Quote:Our society is opening up, we should make things truly equal.
"Equality", Egalitarianism is a fairy tale, ...unattainable. Life is unfair. To pretend it isn't is a disservice to more than just the genders, it's a disservice to reality itself.
Quote: gender segregation actually supports feminism
False. There is actually data showing that in gender segregated schools boys perform better. This is mostly due to the education system being geared toward the way girls learn at the expense of boys. The culprit, you guessed it ...feminism.
Quote:Nerd culture is not masculine
Both true and False.
Nerd culture was largely started by and cultivated by males. That doesn't necessarily mean it has to be exclusively for males, but the culture shouldn't have to change it's core components to accommodate female sensibilities. And that's exactly what's being forced upon it currently (fiascos like Ghostbusters 2016, SJW Star Wars affirmative action quotas, etc, etc.)
While it's becoming more mainstream, the audience even today is comprised of mostly males for things like comics and video games. Females are a minority, and the reason for that, is because of choice. Less women are interested in these types of things, so why force it upon them?
Quote:For intelligent kids, the gender doesn't matter. What matters is having a group of friends with whom you can do cool things.
Agreed. And most females who fall into this category tend to display male oriented personality traits. More women tend to be followers, while more men tend to be leaders/creative thinkers.
Quote:Try going to an Anime convention... it seems to be a mix of all types.
If you're referring to the female cosplayers, they honestly care less about the nerd aspect of it. What appeals to them is the dressing up in skimpy costumes part, where they can exhibit their bodies and sexuality without fear of being labeled "slutty" for doing so. Women love to show off their bodies without any of the accountability or responsibility that
should be in place for doing so. That's also why they dress up sexily at Halloween.
Quote:I personally think that getting rid of Boy Scouts in favor of Scouts is more of a threat to femininity than it is to masculinity.
In group therapy settings, there have been studies showing that males share more with each other and bond better without females present. When females are introduced to the group, the entire dynamic shifts to accommodate them. Part of this is likely do to male dominance instinct in the prescience of females. Men become rivals in the presence of females more so than allies. Also inborn male desire for female approval is likely a factor.
Quote:If you are more interested in a fight than a discussion , I will bug out
Well, "fight" is in my name. Sorry, I guess.
Quote:putting such bellicose tags on your post isn't a sign of intelligence in a discussion
Ah, but it's perfectly OK when the left does it to conservative ideas. Kayne West is now an "idiot" and "mentally unstable" where before he was part of the black community victim narrative. Viewed by white liberals as their favorite house pets.