JustWonders wrote:Heading back to the 60's huh? LOL.
Were you around at the time?
Cycloptichorn wrote:You've got to be kidding. All the conservatives are doing is setting it up for another 60s revolution. And I'm all for it. I had a lot of fun in the 60s, so let's just do it again.
I agree! The conservatives are pushing too hard, and it's going to bite them in the arse.
If we can get some nice pan-spectrum virophages out of high technology in the next ten years or so, we could make the 60's look like a bunch of puritans sitting around sewing.... hee hee
And only sex can be more fun! Can't wait. Hilarious. The 60s followed the repressive 50s with Nixon/McCarthy in charge. Can you imagine what Bush/Rove will inspire? It's not going to be pretty.
Lola wrote:Ticomaya wrote:Lola wrote:Ticomaya wrote:<yawn> and bored.....
You didn't answer the question. Do you know about it?
You didn't see my hand in the air, did you?
I can't see your hand, Tico, so how would I know where it is at this moment?
Well, that's a valid question. But you were the one asking for a show of hands.............
I think I saw Karl's hand raised
Ticomaya wrote:Lola wrote:Ticomaya wrote:Lola wrote:Ticomaya wrote:<yawn> and bored.....
You didn't answer the question. Do you know about it?
You didn't see my hand in the air, did you?
I can't see your hand, Tico, so how would I know where it is at this moment?
Well, that's a valid question. But you were the one asking for a show of hands.............

I know it's hard for you to get allegory, but I had hoped it was a simple enough one even for the conservatives. Guess not.
I would like to know how many people know of these incidents. I'll bet it's not many.
JustWonders wrote:I think I saw Karl's hand raised

And yes, I'm sure Karl knows all about it.
JustWonders wrote:I think I saw Karl's hand raised

yep. the right one. sich!
sorry... that one was just to appitizing to pass up...
back from the baumy tropics, j.w. ?
Yeah, mon! 'Twas 89 and sunny when we got there and when we left, too LOL! I highly recommend it
Tax Reform
Tax Simplification
While a majority of Americans are generally in favor of tax reform, one-third of the population fears that they would end up paying more in taxes if the tax code was in fact reformed. However, almost all Americans believe they would personally benefit from a tax code that was simplified -- in terms of money they owe, time they spend and anxiety about the IRS. When more Americans fear the IRS than root-canal surgery, something should be done to simplify the tax code.
Inheritance/Estate Tax
The Death Tax
While a sizeable 68% of America thinks the Inheritance/Estate Tax is unfair, fully 78% think the Death Tax is unfair. And while a narrow majority would repeal the inheritance/estate tax, an overwhelming majority would repeal the death tax. If you want to kill the estate tax, call it a death tax.
A Global Economy/Globalization/Capitalization
Free Market Economy
More Americans are afraid of the principle of globalization than even privatization. The reason? Globalization represents something big, something distant and something foreign. It's the same reason why Americans like their local government but dislike Washington -- the closer you are, the more control you have. So instead of talking about the principles of globalization, instead emphasize "the value and benefits of a free market economy." Similarly, capitalism reminds people of harsh economic competition that yields losers as well as winners. Conversely, the free market economy provides opportunity to all and allows everyone to succeed.
Quote:Free Market Economy
What are they? Socialists? Everyone knows that nothing is free in a capitalist society.
The key is to distort their language every chance you get to make them appear to be out of touch. Make their "good" phrases into perjoratives. Make their "bad" phrases equivalent to them.
Free Market Economy equates "socialism"
Washington is "Republicans"
"Death tax" is what our grandkids are going to have to pay after we are dead because of the Republicans today. I like that one. Lets start talking about the "death tax" that Republicans are imposing on our children.
The death tax was initiated during the Clinton administration. The Republicans tried very hard to keep it from being passed.
It was one of those "why should the rich not have to pay more" whinings from the left. I am sure if the right had their druthers it would be dispensed of rather quickly.
Quote:The death tax was initiated during the Clinton administration. The Republicans tried very hard to keep it from being passed.
Do you mean the estate tax, McG?
Because if you do, you are completely rewriting history.
Quote: I want to know about the origin of the Federal estate tax. Can you tell me when it became part of the tax code and the rationale behind it?
Answer In 1916 Congress for the first time levied a tax upon the transfer of a decedent's net estate.
Your right, I gave a rather simplistic explanation.
Clinton vetoed the last attempt by Republicans to repeal the estate tax. I suppose I should have said that instead.
Yeah, you mean the Estate Tax, McG.
It had only been called a 'death tax' recently in order to garnish support for ending it (a wholly ridiculous idea).
I like Parados' idea; every dollar spent in defecit today is an extra dollar taxed on to our children after our deaths... 'Death Tax' is a good way to say it.
Just some additions to Lola's list
Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
Iraq has weapons of mass destruction programs
Oh, wait a minute:
Iraq has ambitions to have weapons of mass destruction programs
No, that doesn't quite work. Let's try:
Iraq has weapons of mass destruction-related activities
Hmmm, that's not right either. How about:
Iraq has the capability to produce weapons of mass murder
Still not right? I know!
The GOP passed the "death tax" in 2001, only they referred to it as a "tax cut" but lets call it what it is. A death tax to be paid by our grandkids after we are dead.
LOL Joe, very good
Now about the Estate Tax. We can call it's repeal a death tax to our children except for the filthy rich. Well, I'm not filthy rich, but I know a repeal of the tax will make my children considerably richer than they will be already. However, I'm not sure rich is the best for them, unless they've been instrumental in earning it.
Republicans have a work ethic only for the middle class. Can you image how wealth can accumulate in the hands of the very few and how those very few will know less and less about how to manage it as the generations pass? Take George Bush, for instance. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth and he's been gaging on it ever since. He's such a lousy business man, he had to have help finally so he could accumulate any money for himself. And his girls will definitely be richer if the estate tax is repealed.......and you can't imagine how little they know about fiscal responsibility.
It will be like a monarchy. And the revolution won't be like in the 60s but more perhaps like the American Revolution or maybe even the French.
Since Tico is so sure I'll inform you all about Bush's oil stock trick and the UT trick, I think I'll do so. I wouldn't want Tico to be wrong. Back in a minute.
I'm barely able to contain my excitement and anticipation.