Every single one of your topics (see:
https://able2know.org/user/grandcosmos/topics/) has been about the exact same problems. You keep getting the same advice, over and over again.
The only thing that changes is your ages, and how long you've been
together supporting his sorry ass.
I realize I'm often harsh. And I know there is something or at least there was at some point between the two of you. It's been over for years; but both of you have had so much inertia you're still in the same space, still paying for his video games/porn addiction.
What will it take for you to send him packing? Him getting on the sex offender registry if he downloads underage porn? Will that do it? Because you've been told, time and time again, that this isn't going to get better. And by your own words, it hasn't.
Want to be 40 and have this **** still be happening?
He doesn't want to change things because he's got it good. He gets his bills paid, and he gets to stay home and masturbate to cartoonish fantasies while you go out and work. So of course he doesn't want the status quo to change.
The only person who can end this **** is