Quote:Faith is walking blindly
Then everyone in the world is walking blindly. Including you. Including me.
Cogito ergo sum. The only thing that can truly be proven is one's own existence. Everything else rests on faith-- faith in one's senses all the way up to faith in one's God.
Wanna know the difference between you and I, though? I have faith in a living God who created me and has all the true answers. Your faith stops at your senses, which provide no true answers.
Quote:Using reason to further faith is just a way of convincing yourself you are right without the need to test your assumptions. Logic and reason should be used to propose hypotheses which are then PUT TO TEST to see if they are true. Otherwise your hypothesis remains a hypothesis and nothing more.
Boy, what a contradiction. "Logic and reason"?
Who's logic and reason? Yours? The scientific community's? Do you mean logic and reason based on
It doesn't matter how many times something has been shown, the future is always uncertain. You can hold an apple up and let go of it 999,999 times and watch it fall to the floor, but the
only way to prove that gravity will make it drop to the floor again a millioneth time is to let go of it. Everything up until that point is speculation--
faith that it will drop again. And even then, how can you trust that your senses are giving you the correct information? You can't, without faith.
cogito ergo sum.
Quote:I'm stunned and actually a little frightened that you think atheists don't have feelings...oh wait, I can't be stunned or frightened can I? Trust me. when I cut my finger, it hurts. Not always right away....sometimes I have a second to think..."uh-oh this is gonna hur..OWWW". Maybe it takes God a second to notice I cut myself before he sends me my feelings ? Perhaps I'm just low on his to-do list...that would seem fair though.
Atheists have feelings. Most all humans have feelings.
Atheists, however, have to set their own moral code through their own views, or have it set by another human because of his or her views.
And that's been proven (This is easily shown, and if you'd like me to explain it further, I shall.)-- that without a God to set the rules, there is no justification for any rule. And thus, rules are obsolete.
Quote:Evolution does not "keep failing", it's a VERY strong theory.
Based on faith in facts on this earth. The same faith that I have based in facts on this earth about Jesus Christ. So I guess you could say Evolution and Creationism are both very strong theories.
Except that evolution provides no answers.
Quote:I would imagine that if every fossil that connected every step between mud and man was suddenly discovered, you would still not believe it.
And I would imagine that if God came down and spoke to you personally by way of burning bush, you would still not believe it.
Quote:Darwin did not understand the process fully when he proposed it, and it still has plenty of wrinkles to iron out but to propose that the lack of perfection in a complex theory makes the opposite theory true is ridiculous.
Phew, good. Then that means everyone's attempts to prove the Bible wrong doesn't prove evolution right-- something that many people tend to believe.
But, you see, the Bible has no wrinkles to iron out-- so I'm inclined to believe it before I put my stock in some evolving (pun intended

) theory with no conclusion that is based on very questionable evidence which happens to change as new "evidence" is discovered.
Quote:I say I drove to work today. I have my wife to say she saw me, I have a fuel receipt from along the way and my car is in the carpark. But you are certain I teleported here and since I do not have footage of the entire trip, you say your point is proven.
Good example. Let me try.
I say I was made by an intelligent Creator. I have an immensely complex DNA structure that is equivalent to thousands of encyclopedias of information, I have solid scientific proof that no new genetic information has ever been created since the beginning of time, and I have a book-- written by man, but sanctioned by my Creator-- that outlines the entire history of the world and provides answers that no other person on earth could have figured out.
Yet you are certain, because you find similiarities between myself and other creatures created by my same Creator, that we all must have come from some common ancestor that itself came from a single-celled organism that itself somehow appeared-- with no explanation-- on the big old earth, which itself was the product of the explosion of a single particle that
itself came out of nowhere, defying the widely-accepted fact that matter cannot be created or destroyed.
Phew...that was fun.
Quote:YES Evolutionists can believe we have a soul. I don't.... which makes the point a little hard for me to push but trust me, they are out there.
And there are those out there that believe they have been rectally probed by aliens. Doesn't mean that it's true or logical.
Quote:Here is a good test to see if we are just brains....de-activate the entire brain so that it's "brain dead". What kind of person are you left with? What does he feel or think?
What does someone feel or think when they're
alive? You can't know that, unless you are the person, or the person tells you-- and even then there is no way to prove that it's the truth.
Well, obviously he doesn't react. Because he's left his body.
If you knock on the door of an empty house, no one is going to answer the door, buddy. Do I have to provide scientific evidence for
Quote:When he dies...when do I get to see his soul rise up to heaven?
Well, no, because you're limited to your 5 senses, which don't extend past this world. And you can't even trust those without faith.
Quote:Oh, so the new testament is like "IGNORE PREVIOUS".
Good, I'll remember that the next time some-one tries to quote from it.
Oh, so you dismiss everything that isn't in the present? Good, I'll remember that the next time you try to quote any scientist whose experiments were in the past.
What the heck do you think the Bible is? Just a book of rules? Uh, no, it's a book of
history. The Old Testament provides the history of the world all the way up to Jesus, and it is a part of the Bible that we learn from.
Yes, it's true. We
learn from history! That's why it's taught in schools. Hitler is dead and the Nazi Germany no longer exists-- that doesn't mean we can learn from their actions.
In the New Testament, the story of Jesus is told-- where God sends His holy Son to save the world from the sins that plagued those in the annals of the Old Testament. And guess what? Jesus took all those rules in the Old Testament, and all ten of those commandments, and shortened them to two-- love God truly with all of your heart, and love your neighbor as thyself.
Quote:if jesus died to save us from our sins, why havn't we learned from him and stoped sinning
Well, why haven't you? People love to think of changing the world, but rarely think about changing themselves. True Christians-- those who truly love God, not to be confused with those claiming to be Christians-- learn and have learned from Jesus all the time.
The only people who haven't are non-believers who question him. Now I'm not condemning the questioning process by any means, but if you want the answer to your question-- why hasn't the world learned from Jesus and stopped sinning-- it's because they fail to have faith.