i began to wonder...

Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 03:38 pm
it all started last week in a physics lesson at school, our teacher was talking about the limitations of our earth, where does it end in terms of size? how was it created? how long is there left? that kind of thing.

one day, perhaps millions of years away yet, our world will no longer exist and human life will be gone forever, so if our world is destined to extinction, what is the point in our futile lives and exsistance? why spend years developing new technology if in the end everything will be destroyed?

by thinking these things i don't mean i'm going to give up on life and just think whats the point? it just got me thinking, what are we here for?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,739 • Replies: 32
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Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 03:41 pm
So that God can show Satan that he's the baddest mother f*#ker on the playground....
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new to the world of guita
Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 03:45 pm
ah what enlightenment, why didnt i realise the truth sooner.
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Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 03:46 pm
new_to_the_world_of_guita wrote:
ah what enlightenment, why didnt i realise the truth sooner.

you have a better explanation? More eloquent doesn't count. :wink: Laughing
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Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 03:47 pm
btw welcome to A2K.....you'll enjoy it...
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new to the world of guita
Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 03:54 pm
thanks, i dont know if ive spoken to you before in the music forums but hey anyway!

i don't have a better explanation, i've just had questions in my head and i dont know what im hoping to acheive by sharing them with others because there mainly unanswerable, but humour's always good lol!
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Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 03:56 pm
it's hard to say why we're here....so what I decided to do was pick a mission and go for it...so far so good....hell, what else can you do?
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new to the world of guita
Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 04:00 pm
apart from sitting in a corner quivering, repeating the words "what is the meaning of life" in a hushed whisper to yourself, i guess thats the best thing to do. so ehats your mission?
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Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 04:06 pm
I know you're kidding, but let's suppose you were serious about the futility of everything given our eventual end. I don't think living forever is the justification for the active and constructive life NOW. In fact, it seems right to think of my existence as being IN A SENSE forever: MY forever. Also, since my life is my experience of it, when I die, when I cease to experience my life (and all things within it), I take my life and its contents with me. Who says you can't take it with you? The reality is that we can''t leave it behind. When I die I'll take my house with me (that is to say my house as I experience it). My wife will continue to live at the same address and in the same building, but that will be HER address and HER building, not mine. Mine will have gone with me.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 04:07 pm
Hi, new. Welcome to A2K.

Here's my two cents on the matter: what will happen to the world in a million years, or a thousand years, or even tomorrow is irrelevant to today. One reason it's irrelevant is because, to a large extent, it's beyond our control. I can do nothing about a tsunami in the Indian Ocean, let alone a comet zipping its way here to put a new ocean the size of the Pacific right into the middle of what right now is the USA. It doesn't matter. What matters is how I live my life today because today is all I have.

I love physics, astronomy, archeology, history and all other studies of my environment. But they are all academic. All that they have to do with me is to increase my knowledge, not necessarily my understanding. I know a lot; in fact, I understand very little. To cite Aristotle, everything has a begining, a middle and an end. Through our studies we try to discover what the beginings were. Wee're pretty good at that but not so good at making exact predictions about the end.

The start or the end of the known universe is not my responibility. Living my life as well as I can today is. Which reminds me -- I have to start thinking about dinner. Laughing
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new to the world of guita
Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 04:15 pm
interesting point, its strange to think that forever to one person is their own lifespan, and that could differ from person to person. i see what you mean about when we die we take with us our acheivements and, basically our lives, with us. so really we should live for the moment and make what we can of forever, whatever that may be.

this stuff sure does go deep.
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Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 05:23 pm
Andrew, your distinction between what you know and what you understand would make a good thread by itself. What you experience (both the raw sensations and the meanings ascribed to them) would also make up an interesting part of that thread. I hope you had a nice dinner.
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Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 06:29 pm
As the cute fluffy bear said. Pick a mission, any mission...

But you can't be the anti-messiah of the middle way. That's me, damnit.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 08:11 pm
JLNobody wrote:
Andrew, your distinction between what you know and what you understand would make a good thread by itself. What you experience (both the raw sensations and the meanings ascribed to them) would also make up an interesting part of that thread. I hope you had a nice dinner.

Thank you, JL. Quite a nice dinner, thx. Cooked up a nice quiche with a garden salad on the side with my own secret recipe dressing.

You've put a bee in my bonnet. There is a great deal of difference between knowing a whole lot of facts and understanding how they all fit together with other facts and what they actually mean. I'll sleep on it.
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Reply Sun 30 Jan, 2005 08:37 pm
Good, and I can imagine how it would grow in fruitful directions.
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Reply Mon 31 Jan, 2005 05:48 am

"Even if I knew the world would end tomorrow, I would plant a new tree today". That's from Luther.
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Reply Mon 31 Jan, 2005 10:50 am
Val, that shows how mad was Luther. Laughing
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Reply Mon 31 Jan, 2005 02:07 pm
Perhaps our new friend should comment on his choice of name.

Here's what I've got so far.

Translation: Kicking Mule
Type/Species: Wurm
Origin: Spanish Legend

History: Note: The main source of this dragon says that its strange nature is due to the eroding of the legends of Spain.

Guita's name means "Kicking Mule". Very little is known of the dragon's past. During the festival of Corpus Christi and the Patum of Berga in Catalonia, this dragon is used in the parades to ward of evils that might harm the people. The dragon was said to have fiery breathe, and so, to recreated that, the people usually place fireworks and rockets in the dragon's mouth while on parade.

Symbolism: The dragon, in this case, is strangely seen as a sign of protection.

Physical Description: Guita had a black face with huge fangs and leering eyes. Its mouth is usually portrayed as opened and red. The body is long and serpentine with a neck that is extended.
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new to the world of guita
Reply Mon 31 Jan, 2005 03:25 pm
i like your research into my name, but im afraid you'll be disappointed to find the true meaning. i recently started playing the guitar and i found this website when asking a question about playing the guitar, i joined the forum not giving a lot of thought to my name and thats pretty much it. i later discovered you can only have 25 letters in your name, not realising in my hurry that the full thing was 26 and the r had been cut off at the end.

i think i prefer your analysis, it makes me look less dumb!
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Reply Mon 31 Jan, 2005 03:50 pm
Guita, Ha!. You don't look dumb at all.
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