven Ward is a junior majoring in international relations.

© 2005 The Tufts Daily

Reprinted from The Tufts Daily:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 11:54 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Lola wrote:
Thank you thank you thank you, Foxfire for this wonderful example of conservative dirty tricks. Notice, as you read how there is no mention whatsoever about Robert Byrd's apology, none.

Really? ....

In apologizing, Byrd -- the Senate's senior Democrat -- said the phrase dated back to his childhood. In the same interview, Byrd also talked about joining the Ku Klux Klan in his youth, describing it as a mistake.

In a statement released by his office and read on Fox, Byrd expressed regret for the words.

"I apologize for the characterization I used on this program," he said. "The phrase dates back to my boyhood and has no place in today's society.

Rolling Eyes

wrong article, Tico. Try again.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 12:45 pm
You are so nice and understanding when it comes to Tico. I wouldn't have let him off that easy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 02:34 pm
Lola wrote:
Lash wrote:
No. If a lynchin' is all Trent got--it's all we'll do to Byrd. We do wanna be fair about this...

OK, Lash. Let's be fair. That means we lynch Georgie Boy.

no need lola... just keep giving him rope. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 02:48 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
More lessons for liberals if they wish to sound like conservatives:

Steven Ward: 'How to write like a conservative'
Posted on Thursday, March 10 @ 10:27:45 EST

oh dookie. ooohhh dookie... why ?

why, ohhh whyyyyy???

whyyyy doooo yooo hate-ah america ?????

good piece, dooks. thanx for posting it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 03:27 pm
Lola wrote:
Lash wrote:
No. If a lynchin' is all Trent got--it's all we'll do to Byrd. We do wanna be fair about this...

OK, Lash. Let's be fair. That means we lynch Georgie Boy.

I don't know where you've been the past five years. He has been lynched daily for every conceivable thing under the sun.

It's Byrd's turn. And Howard Dean's. They're racists. They need to get in line for their turn at the tree trunk.

They consider pointing out facts to be dirty tricks. LOL!!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 03:30 pm
Dean a racist? This coming from a Republican supporter? Please!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 03:34 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Dean a racist? This coming from a Republican supporter? Please!


Think a Republican could say the following without being branded a racist by the left?

"You think the [Democratic] National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had the hotel staff in here."


*Edited to replace "Republican National Committee" with "Democratic National Committee."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 03:34 pm
Damn straight he's a racist.

Bigotry is not a Republican plank--though the party of the weasels has brainwashed the small-minded to think so--and think in one-dimensional terms.

If a Democrat is a racist--it's OK. If a Republican is a racist--well! We are OUTRAGED!!! Get a grip, and lose the fakery.

Some of you are as brain-washed as Islamofascists. THE WORLD IS ROUND!!! I SWEAR IT IS!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 03:39 pm
Oh, give me a break!

Dean points out the astonishingly true fact that the GOP is somewhat devoid of racial diversity. It's true. GOP analysts will tell you it's true. And the history of bigoted or racist speech from GOP members goes back a looooooong time.

Making that comment doesn't make him a racist.

You guys really need to grow up.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 03:43 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Dean a racist? This coming from a Republican supporter? Please!


Think a Republican could say the following without being branded a racist by the left?

"You think the [Democratic] National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had the hotel staff in here."


*Edited to exchange "Republican National Committee" for "Democratic National Committee."

We have seen some great shifts in domestic and international politics in the last few years--notably in the last few months.

The shift has been dramatic nationally, toward the conservatives. Liberal views are still present--but they are no longer the sole voice in this country. Now, that they have someone calling them on their bullshit, the spotlight they have so hypocritically been shining on conservatives has been turned around and is in their faces.

Black Americans are hearing reports now that they never would have heard under the liberal saturated press.

Hear me now and believe me later: The liberals will not be able to get away with their double standard any longer.

Blacks will be leaving the Dems over this, KKK Byrd, and other such racial atrocities.

Come on home to the party of Lincoln, baybees! Dean thinks the only reason you belong in a political meeting is if you're the hired help. Condi and Colin aren't mopping the floor---well, they ARE mopping up the Dems...

Damn. Smells like VICTORY!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 04:00 pm

Are African Americans then stupid for predominantly supporting the Democratic party and the liberal left according to the neocons?

What makes neocons the true racists is when you hear them talk about racism and hate aimed at a political party that is obviously a LOT more tolerant of minorities and homosexuals.

Which once again only demonstrate how little they know about racial diversity and civil rights.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 04:03 pm
Lash wrote:
.....Smells like VICTORY!

no. what you're smelling is the paint thinner you're huffing. and it's got you seein' things and yellin' at people. Laughing

quit complaining about how poor dubya is taken hits. it comes with the job.

and he still sits in the whitehouse. "his" republicans rule congress. "his"republicans run most of the states.

so you have everything you want. you are in control. and yet, it's still not enough.

or maybe it's too much. the republicans have all of the power now and all i hear is bitching and whining about how oppressed they are. jeeezzzzz

is it, perhaps, that now that the power has been consolidated, the all knowing, all seeing republicans don't know what to do??

i guess i'll just have to keep waiting to be impressed.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 04:07 pm
I think you need to put on your spectacles, granpa.

I didn't complain about George's hits. He's taken them just fine. But, we're ready to spread them around a little bit. The Dems aren't impervious to charges of racism--especially when they're GUILTY!

I haven't heard anyone complain here about oppression. I think you're reading something thats just not here.

But, watch and learn, dear. The GOP knows exactly what to do. Note the grand successes, and all the liberals who are finally giving George credit for his genius!!!

(This is fun.)
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