farmerman wrote: I hate .30 06 rifles in Lancaster County hunting, its too built up for such a cannon.
Far as I know, at least on public land, most if not all hunting with rifles in Pa is done with flintlock muzzleloaders.
The 06 isn't really a "cannon" by modern standards. It was America's basic military rifle cartridge through the end of WW-II after which it was replaced with the 308, which corresponded to an improvement in smokeless powder which came in around 44. The 308 has the same ballistics as the 06 did when loaded as per prior to WW-II and uses a smaller case and is more accurate.
All of the world's primary military cartridges starting from the inception of the smokeless powder age were designed to be as powerful as the "average man" could shoot without getting hurt, flinching, or basically just becoming afraid of the rifle and not wanting to deal with it. Since humans are much the same around the world, the various cartridges are also, including 30-06, Mauser 8mm, Swiss 7.5, Russian 7.62x54 etc.
One thing most folks don't understand is that there was generally no gain in lethality going from the American civil war to the smokeless powder age; the gain was in ballistics, velocity and the ability to make long shots, and the fact that smokeless firearms don't foul the way blackpowder arms do. Nine times out of ten the old flintlock will do more real damage to something it hits than the 06 will.