Fri 21 Feb, 2003 10:29 pm
In a recent question, some of us started discussing Milms and Foovies, those rare but wonderful cinematic accomplishments that manage to succeed both as Film (i.e. the art house crowd doesn't puke all over it) and Movie (it appeals to a wide range of people and sells beaucoup popcorn). Clearly, our collective ability to identify and exploit the relatively limited Foovie and Milm portfolio is key to the ongoing mingling and cross breeding of the Film Fanatics and the Movie Masses. The intended outcome: tolerance, respect and thought-provoking entertainment.
And so with this lofty goal in mind, I suggest an inaugural A2K Milm and Foovie Festival, an international series of celluloid presentations that succeed on both cinematic levels. The first step: determining a program of work that meets our general criteria. Later, we'll select a jury and virtually exhibit the works on a regular basis. Fans and jury members will be encouraged to share their thoughts on each Foovie and Milm and nominations will made against our various festival prizes. Finally, at the Inaugural A2K Milm and Foovie Awards Banquet later this year (complete with open virtual bar), the prizes will be awarded, the Jury members will be praised or vilified and Foovie and Milm history will be made.
So, any one up for this idea? If so, please indicate your support and nominate a milm or foovie for the program. Nominations will need to be seconded before they are considered for inclusion, so community members are encouraged to argue for or against any nomination.
(BTW, if you're looking for a good milm example, look no further than The Godfather, an immensely popular foovie that works on so many artistic levels that has become the quintessential milm.)
Cool idea! I just re-watched The Great Escape which might fit your criteria.
Hmmmmmmm - thinking, thinking....Classics allowed? The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, Chinatown, The African Queen. Australian: Sunday Too Far Away, Lantana, Last Days of Chez Nous, Children of the Revolution, ....thousands more to come, could I but get the grey matter working...
Jespah, I'm a fan of the Great Escape as great escapist entertainment but have to wonder if it meets the "film" criteria. I think some elements would qualify....certainly the score and much of the direction...but I think the acting hasn't held up as well as I thought it might and the writing seems very stilted to me now. I'd be curious to hear what others think.
Now, Casablanca I think is a no brainer, but some may suggest otherwise.
Some Like It Hot
LarryBS of Arabia
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Annie Hall
If you are being serious, Tim, and don't want mangled titles like Letty's fabulous example

-- here's a short list:
"Howard's End"
"Lawrence of Arabia"
"American Beauty"
"Apocalypse Now"
"2001: A Space Odyssey"
"The Crying Game"
...or "Dr. Strangelove -- Or How I Learned to Love the Godfather"
Harumph, Mr. Wizard. I was replying in kind.
And Deb, "My Cousin Vinney" disguised as a spoonerism.
Ok...I'll be straight:
Once Upon a Time in the West
Lawrence of Arabia
Tom Jones
O Brother Where Art Thou
Lavender Hill Mob
"The Third Man"
"Once Upon a Time in America"
"The Haunting"
I'll second for Some Like It Hot.
<trying to think what to serve during the showing - gin straight up of course - maybe smoked oysters from a tin>
Fresh oysters from the shell!
having "worked" for a life insurance company for 27(yes that is twenty-seven!) years (but NOT as an actuary!) my vote goes to "the apartment" and "about schmidt". i well remember watching the apartment in 1966 on tv when my wife's mother was visiting from germany.she didn't know much english, but she understood it well enough to quizz her daughter about my "activities" in the insurance business. what a laugh it was!
Some Like It Hot has been nominated and seconded as a Milm or Foovie, as has Lawrence of Arabia. Any dissent on these two nominees? And any seconds for other Milms and Foovies mentioned?
And, yes Lightwizard, I am serious.
I second Dr. Strangelove and 2001.