oh boy do I agree. The cast makes absoultly no sense to me either.
Burt Reynolds? Umm.. boss hog was a short fat white man with grey hair and blue eyes.. Not dark hair, not tall, not brown eyed... ?? I understand you cant fit a character perfectly PHYSICALLY... but you dont have to be so far off on the looks . Burt Reynolds can do the part, I dont question that a bit, I just dont see a physical fit. One of the funniest things about boss hog was that he was so damn short. his hat would barely be visable when he sat in the back seat of his lincoln. Burt Reynolds will tower over Roscoe... the match isnt there for a good representation of Boss Hogg's character..
I can see Johnny Noxville.. He looks like the 2 tv actors who played Luke. I think that is the only one who bears some resemblace to who they are playing.
But Like you said, Since when was he an actor? I can see a physical resemblance... uhh.. thats about it!
I dont like Jessica Simpson personally. Daisy duke wasnt blonde, and she wasnt dumb. hehehe. And yes, the original Daisy was ALOT hotter then Jessica. She had a great sex appeal and really fit the character as well. Jessica doesnt. Not even physically.
Oh well, doesnt mean I wont watch it.
I will watch it and probally love it because I am wierd like that. :-)