@Walter Hinteler,
In these days there are commemorations everywhere in Germany for the anniversary of the Pogrom Night* of 1938.
has to accuse the extreme-right AfD politician Andreas Wild of a disgusting provocation at the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the pogrom night in the House of Representatives: Wild wore a blue cornflower on the lapel of his jacket both there and later at the Holocaust memorial.
Between 1933 and 1938, such flowers served in Austria as a symbol of the National Socialists, who were banned at the time.
*Pogrom Night is what in English is called "Kristallnacht", a trivialising term invented by the Nazis.
The pogroms between 7 and 13 November 1938 marked the transition from discrimination to the persecution of Jews, which later led to the Shoa.
In the course of these November pogroms, 127 people died in today's NRW (my home state) alone.
It seems disrespectful to me to call this "Crystal Night" or even worse "Night of Broken Glass".