I used to enjoy spending a Saturday or Sunday washing, waxing, tinkering with my car. I don't anymore. I take it to a carwash whenever it needs it.
Recently though, I purchased a fire engine red convertible. A real nice one. I don't believe taking it to a carwash is a good idea. No telling what might happen to the canvas top, no telling that water shooting at a particular angle might find a way into the interior of the car either. Plus there's no telling what kind of vehicle went through the carwash before my car. No telling what kind of crap may be on the brushes that wash the car. I didn't pay the 63K plus tax this baby cost brand new but I think I might have heart failure if water got into the car or the top got damaged or the car got scratched or anything. See what I'm sayin?
How do you wash your convertible which I am sure you baby as much as I do mine? Do you do it yourself or can you recommend a place that does this work and is fussy? Like me.