Fascinating, eh?
Why not post this on one of the US dominated threads - like US/UN/Iraq 8 - that'll cause a flurry.
US administration already playing it down as "miscommunication and personality clashes."
There seem to be an awful lot of them - like Abu Ghraib, et. etc.....
Feel free to post it on, Deb. I'm in & out of those threads & am not really sure of which one would be the most appropriate.
..But yes, fascinating alright!
And our wishy-washy government makes me sick! Will they EVER disagree with ANYTHING the US government says or does?
Ruddock is full of it. This is still a kangaroo court and he knows it. David McLeod called them on it, he isn't fooled.
At least it is SOME sort of admission by Bushco that the system was outrageous.
In a sense yes. This is PR spin. David McLeod though, good for him, called them up on it.
Yep - I agree, it is.
I still think it is one of the signs that Bushco are beginning to comprehend how much they have lost by their immoral actions, while hypocritically trumpeting their moral authority in the world.
Interestingly, I think them more aware of that - and more likely to shift - than their loony right supporters here on A2k - though THEIR stuff can be explained by cognitive dissonance theory, I think.
I guess it'll come down to cost/benefit analysis.
They CAN do whatever they want - it will be up to how much they want to maintain a reasonable image - and how much strategically, I guess, they think such actions will hasten the formation of a truly competing power bloc.
China getting more allies because of folk being concerned about American actions, for example - and that wouldn't be a good outcome.
Cognitive dissonance theory - the real "sour grapes" (following Aesop - I get very annoyed when I hear "sour grapes" used as a synonym for anger, yes I'm pedantic).
One of the reasons Bush and his cronies disgust me is that they have at once weakened America's global moral authority and at the same time have handed over economic control of America - the biggest economy in the world - to China.
I worry when I think about China taking over America's position in the world. A coldly brutal, vicious, despicable totalitarian regime taking America's place? Not a good thought.
Ah yes, but's that's a fine distinction there--a coldly brutal, vicious, despicable totalitarian regime taking the place of a coldly brutal, vicious, despicable plutocratic regime . . .
The difference is that one can be removed by democratic vote....I think.
I guess I never saw America as having so much global moral authority.....but less now, indeed.
I am clearly naive - I do not understand what you mean by handing their economy over to China?
If China called in the debt owed to it by the US it would not be good. Of course it can't and it won't happen because it would cause global destabilisation and China doesn't want that. They don't want to inherit a wreck.
Makes me want to vomit.
Even Blair stands up to Bushinc., not Howard.
Hicks' American military lawyer looked like he had just had a baby or something when interviewed on TV last night! Jubilant.
He is a very interesting young fella, that one, has been so prepared to declare the "legal" system around the detainees what it is.