Does Religion Have a Place in the Future of Humankind?

thunder runner32
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 02:50 pm
if jesus died to save us from our sins, why havn't we learned from him and stoped sinning, unless the crucifiction process went wrong, maybe he should have left us to be our selves and let god purge the world or some thing like that.?

Talk about getting off track! We are still imperfect. Just because Jesus came and died for us, does not mean we immediately stop sinning...that's the reason he came.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 06:18 pm
Re: the sleeper
the sleeper wrote:
if jesus died to save us from our sins, why havn't we learned from him and stoped sinning, unless the crucifiction process went wrong, maybe he should have left us to be our selves and let god purge the world or some thing like that.?

That's because the world is still full of sin. Jesus forgave you of all of your sins, but you have to admit and accept this forgiveness. Nobody is perfect; that's why sin still exists. Jesus dying on the cross did not make everybody repent and automatically gain faith in God; he gave us access to God. Before, only priests or other such people could be mediums between man and God. Now, we have the luxury of talking to him personally.

Eorl wrote:
Oh, so the new testament is like "IGNORE PREVIOUS".

Good, I'll remember that the next time some-one tries to quote from it.

Good job, you took lefty06's post out of context. I see that happening way too often on this forum. Jesus told us not to follow rules and traditions just for the sake of following them. He did not say to abandon the Old Testament completely. Please, please, PLEASE think of the metaphors that are represented in the scripture before jumping to inaccurate conclusions.
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Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 06:50 pm
Faith is walking blindly

Then everyone in the world is walking blindly. Including you. Including me.

Cogito ergo sum. The only thing that can truly be proven is one's own existence. Everything else rests on faith-- faith in one's senses all the way up to faith in one's God.

Wanna know the difference between you and I, though? I have faith in a living God who created me and has all the true answers. Your faith stops at your senses, which provide no true answers.

Using reason to further faith is just a way of convincing yourself you are right without the need to test your assumptions. Logic and reason should be used to propose hypotheses which are then PUT TO TEST to see if they are true. Otherwise your hypothesis remains a hypothesis and nothing more.

Boy, what a contradiction. "Logic and reason"? Who's logic and reason? Yours? The scientific community's? Do you mean logic and reason based on tests?

It doesn't matter how many times something has been shown, the future is always uncertain. You can hold an apple up and let go of it 999,999 times and watch it fall to the floor, but the only way to prove that gravity will make it drop to the floor again a millioneth time is to let go of it. Everything up until that point is speculation-- faith that it will drop again. And even then, how can you trust that your senses are giving you the correct information? You can't, without faith.

Again, cogito ergo sum.

I'm stunned and actually a little frightened that you think atheists don't have feelings...oh wait, I can't be stunned or frightened can I? Trust me. when I cut my finger, it hurts. Not always right away....sometimes I have a second to think..."uh-oh this is gonna hur..OWWW". Maybe it takes God a second to notice I cut myself before he sends me my feelings ? Perhaps I'm just low on his to-do list...that would seem fair though.

Atheists have feelings. Most all humans have feelings.

Atheists, however, have to set their own moral code through their own views, or have it set by another human because of his or her views.

And that's been proven (This is easily shown, and if you'd like me to explain it further, I shall.)-- that without a God to set the rules, there is no justification for any rule. And thus, rules are obsolete.

Evolution does not "keep failing", it's a VERY strong theory.

Based on faith in facts on this earth. The same faith that I have based in facts on this earth about Jesus Christ. So I guess you could say Evolution and Creationism are both very strong theories.

Except that evolution provides no answers.

I would imagine that if every fossil that connected every step between mud and man was suddenly discovered, you would still not believe it.

And I would imagine that if God came down and spoke to you personally by way of burning bush, you would still not believe it.

Darwin did not understand the process fully when he proposed it, and it still has plenty of wrinkles to iron out but to propose that the lack of perfection in a complex theory makes the opposite theory true is ridiculous.

Phew, good. Then that means everyone's attempts to prove the Bible wrong doesn't prove evolution right-- something that many people tend to believe.

But, you see, the Bible has no wrinkles to iron out-- so I'm inclined to believe it before I put my stock in some evolving (pun intended Wink ) theory with no conclusion that is based on very questionable evidence which happens to change as new "evidence" is discovered.

I say I drove to work today. I have my wife to say she saw me, I have a fuel receipt from along the way and my car is in the carpark. But you are certain I teleported here and since I do not have footage of the entire trip, you say your point is proven.

Good example. Let me try.

I say I was made by an intelligent Creator. I have an immensely complex DNA structure that is equivalent to thousands of encyclopedias of information, I have solid scientific proof that no new genetic information has ever been created since the beginning of time, and I have a book-- written by man, but sanctioned by my Creator-- that outlines the entire history of the world and provides answers that no other person on earth could have figured out.

Yet you are certain, because you find similiarities between myself and other creatures created by my same Creator, that we all must have come from some common ancestor that itself came from a single-celled organism that itself somehow appeared-- with no explanation-- on the big old earth, which itself was the product of the explosion of a single particle that itself came out of nowhere, defying the widely-accepted fact that matter cannot be created or destroyed.

Phew...that was fun. Very Happy

YES Evolutionists can believe we have a soul. I don't.... which makes the point a little hard for me to push but trust me, they are out there.

And there are those out there that believe they have been rectally probed by aliens. Doesn't mean that it's true or logical.

Here is a good test to see if we are just brains....de-activate the entire brain so that it's "brain dead". What kind of person are you left with? What does he feel or think?

What does someone feel or think when they're alive? You can't know that, unless you are the person, or the person tells you-- and even then there is no way to prove that it's the truth.

How does he react?

Well, obviously he doesn't react. Because he's left his body.

If you knock on the door of an empty house, no one is going to answer the door, buddy. Do I have to provide scientific evidence for this?

When he dies...when do I get to see his soul rise up to heaven?

Well, no, because you're limited to your 5 senses, which don't extend past this world. And you can't even trust those without faith. Wink

Oh, so the new testament is like "IGNORE PREVIOUS".

Good, I'll remember that the next time some-one tries to quote from it.

Oh, so you dismiss everything that isn't in the present? Good, I'll remember that the next time you try to quote any scientist whose experiments were in the past.

What the heck do you think the Bible is? Just a book of rules? Uh, no, it's a book of history. The Old Testament provides the history of the world all the way up to Jesus, and it is a part of the Bible that we learn from.

Yes, it's true. We learn from history! That's why it's taught in schools. Hitler is dead and the Nazi Germany no longer exists-- that doesn't mean we can learn from their actions.

In the New Testament, the story of Jesus is told-- where God sends His holy Son to save the world from the sins that plagued those in the annals of the Old Testament. And guess what? Jesus took all those rules in the Old Testament, and all ten of those commandments, and shortened them to two-- love God truly with all of your heart, and love your neighbor as thyself.

if jesus died to save us from our sins, why havn't we learned from him and stoped sinning

Well, why haven't you? People love to think of changing the world, but rarely think about changing themselves. True Christians-- those who truly love God, not to be confused with those claiming to be Christians-- learn and have learned from Jesus all the time.

The only people who haven't are non-believers who question him. Now I'm not condemning the questioning process by any means, but if you want the answer to your question-- why hasn't the world learned from Jesus and stopped sinning-- it's because they fail to have faith.
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the sleeper
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 12:44 pm
Then why is it that we are born into this world a sinner, i mean, all i did was start to live and now i'm a great sinner and i have to live my life trying to make up for just being born. That is totally unfair, no caring father is going to say, "Your grounded, go to your room until you suffer the plauge of life and clense your self". That is completly unloving of a father to say to you the moment your born, not having done anything.
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thunder runner32
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 12:54 pm
Then why is it that we are born into this world a sinner, i mean, all i did was start to live and now i'm a great sinner and i have to live my life trying to make up for just being born. That is totally unfair, no caring father is going to say, "Your grounded, go to your room until you suffer the plauge of life and clense your self". That is completly unloving of a father to say to you the moment your born, not having done anything.

When people say that we are naturally imperfect, they mean that when we start to make conscious desicions, we will always fall short of perfection. What are you complaining about? We are darn lucky that he is a loving God and sent his son, so we can be forgiven. Example: If your son just turned his back to you, spat in your face, lied...would you still love him?
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wales rules
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 02:46 pm
Human's are not perfect and never will be. They will always make mistakes, and will always sin. Jesus was a human and, therefore, was not perfect, he was just closer to being perfect than anyone else. By the way, does anyone here have any info. on the theory of Jesus having been married to Mary Magdalene!?!?
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the sleeper
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 05:08 pm
It's more than likely true that jesus was married to mary because in his time, it was a sin to be as old as he was and not be married, also, if he truly was married to mary then you can kiss every book of the new testiment goodbye because they call jesus a divine bieng incapable of sexual physical pleasures. Also, jesues hair wasn't long like they always portray him to be, considering that it was a sin for a man to have long hair and the fact that he lived in a territory under Roman rule. so there are some things that you may want to consider about Crist. Not as Perfect as you think, after all, he was just a man with connections.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 05:24 pm
The thread was about religion. All religion not just Christianity. In case anyone is interested there are millions of people who do not follow any of the multitude of Christian religions. And do not believe that Christ was anything more than a man born of women.
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Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 05:28 pm
Then why is it that we are born into this world a sinner, i mean, all i did was start to live and now i'm a great sinner and i have to live my life trying to make up for just being born.

First of all, everyone is born imperfect because we are all descendants of Adam, who brought the Curse upon mankind. But we have all sinned after the fact because that is our nature. The second you make the concious decision to sin, that's when you come a sinner. And sing the excuse "well I was destined to sin anyway" is a cop out and shows a lack of responsibility.

Second of all, you don't have to live your life "trying to make up for just being born". All you have to do is accept Jesus and ask for forgiveness and you've been forgiven. Easier than you think.

Human's are not perfect and never will be. They will always make mistakes, and will always sin. Jesus was a human and, therefore, was not perfect, he was just closer to being perfect than anyone else.

No, Jesus was perfect, because although he was a human he was still divine. And if you have proof that Jesus isn't perfect, than I'd politely ask you to post it here. Until then, I'm not inclined to believe anything in that statement past the first two sentences.

By the way, does anyone here have any info. on the theory of Jesus having been married to Mary Magdalene!?!?

Was Jesus Married? Wink

It's more than likely true that jesus was married to mary because in his time, it was a sin to be as old as he was and not be married

No it wasn't. It was customary. Big difference. Ever heard of the texts found about the commune of Christians, none of which were married? C'mon. But please, if you have evidence that it was a sin, post it here.

, if he truly was married to mary then you can kiss every book of the new testiment goodbye because they call jesus a divine bieng incapable of sexual physical pleasures.

No, you don't. He was a human, capable of human desires. He was divine, yes, but that does not mean that he was "incapable" of anything. Besides, marriage is ordained by God-- are you inferring that sex within marriage is a sin?

Also, jesues hair wasn't long like they always portray him to be, considering that it was a sin for a man to have long hair and the fact that he lived in a territory under Roman rule
so there are some things that you may want to consider about Crist.

Oh, phew. See, I thought we were talking about Jesus Christ. No wonder all your information was wrong.

Not as Perfect as you think, after all, he was just a man with connections.

Oh, he was quite perfect alright. And yes, he did have connections-- connections to the God of the entire universe, since he was His son. Wink

sleeper, get some facts before you start rambling on. It makes you look bad.

In case anyone is interested there are millions of people who do not follow any of the multitude of Christian religions. And do not believe that Christ was anything more than a man born of women.

Wow, thanks for clarifying that. It's not like anyone with common sense and the slightest amount of a world view would have already known that. Wink Razz
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 05:43 pm
Would they also know that the Jesus story was just a myth, And that Jesus was merely an itinerant Hebrew preacher with a following.
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Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 06:18 pm
Au is right, when I created this thread I didn't focus solely on Christianity. This discussion is going off topic, completely.
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Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 07:34 pm
the sleeper wrote:
It's more than likely true that jesus was married to mary because in his time, it was a sin to be as old as he was and not be married, also, if he truly was married to mary then you can kiss every book of the new testiment goodbye because they call jesus a divine bieng incapable of sexual physical pleasures.

Show me in the bible where it says any of that stuff. You definitely need to study what you're bashing, because you're just making yourself look like an idiot.

Also, jesues hair wasn't long like they always portray him to be, considering that it was a sin for a man to have long hair and the fact that he lived in a territory under Roman rule.

So what?

so there are some things that you may want to consider about Crist. Not as Perfect as you think, after all, he was just a man with connections.

Jesus has never sinned in his entire existence. If he had, his death wouldn't reconcile all of our sins. As it is, you and I have a chance to repent of everything we've done and live with him forever just as if we weren't the scum that we are on this earth. And we are scum; I deserve to burn in hell if God goes off of my actions, as do you. But Jesus paid for all of that; he could've floated right through the nails holding him to the cross, healed his wounds instantly, and wiped out all of the guards that were whipping him and spitting on him. But he didn't, and I strongly recommend that you take what's being offered to you because of that.
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the sleeper
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 07:45 pm
Consider my words the words of my history teacher, MPV for anyone who cares that lives in the burg. I don't to church because i don't belive that i should have to dedicate myself to a building that is only a relic. Christ said not to worship in buildings of stone or wood, but from the heart. I can do the worshiping and forgivness asking on my own with out a man who declares himself holyier than me simply because he wears a fancy robe and stands on an altar lecturing and singing. If i burn so be it but that's how i really feel. Now i'm going to ask you a question, If God is all powerfull, could he creat a rock that he couldn't lift? answer me that, with out an overly biast opinion please.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 07:56 pm
I live in Centerburg, and I know who you are and who your history teacher is. He doesn't agree with you; he's a christian just like me and thunder runner, 00 agent kid and Rex the wonder squirrel. As for your question, that's like asking someone if they can find anything they can't do, and when they can't, telling them that means they aren't all-powerful. That logic just goes in a circle, getting nowhere.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 09:23 pm
Like I've said before, you are all going off topic here. Go back and read what this post is about.

As for your question, that's like asking someone if they can find anything they can't do, and when they can't, telling them that means they aren't all-powerful. That logic just goes in a circle, getting nowhere.

Oh and Lefty, his question is sound, and a very strong debatable point. On the other hand, you've completely missed the point in your reply.

Now please, either discuss the subject at hand or refrain from posting.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 25 Feb, 2005 09:54 pm
I think future religions will be similar to the Yuen Yuen Institute of Hong Kong. It combines Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. Many caucasians are now converting to Buddhism from Christianity and Jewdiism, and I see this trend to continue for the future.
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 01:12 am
That's a very interesting point Cicerone, I swear I've never heard it before...
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Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 11:19 am
Would they also know that the Jesus story was just a myth, And that Jesus was merely an itinerant Hebrew preacher with a following.

Well, it's not a myth, and Jesus wasn't merely a preacher-- he was a perfect human of divinity, the Son of God. Now, if you have evidence proving otherwise, backing up your statement, please post it here.

Otherwise, I have neither the time nor the inclination to listen such claims. If you're going to attempt to attack something that's already been established and stated, then you have to have justification. Otherwise you're basing everything on your sole opinion, which I don't find to be liable evidence.

I don't to church because i don't belive that i should have to dedicate myself to a building that is only a relic. Christ said not to worship in buildings of stone or wood, but from the heart.

Could you please point out the passage that says this?

And while you're looking that up, read Hebrews 10:25-- "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together"

Again, please, know what you're talking about before you try and debate it. It makes you look really silly.

Now i'm going to ask you a question, If God is all powerfull, could he creat a rock that he couldn't lift? answer me that, with out an overly biast opinion please.

Alright, I won't dodge this question. It has a rather lengthy answer, but here you go-- without any bias at all.

Christians believe that God is all-powerful or in other words He can do anything. Jesus even said, "With God all things are possible." (Matt. 19:26) There aren't many other religions that are willing to make that kind of claim about their God. This is no small claim. Indeed, Christianity would find itself in a lot of trouble if somebody could prove that God is not all-powerful.

So there is one simple question that could prove that God is not all-powerful-- Can God create a rock so big that He cannot lift it? It appears that either way God will fail. Either He can make the rock and can't lift it or He can't even make a rock that big in the first place.

Before we consider the Christian God a fraud let's ask a few questions just to make sure. If God is all-powerful how big of a rock would it have to be?

What is the biggest physical thing in all existence? The universe. The universe is a limited amount of space. Even if the universe were to keep expanding forever it would only take up a limited amount of space. So if the rock was the size of the entire universe an all-powerful God could still lift it.

The only option is for God to create something that exceeds his power to lift it. But Gods power is infinite so the rock would have to be infinite in size.

Here is where we run in to a big problem. A rock is a finite object. In other words it is a limited thing. We would be asking God to take something that is finite by nature and make it infinite in size. This is both logically and actually impossible.

One of the most important laws of logic is the law of non-contradiction. What this law states is that two contradictory views cannot both be right. Lets use the rock as an example. A physical rock cannot be both infinite and finite. An infinite and uncreated thing (like God) by definition has no limits. A created and finite thing (the rock) by definition does have limits. So we are asking God to make an infinitely finite rock.

What we are asking God to do is nonsense. It would be like asking him to create a square circle. A square and a circle are two totally different things that cannot be made to be the same thing. When we say that God is all-powerful and capable of doing all things we mean that he can do all things that are actually possible. As C.S. Lewis says "You may attribute miracles to Him but, not nonsense."

One last thing. What if the law of non-contradiction is wrong? Let's say a person chooses to believe that this law is not true. The moment a person says that this law is not true they actually prove that it is. If they say it is not true they obviously believe that their point of view is the correct one. They actually use the law of non-contradiction to try and prove that they are right. The law can't be right and wrong at the same time.

This idea of God isn't just a thoughtless Christian description. It is really important that God is a being that is infinite in power. He is capable of creating and controlling this universe. Is their any finite thing that is capable of creating and keeping things in order? Can a man or woman create a universe with intelligent life? We can't even find a cure for the common cold. God exists outside of this universe he has the power to sustain it and no limited being has that power.

And there you go. Smile

Au is right, when I created this thread I didn't focus solely on Christianity. This discussion is going off topic, completely.

It's not gone off topic completely. We've branched away a little bit, from talking about whether religion will have a place in the future to whether it has a place now. Determining the latter can be essential is attempting to determine the former-- and since Christianity is one of, if not the biggest religion in all of the world today, it is only natural that the discussion has tended to lean that way.

If you think the conversation is going the wrong way, then try to steer it back to what you'd have it to be. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 11:39 am
I just sent a lenghty post using the Quick Reply box. However, I don't see it anywhere. Is there a limit to how much will be transported by the QR Box. I enjoyed writing it the first time, but not so sure I want to try and duplicate it. Help!!!
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 11:40 am
Quote, "If you're going to attempt to attack something that's already been established and stated..." Established and stated by whom? There's only one claim to this Jesus person, and it's from the Bible. The bible is drawn from the Talmud, and the Talmud is a collection of books written by different authors - as is the Bible - with many inconsistencies. Your challenge is my challenge to you; show proof besides the Bible that this Jesus existed?
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