Go to the post office where you live now and ask for a "Moving Packet". It has all the info in there on who/when to notify. Before you move go back down there and give them your forwarding address.
When mnail comes to you at the new address you'll be able to see if it's been forwarded and you can pick and choose who you want to notify of your new address (like your credit cards etc..).
Other than that, I'd suggest a you bring a folio with a certified copy of your birth certificate, your drivers license, Social Security card and any other "important papers" (i.e. previous tax returns, bank account info, car titles, wills, in surance policies, etc..).
Some of these you'll need relatively soon (like your license and titles if you are moving with a car because you'll need to register it up here within 30 days.). Others you'll just want to have on hand "just in case".
UMass Lowell eh? You'll be 5 or 6 miles away from me.