Mon 19 Mar, 2018 09:03 pm
People always want to make thought the villain of man. And thus, irrespective of evidence placed within the reason and logic of their minds as to the reality of thought being the end result of being the activity within their consciousness which manifest impermanent finality of forms, people insist thought, and thought alone is the cause and effect of their situations, circumstance, and conditions. Be that as it may be believed, thought have no life, nor inertia to move up or down, backward or forward, sideways or straight unless thinking prompt thought to take action. So irrespective of the denial, or fear of looking at this issue from it root, unknown and invisible conscious thinking is always the master of thought, and is always dependent upon the activity of the Spirit movement within ones consciousness.
It doesn't matter what one thinks thought will and will not do while bound to the belief of only being human. The reality of life in in form, as well as any thought man projected by a human mind written or spoken, the reality of the belief the man of flesh is the microcosm of something much larger than himself, in the parenthesis of time, is founded in the belief Self is reduced in its omniety, and somehow is partial, not to the whole structure macrocosm, but the human belief of Man - the Microcosm. Reality is microcosm and macrocosm. They are one principle foundation of living as the law of the Spirit of life, which has no form other than being whole, perfect, complete, and pure Consciousness which is not of time, space, distance, and three dimension matter.
Consciousness doesn't discriminate, nor divide the garment of life, to do so would mean Consciousness is a house divided, and "A house divided against itself cannot stand." This is why one cannot tell when the east, west, north, and south begins and end except in the theorem of human distinction of dividing that which is invisible.
Microcosm and macrocosm comes to one pointed which project their existence, as the four seasons, from the circumference center. As all roads lead to Rome, all degrees, dimensions, levels of life leads to The One Conscious Spirit of "That I Am." Zechariah 14:9 (KJV) "And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and His Name One." [Emphasis mine]
Never give power to anything person believes is their source of strength - jufa
I forgot why I had put you on 'ignore'. Thanks for reminding me !
So glad I was of help to you.
So glad I was able to jog your memory from Alzheimer's.
Next time you have a lapse, don't forget I'm have healed you once.
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
You are a typical self publicist who blitzes the web pasting your idiosyncratic, ungrammatical word salad. You appear to have few followers on the multiple forums you infest.
I suggest you shed your supercilious pseudo messiah complex and read up on the interaction of language and thought...a field in which you are an amateur.
Self publicists on forums are two a penny.
What's the matter, jealous. And being my words are your opioids, and every time I place them before you you either pop them in your brain, or shoot them into your veins, means I'm your pusher man. You are infested with jufa, and an addict to him and his (your words: "idiosyncratic, ungrammatical word salad.")
Keep reading my post, commenting and following me everywhere I go on the web, for it is good publicity for me. It also shows others people who read your replies to my post the activity of an addict and an ogre.
In the words of the late Bernie Mac - I Ain't Scared Of You Mutha****!
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
Quote: Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength
Sorry but Ive gotta pull the plug to your beliefs . Your writing is quite pre- adolescent , you know that?
Whatever plug you pull. it won't stop me from getting up in the morning, which is saying I don't care what you do or say, I'm going to keep on trucking.
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength
@farmerman, doubt we are into familiar soapbox preaching territory here, except that this guy is less articulate than the average. The problem is that
any response feeds their attention seeking mission...
I just clicked him off, no bigee.
Can we blame a person for believing their 'soapbox' is real - When others placed them thereupon, and matured them thereof?
Would you like the role of 'supreme-being', jufa?
You, already, refer to yourself in the third-person - "You are infested with jufa,".
'Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength'?
Not disagreeing, btw - I just would like 'jufa's' understanding, please?
@mark noble,
You cannot understand jufa, for to you I am only relative. I am three dimension so I am the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person of jufa. How can I not be infested with me, I am all that I am.
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength because I need all my energy to deal with what come to me.
But I do understand you, jufa.
I know you are all that you are.
It's ALL you have ever been to me.
@mark noble,

This conversation reminds me of a Woody Allen anecdote about his 'child therapy' group experiences. On Sundays they played baseball ..the bed wetters versus the thumb suckers.
I thought you more in-tune, once.
@mark noble,
What you think is of no importance.
I Think EVERYTHING is important - You, me - my interaction with you - The 76.37 Billion yrs of 'ED' it took for you and I to meet, etc.