Eorl, One day a stranger at a party asked me if i was an empath.
I had never even heard of such a thing, so i went home later and looked it up.
This was well after i was confused about how i was able to absorb mental pain from others.
I found that being empathic was also the reason for my social anxiety disorder!
I read people too well, and it has made me nervous, confused, and left feeling different my whole life.
Ive prayed to God to help me understand my problems with people.... for 10 years!
I am sure that this is his way of answering my prayers. Understanding this big part of my identity, has changed me in so many ways!!!!
From what i understand, the person on this path..... at its highest extent.... is able to push and pull energies so well, that healing can be possible. I am only reciting what ive read, ...because it is certainly beyond my comprehension.
I only entertain the idea of healing being possible, because.... nothing has otherwise proved to me..... that God has not allowed any human access to this dimension.
I was freaked out enough when i first purposely controlled the attempt to see the same memory as my friend.
I only wish i could express how the world as i knew it had changed for me that day.
I rarely get the chance to use this, because both i and a friend have to really be trying to communicate together.
I am not a grand story teller, or a schizo....i am just someone who has been given a big smack for no good reason.
Anyways, I have way too much to say about it, so if you truly want to know that its real, then all you have to do.... is let me get to know you a little bit