What’s up in London? Murder rate surpassed NY

Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2018 12:17 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
But a good therapy might help you,

So you go from calling me names, to insulting my intelligence, and last tell me I need help. All three in the progressive toolbox when they have nothing to say.

I do not count useless trivial historical facts as useful.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2018 01:30 am
- Boosting police power
A new violent crime taskforce of 120 officers has been created using additional funding from City Hall announced by the Mayor in February. The taskforce will focus solely on violent crime, weapon-enabled crime and serious criminality.
The Met Police has introduced targeted patrols with extra stop and search powers for areas worst-affected by knife crime
The Mayor is protecting the number of frontline police officers on London’s streets by investing £110m in the Met Police.
Police made more than 900 arrests during Operation Winter Nights in November and December, taking more than 350 weapons off London’s streets

- Preventing future violence
In February Mayor created the £45m Young Londoners Fund to help steer young people away from violent crime
Knife wands are now available for every school in London to help keep young people safe, with 150 schools so far taking up the offer
The widely shared London Needs You Alive campaign brings together role models and youth influencers to send a positive message to young people - that they shouldn’t put their lives at risk by carrying a knife

- Tackling gang violence
The Mayor’s investing £2m in London Gang Exit services to support young people at risk of or engaged in serious violence and help them into employment, education or training
City Hall works with the police, charities and councils on two programmes aimed at ending and preventing gang violence and exploitation, working with victims and young people at risk

- Action plans under way
The Mayor has published a new Knife Crime Strategy, a package of tough and comprehensive measures to tackle knife crime, taking in views from bereaved families and victims. It was the first by a London Mayor
He hosted an Education Knife Crime Summit in 2016, bringing together Ofsted, educators, the Met and families to work on anti-knife crime education in schools
Every London borough now has its own knife crime action plan to tackle violence locally, created in partnership with the Met

- City Hall summit
In April, the Mayor invited the Home Secretary, London MPs, council leaders and Assembly Members from across London to a City Hall summit about tackling violent crime on the city’s streets.
Politicians from across political parties and the capital have been invited to City Hall to be briefed by the Mayor and Met Police Commissioner Cressida Dick about the action being taken against the current spate of violence.

London Knife Crime Strategy

London knife attacks getting worse, says police officer
Met Assistant Commissioner Martin Hewitt said weapons like machetes were being used more often and more attacks were being carried out by groups.

Speaking at the London Knife Crime Summit, Mr Hewitt said the violence was "getting greater".

In the year to May 2018, there were 97 fatal stabbings in the capital.

The Assistant Commissioner said police were "routinely seeing multiple stabbings... and increasingly seeing group offending as well."

"Some of the CCTV footage that we see is shocking and quite frankly feral when you look at a group of individuals bearing down on another person," he said.

Zombie knives 'causing sharp rise in knife crime deaths' as teen arrested over latest London murder
Speaking at a knife crime summit, organised by the Mayor of London, Mr Hewitt said the trend towards using so-called zombie knives was making medics' jobs even more difficult because of the seriousness of the wounds being inflicted.
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2018 04:29 am
It's ironic to see Walter's post--I was just coming to say that the murder rate in Toronto is higher than that in New York, now. That suggests much more effective police activity in New York, rather than some goofy claim that London is sinking into the gutter.

I say the cops in New York are doing a great job, and deserve credit for it.
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2018 04:50 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Here, the news would pounce on the descriptor, "feral."

It does look like the nature of the perpetrator has changed. The style of knife, the frenzied stabbing, intended to kill...
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2018 06:48 am
Setanta wrote:
I say the cops in New York are doing a great job, and deserve credit for it.
I think that London's bobbies (from all the three police units there) are doing a good job, too.

I still think that less more effective police activity is when there's a good prevention done - which now seems to be a focus of the MET and the City of London Police, too. (I'm sure, the British Transport Police does it, too.)
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2018 10:58 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
What’s up in London? Murder rate surpassed NY

From the BBC report: Reality Check: is London's murder rate still higher than New York's?


0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 06:52 am
Like I said before. Much ado about nothing. This whole thread was just meant to be a distraction from what’s happening in the USA.
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Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 07:02 am

What? I made it up?


Britain is experiencing a crime wave, and the headlines are shocking. London has for the first time ever passed New York in the number of murders so far this year. The Evening Standard has just reported that “London gangs including the Mali Boys are becoming more ‘organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits’”. There has just been a horrible stabbing in Liverpool Street station. And there are now some 60 moped raids a day, which, according to the BBC, is 30 times more than five years ago.

It is not just London. Rising crime in Greater Manchester means that people in the Northwest are more likely to be crime victims than anywhere else in England and Wales. There has been a surge in crime in Birmingham, and the home secretary is meeting West Midlands MPs to discuss the spate of murders and stabbings in the region. What’s happening?

There has been the usual string of explanations, including cuts in police numbers, an out-of-touch judiciary, immigration from high-crime countries, closure of youth clubs, rising middle-class drug use, and so on. I don’t think it is very helpful to add to this litany here.

What needs to happen – and will happen, because this is intolerable – is to go through the evidence and calmly develop effective counter strategies. Meanwhile we should all hold in our thoughts the victims of violent crime. As the poet John Donne wrote 400 years ago: “Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.”

However horrible this crime wave is, however, it should be set against a long-term decline in almost all violent crime in almost all developed countries, and in much of the emerging world too. That we use the word “wave” suggests that this is something that comes and goes. The long-term trend is for crime to go down, and down massively.

The best discussion about this that I have seen comes in a book published earlier this year. It is Enlightenment Now, by Steven Pinker. I heard him in London a couple of months ago talking about it with Stephen Fry, and he was rather wonderful. The message – really a development of themes established in his earlier work, The Better Angels of Our Nature – is about the values of the Enlightenment, in particular the triumph of reason. As a result “our lives have become longer, healthier, safer, happier, more peaceful, more stimulating and more prosperous – not just in the West, but worldwide”.
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 07:17 am
Information about the Mali boys.


London gangs driven by desire to profit from drug trade, study finds
Focus has shifted from turf wars to business-led ethos, says Waltham Forest report

Ian Cobain and Vikram Dodd
Wed 6 Jun 2018 09.15 EDT First published on Tue 5 Jun 2018 19.01 EDT

This article is over 1 month old
London’s gangs appear to be driven increasingly by a desire to profit from the illegal drugs market rather than a determination to protect their neighbourhoods from outsiders, a study has found.

The report on gang culture in Waltham Forest, in the north-east of the capital, also suggests visible signs of gang membership are being rejected on the grounds that they are bad for business.

Rise in proportion of BAME suspects on Met’s gangs matrix

The report, From Postcodes to Profit, was prepared by researchers at London South Bank University at the request of Waltham Forest council.

“The first major development is the emergence of a more organised and ruthless operating model focused on the drugs market and driven by a desire for profits,” its authors say.

“This new operating model rejects visible signs of gang membership as ‘bad for business’ because they attract unwanted attention from law enforcement agencies.

“This more business-oriented ethos has changed the meaning of territory. Instead of an emotional sense of belonging to a postcode that needs to be defended, territory is valued as a marketplace to be protected.”

A second key development was the increasing involvement of girls and women in gang activity, particularly in the transport of drugs and carrying weapons, with the smaller numbers of female police officers meaning they are less likely to be searched.

While some gangs are increasingly using social media to promote their “brand” others avoid it because it attracts unwanted police attention.

The year-long study focused on a Waltham Forest gang that calls itself the Mali Boys. A 40-strong grouping, its older membersare drawn from the Somali community, while younger members include boys and girls from other backgrounds.

“The Mali Boys are heavily involved in drug supply and have a street reputation as a violent and feared group across the borough,” the report says. “They lead the new economically driven operating model and are less interested in postcode rivalries, unless it is to protect their drug market.”

Younger members have been recruited as drug runners, sometimes operating outside London in enterprises known as county lines, and some aged 12-17 are said to be increasingly involved in crime – both as victims and perpetrators – including serious violence and child sexual exploitation.

“The leadership is male and seeks anonymity with little ostentation,” the report says. “It remains unclear what happens to the profits of drug supply.”

Andrew Whittaker, the lead author and a professor of social work at the university, said: “It’s possible that the situation we’re seeing with gangs in Waltham Forest trading along county lines is indicative of a wider pan-London trend of increasing sophistication and entrepreneurialism in the way that gangs operate now.

“Our report shows there is definitely scope for further research to look more deeply into the issue of child slavery and sexual exploitation of young girls by gangs in future, to see whether these activities could be prosecuted under the Modern Slavery Act.”

Lordship Lane: the London road paying a heavy toll for gang warfare

The report found that gangs were grooming children as young as 10, sometimes persuading them to commit a petty crime such as shoplifting as a means of normalising criminal behaviour.

Clare Coghill, leader of Waltham Forest council, said poverty left young people vulnerable to being drawn into gang activity. “These kids are not doing this to get cars and trainers, they are doing this to get weed and a box of chicken. They are doing this to eat and have a sense of social belonging.”
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 07:25 am
The title of this thread is: "What’s up in London? Murder rate surpassed NY"

That was true for one single month = London had for the first time ever passed New York in the number of murders in January 2018.
Before and afterwards > see above graphics.
Regarding the rather low criminal rate in the UK, you certainly can consider it high.

Those stabbings are shocking, indeed - we get a 200% (or even more, it hasn't been specified before in our criminal statistics) increase of that here, too ... like in many other countries.
From your above link, the second headline:
There is much evidence that shows violent crime is decreasing, but nowadays many of us have a negative bias towards facts

Since you are so upset about those in London: what are the figures for stabbings in NY or SF or USA? Perhaps that could give some clues when comparing.
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 07:39 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I’m quite interested in what’s happening in London and England.

Maybe you’d like to start a thread about crime in SF or the US.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 07:45 am
Lash wrote:
I’m quite interested in what’s happening in London and England.

Maybe you’d like to start a thread about crime in SF or the US.
I didn't start this thread ....
....which compares the murder rate of London to that in NY.
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 07:57 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Yes. I did. And I am pleased with its content and trajectory.
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Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 12:08 pm
The truth, not that anyone's interested. Trump's fever dreams sustain the pig ignorant.

Earlier this year, an article in the Sunday Times sparked debate about rising levels of violent crime with a claim that the numbers of murders in London had surpassed those in New York during one month -- February.

My colleague, Dominic Casciani, analysed the figures and found that the newspaper was correct.

In February, the New York Police Department dealt with 11 homicides (suspected cases of murder, manslaughter and infanticide) while London's Metropolitan Police opened investigations into 15 deaths.

But the overall tally for the year to April showed there were more homicides in New York than in London, and that as a proportion of the population they were far higher across the pond.

The apparent blip in the homicide rate and a surge in stabbings -- knife crimes recorded by police forces across England and Wales in 2017 went up by 22 per cent -- prompted an intervention from Donald Trump.

In a speech to the National Rifle Association in May, the US President said there was "blood all over the floors" of a London hospital.

"They say it's as bad as a military war zone hospital. Knives, knives, knives, knives," said Mr Trump.

"London hasn't been used to that. They're getting used to it. It's pretty tough."

In an interview published in the Sun newspaper on Friday, the President reiterated his view on London's hospitals and said the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan was doing a "bad job on crime."

The Mayor argues that crime has increased across England and Wales. And he says insinuating that the immigrant population is responsible for rising crime in London - as President Trump did - was "preposterous."

So, as Mr Trump visits the UK, and with six months' data for the first half of 2018, how do London and New York now compare?

The figures are pretty clear. In the first six months of this year, there were 80 homicides in London, including one in the City of London which has its own police force.

Over the same period in New York there were 141 homicides - 61 more than London.


You've no idea how depressing it is, having to point out the bleeding obvious to a bunch of opinionated morons.
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 12:41 pm
You've no idea how depressing it is, having to point out the bleeding obvious to a bunch of opinionated morons.

Welcome to the club. Yes or no?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 02:09 pm
Check it out, some historical information.
“Kufr and Islam are opposed to each other. The progress of one is possible only at the expense of the other and co-existences between these two contradictory faiths is unthinkable.

The honor of Islam lies in insulting kufr and kafirs. One who respects kafirs, dishonors the Muslims.

The real purpose in levying jizya on them is to humiliate them to such an extent that, on account of fear of jizya, they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified and trembling.

Whenever a Jew is killed, it is for the benefit of Islam.”

Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624)

A revered Islamic jurist.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 02:27 pm
coldjoint wrote:
Check it out, some historical information
I'm tempted to repeat what you usually say, namely that history is irrelevant, but ...

In Britain’s first Atlantic outpost, Tangier, a resident observed how "The English and Moors" who were constantly trading with each other, "seem’ed to differ in nothing but Religion."

Print source: The Moores baffled being a discourse concerning Tanger, especially when it was under the Earl of Teviot : by which you may find what methods and government is fittest to secure that place against the Moors : in a letter from a learned person (long resident in that place) at the desire of a person of quality. Addison, Lancelot. London: Printed for William Crooke, 1681
[Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) :: Text Creation Partnership, 2008-09]
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2018 02:35 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I'm tempted to repeat what you usually say, namely that history is irrelevant, but ...

That is exactly why I posted it. But unlike your crap it actually applies to a current problem which is Islamic supremacism.

There is no problem with Muslims that treat others as equals, is there?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jul, 2018 04:11 pm
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 18 Oct, 2018 06:22 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Knife crime has hit a new record in England and Wales as new statistics show violence continuing to soar and the number of cases solved falling.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said police recorded 39,332 knife offences, the highest number on record and an annual increase of 12 per cent in the year to June 2018.

In the same period, overall violence rose by 19 per cent to almost 1.5 million crimes, homicide increased by 14 per cent and robbery by 22 per cent.

Meghan Elkin, head of the ONS Centre for Crime and Justice, said knife crime has been rising for four years.

“There have been some improvements in recording by police but we do think this is a genuine increase,” she told The Independent.

“Firearms offences have gone down in the past year, but we have seen an increase in overall theft, vehicle theft and burglary.”
The ONS said knife crime was “concentrated in London and other metropolitan areas”, but the majority of police force areas saw a rise.

Overall crime rose by 9 per cent in the year, with 5.6 million offences recorded.

The statistics were released after two men were murdered on Wednesday night in London and Liverpool.

A 46-year-old man was beaten to death in Battersea during a brawl at a block of flats, hours before a 25-year-man was shot dead in Wavertree in what is believed to be a targeted killing.

The government has sought to play down mounting public concern about street murders that have swept Britain this year, and prefers to use crime figures from a national survey that records people’s experiences, rather than what is reported to police.

But the ONS said the Crime Survey of England and Wales does “not capture higher-harm violence well” and that the real-world increase is backed up by the rocketing number of people admitted to hospital with stab wounds.

Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, said: “These figures are truly shocking and must put an end to Tory austerity and police cuts.
... ... ...
The Independent
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