March to Bring Down the NRA

Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 12:30 am
The bill of rights was a condition for the adoption of the constitution and the formation of the union. Take any part of that bill of rights away, PARTICULARLY the second amendment, and the union itself ceases to be legitimate.
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 02:06 am
farmerman wrote:
Each if these kids should go home with the mission to "un-elect incumbents" who are proudly in the NRAs pockets

The problem with these whiny brats voting civil rights defenders out of office is, these whiny brats do not live in the districts that the civil rights defenders represent.

And the voters who do live in those districts are happy with politicians who defend their civil rights.

But if you want to see some quality un-electing in action, watch the Florida primaries. We'll show the world how it's done.

farmerman wrote:
who continue the talk-talk stall tactic about effective gun legislation..

There is no stall tactic. The answer is a flat NO.

We will not permit anyone to violate our civil rights.

Now, it's a free country. The whiny brats are free to scream all they want.

But the answer is still no.
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Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 04:21 am
The protests were highly effective. Next step is for the young who can vote to target gun apologists and vote them out.
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 04:32 am
edgarblythe wrote:
The protests were highly effective.

How so?

edgarblythe wrote:
Next step is for the young who can vote to target gun apologists and vote them out.

Except the civil rights defenders are all in districts where people actually like civil rights.

The whiny brats don't vote in those districts.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 04:42 am
Marco Rubio slams teens as 'infected' by 'arrogance and boasting' as his approval rating plummets

As I said, vote the bastards out.
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 06:21 am
Marco doesnt really know wherein is the hunk of history he belongs.
Hes not a mindless sloganeer like many of our gun addicts, yet he, like Trump seems to not "get it" most of the time.
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Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 06:23 am
I view him as an enigma wrapped in a nutshell.
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Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 06:50 am
I dont think anyone here really wishes to eviscerate the 2nd Amendment. We merely wish to define and incorporate, for the future, the reasonable limits to the amendment that we can still define .Even the USSC under Scalia's and ALitos writing for the majority in Heller ,agree with me, not you.

The Firearms ACT s of 1934 (as amended), are a good start, yet Im seeing some of your self-appointed " berserk-er types" wishing to undo even these rules .

Since all of the pro-gun legislation is merely "crafted under contract" by gun Manufacturers (LOOK IT UP) through the NRA, the GOP sponsors merely line up like hogs at the trough to accept their roles as "mere delivery boys" to introduce bills that are NRA friendly and by which these cowards provide closer approaches to an ungovernable status of firearms.

Im a well trained gun owner (Ive had excellent teaching). I own several guns for hunting and protection. I am, nonetheless appalled atsome of these rooky gun owners who dont have the sense about gun care and use (trust me, Ive heard so many complete bollixes about gun usage herein that I wanna puke). Yet these same yahas engage in trading bumper stickers loosely based on NRA mantra and who are promoting full chaos and disresepct for life.

Ive not heard any of the gun-nutters , EVER discuss how they would personally come to aid others or protect these kids. They seem to dwell on the vacuous principle tht "guns for everybody and everybody fer hisself" Theyre sure that somebody'll come and help"

Going back into the dusty archives of A2k and weve had this.
"IT AINT ME BABE" -(That as a direct quote from our own beloved Omsig Dave who was as close to a 2ND Amendment Scholar as weve ever had here. Yet in all his knowledge he readily admitted that should events present themselves, he would never haul and fire to protect others as long as he wasnt a target."Thats your business "

I find that the height of cowardice. Lots of input (to gain what you want without limit) yet no responsibility -sounds more like the rules of committeehood tha "Promoting the general Welfare" as our Constitution lays out in its scope statement.

Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 08:16 am
farmerman wrote:

Each if these kids should go home with the mission to "un-elect incumbents" who are proudly in the NRAs pockets and who continue the talk-talk stall tactic about effective gun legislation..

This is how America works. Elect change... This way, as America finally gasps the last breath of freedom as our rights are fully and completely eroded no one will be able to stop the big wheel of tyranny from rolling over everyone because a bunch of kids decided they knew better.

'cause kids are so smart. Rolling Eyes
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 08:28 am
farmerman wrote:

Ive not heard any of the gun-nutters , EVER discuss how they would personally come to aid others or protect these kids. They seem to dwell on the vacuous principle tht "guns for everybody and everybody fer hisself" Theyre sure that somebody'll come and help"

Going back into the dusty archives of A2k and weve had this.
"IT AINT ME BABE" -(That as a direct quote from our own beloved Omsig Dave who was as close to a 2ND Amendment Scholar as weve ever had here. Yet in all his knowledge he readily admitted that should events present themselves, he would never haul and fire to protect others as long as he wasnt a target."Thats your business "

I find that the height of cowardice. Lots of input (to gain what you want without limit) yet no responsibility -sounds more like the rules of committeehood tha "Promoting the general Welfare" as our Constitution lays out in its scope statement.

This is because gun laws are so convoluted that defending someone else just ends up placing you in jail. The only people "free" to have guns are criminals. I think your self-righteous screed looks to be taken directly from the foaming mouths of the people that want to take all of your freedoms away in the name of "safety".

Can't speak freely lest someone be offended. Can't be secure in your stuff because "what do you have to hide?" Can't travel across the United States without having to present papers. We have secret trials and courts deciding the fates of Americans so why have the right to a speedy and public trial? We have poor people rotting in prison for smoking marijuana because they can't afford a lawyer or bail. We have a Federal Government deciding what rights the state governments should have.

People have forgotten that the government is supposed to be of and for the people. The people do not serve government.
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 08:36 am
McGentrix wrote:

farmerman wrote:

Each if these kids should go home with the mission to "un-elect incumbents" who are proudly in the NRAs pockets and who continue the talk-talk stall tactic about effective gun legislation..

This is how America works. Elect change... This way, as America finally gasps the last breath of freedom as our rights are fully and completely eroded no one will be able to stop the big wheel of tyranny from rolling over everyone because a bunch of kids decided they knew better.

'cause kids are so smart. Rolling Eyes

Our rights are already under a tyranny. Yesterday was a move toward setting things right at last, in this one area.
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 08:43 am
Yesterday was a move to limit American's right to defend against the very tyranny you speak of.

Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 08:50 am
The people who are outraged at these whiny brats are not upset over this.

A number of those 'whiny brats' had to live through having their friends/classmates get shot. Callous much, oralloy?
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 08:51 am
Au contrary my frer. It was a move to freedom from getting killed by the nuts you people are shielding and arming.
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 08:56 am
farmerman wrote:
Each if these kids should go home with the mission to "un-elect incumbents"

lots of new voters were signed up yesterday

engage young people to vote earlier and they will stay engaged and active longer (quite a bit of new research in this area - interesting reading)
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Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 09:13 am
edgarblythe wrote:

Au contrary my frer. It was a move to freedom from getting killed by the nuts you people are shielding and arming.

Nonsense. I am all for locking up criminals preventing unnecessary violence. That is why I don't commit criminal acts or perpetrate violence. I also expect the US to keep and protect my rights as well as everyone else's.

You've made it pretty far in life without being shot. How did that happen if the country is so rife with gun violence?
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 09:27 am
The people who make the pro gun laws protect the potential shooters and make it easy for them to get the weapons of choice for mass murders. That is what all the outrage is about from the people opposed to getting shot.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 09:27 am
you are , at least , partly correct in that with ALL the harangue AGAINST GOVT REGULATIONS,( overstepping authority by unelected agencies), seems to have been a re statement of ,
"All laws must be legislated, not developed by unelected agencies.."

Im very cynical in that Ive seen this very common GOP mantra as a quick means to stymie anything being done.
Its easy to be quoted with an opinion that a Fed agency is blocking our freedoms and these things must be handled by CONGRESS. So, when we leave it to Congress, they sit on their asses in fealty to their major funding sources> Consequently NOTHING gets done and its all part of a continuous chain of BAU by congress. Be it environmental regs, all the way to gun law , all we are left with is the CRA and thats riddled with self-dealing and money- is- power (because of Citizens United v.

We now have a Childrens crusade in the hopes that maybe the adults will become active as well. Unelection of several target Pa state legislators and quite a few Fed legislators now make greater deals of sense since its their party to talk-talk-talk and doing nothing.

The kids are asking the embarrassing questions nd these legislators are becoming known as the NRA puppets. So much is this so that severl state groups have had buttons printed with "HOW DEEP IN NRA's POCKET IS YOUR REPRESENTATIVE"??

Newspapers have picked this up and have commented upon how the NRA seems to have e mailed its membership many strident notices that claim how our 2 Amendment rights are being challenged by the kids whove been "set-up
" by their anti American parents to whine and cry in front of camera"

Does Oralloy write copy for NRA??

0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 09:31 am
This is because gun laws are so convoluted that defending

someone else just ends up placing you in jail. The only people "free" to have guns are criminals. I think your self-righteous screed looks to be taken directly from the foaming mouths of the people that want to take all of your freedoms away in the name of "safety".

Quite vacuous an analysis. Om sig woulda dropped the bumper sticker **** and the "anti freedom clauses" and leave that to you, oralloy and pinky
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2018 02:34 pm


Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new. Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law abiding citizens.

Here’s a history lesson for young adults in America – Hitler’s regime took away guns from people in Germany and then herded those they did not like into boxcars and shipped them to concentration camps where they were enslaved, beaten, raped and murdered. The victims didn’t fire a shot in self-defense because their guns were taken away.

Hitler said –

“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”

—Adolf Hitler (1938)

Hitler knew how important it was to indoctrinate the young to the Nazi cause early in their lives. Today’s liberals are no different.....



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