<sigh> You asked...
Quote:What about DNA...magicians nor scientists(nor computers) can even come close to the complexity of our internal 'coded information'
Yet corporate jargon and legalese easily surpases it...
If I wanted bullshit answers like sunrises and births and puppy dogs and smiles on little girl's faces then there are entire stores filled with the fridge magnets of such "precious little miracles".
It's quite clear that when I asked for miracles I
didn't mean, please leap in and take credit for the thousands of things that science has already explained, on behalf of your god.
Quote:What about Jesus...conquering death...never seen any scientists pull that one off.
Yeah, because there's such great proof of that.

Let's see there's... the book written by people who worship him as a god and then there's.... the book written by people who worship him as a god and let's not forget that there's... the book written by people who worship him as a god.
Quote:The only inconsistancies in Christianity occur because they are either 1)taken out of context

Thor's hammer... I'm sick and tired of this. I know the bible. Okay? I have vast chunks of it memorised word for word. I rewrite sections of it in plain english as a hobby. I beat christians in bible trivia games with ease and with some struggle pastors and priests. I make biblical reference in jokes that only a few christians even get. I know the bible better than EVERY christian I have ever met in the real world, and only a few of the most extreme christians that I have met online or seen on television know it better than I do.
I'm in the top first or second percentile when it comes to knowledge of the bible and that's amongst christians, not the general population.
So my opinion of it doesn't come from some few quotes that I've heard here and there which could be taken out of context from their original source. I HAVE READ THE ENTIRE BOOK COVER TO COVER. This makes it entirely impossible to take something out of context. You don't even know what taking something out of context means, you just say it by rote any time anyone brings up a valid biblical point that demonstrates a problem with the theology.
If someone tells me again that I'm taking something from the bible out of frigging context again then... I'll get moderately annoyed.
Quote:2)interpreted differently between two different people(that's why there are bible study groups).
I can forgive a difference of opinion. I'm not talking about inconsistencies in what various christians say, I'm talking about inconsistencies within the described belief structure of any singular christian. If a single one... just one, of those people could come up with an entirely self-consistant version of christianity I'd be a step closer in considering the possibility.
It's happened. I've found one christian with a plausible, self-consistant belief structure. He departed pretty far from the mainstream christianity and had to draw upon the apocrypha, jewish mysticism and some pretty bizarre interpretations of various portions of the bible. However, his belief was entirely consistant AND it made sense.
I was astounded, my consideration of the possibility of him being right lept by an order of magnitude. If he had had any kind of proof at all, beyond it being a working theory, I would have accepted his version of christianity as a likely explanation of a metaphysical universe. As it is I still think there is a plausible chance of it being true even if it's fairly small.
Quote:As for making sense...sometimes we have to believe and trust that there is more than meets the eye.
Yes. And on that note.
The secrets of the universe are contained within that set of letters. Trust me