What can we do to help improve science education in the US?

Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 10:16 am
The following article posted on Fox News recently will give readers a look into the mindset of the evolutionite which is a bit more thoroughgoing than they might have seen previously. The article does not recommend that those refusing indoctrination into evolutionism be sterilized or sent to re-education camps, but it stops just short of that:



The number of American adults unsure about the validity of evolution has increased in recent years, from 7 to 21 percent, but growth in this demographic comes at the expense of the other two groups.

The percentage of Americans accepting evolution has declined, but so has the percentage of those who overtly reject it.

"I was very surprised to see that. To me that means the glass is half full," Scott said.

"That 21 percent we can educate......"
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 12:10 pm
Well! How can I impune a source like Fox!!!???
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 12:41 pm
"That 21 percent we can educate..."


Now THAT'S a non sequitur.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 12:52 pm
A few words or phrases please for the angle of the lean of Fox.

It would help a foreigner.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 01:44 pm
spendius wrote:
A few words or phrases please for the angle of the lean of Fox.

The words bull and **** come to mind.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 02:26 pm
No,no nimh.

I know it's bullshit. It's all bullshit.

What's the lean. Straight or gay for example. Ratings up or down.

Texture- you know. Images.

Bullshit has shades and colours. Unless you feed the bull on BEEFO's FASTGROW pellets of course. Then it's pale biege. At first I mean.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 09:16 am
spendius wrote:

Apart from a few eccentrics everybody is up to their ears in science and wishes it well. I read that 2/3 of American biology teachers skip evolution altogether.

What is your reason for demanding the teaching of evolution. Who cares where we come from? Isn't where we are going of greater interest and science will lead the way.

First, if 2/3rds skip teaching evolution, maybe it is because they fear the censure of Creationists, who tend to be cut from the same cloth as Right-to-Lifers. Who needs to be spat upon by protestors as one goes to work, just as hospital workers are spat upon?

Second, the article wasn't there as a demand for the teaching of evolution, but for its information.

Third, there was one student that I know of who was excused from class at the suburban high school where I worked because his parents object to the concept of evolution. He is a marginal student in remedial classes and the oldest of five children.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 01:16 pm
POM wrote-

First, if 2/3rds skip teaching evolution, maybe it is because they fear the censure of Creationists, who tend to be cut from the same cloth as Right-to-Lifers.

Even more than 2/3 resist the urgent need to fart in the lift when ladies are present for fear of censure.

We do tend to take account of other people's feelings even when we don't agree with them. This is particular so when the feelings are strongly held and those having them represent a sizeable section of respectable society which contains many individuals who do many things we approve of.

It may be that they spit on people for traducing those feelings, and in doing so express contempt for them, the issue being secondary.Those who think they can go against the strong feelings of a sizeable section of society are certainly deserving of censure.

One might say, having been granted permission to say so, that scientific materialists tend to be cut from the same cloth as Communists.

I presume that the hospital staff referred to are involved in abortion operations. While I personally wouldn't spit on them I certainly would avoid having any social contact with them and particularly if that contact involved any degree of intimacy.

The article seemed to me to contain no useful information and what has happened to one student of your acquaintance is really rather emphemeral and may well involve a multiplicity of other factors.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 02:04 pm
spendius wrote:
While I personally wouldn't spit on them I certainly would avoid having any social contact with them and particularly if that contact involved any degree of intimacy.

If everyone thinks this way we'll have 2 races of humans someday!
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 04:10 pm
stuh505 wrote:
spendius wrote:
While I personally wouldn't spit on them I certainly would avoid having any social contact with them and particularly if that contact involved any degree of intimacy.

If everyone thinks this way we'll have 2 races of humans someday!

We already have at least three "races" of humans. If you mean "species" of humans, you're wrong. There's no such thing as macroevolution in real life.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 04:45 pm
stuh wrote-

spendius wrote:
While I personally wouldn't spit on them I certainly would avoid having any social contact with them and particularly if that contact involved any degree of intimacy.

If everyone thinks this way we'll have 2 races of humans someday!

That's right. The ones who think sanctity has a meaning and the ones who don't
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 06:01 pm
There's no such thing as macroevolution in real life.

Really? Crap! You gotta spread the word!
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 08:41 pm
...should be easy to spread, what with the world being flat 'n'all.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 08:48 pm
...should be easy to spread, what with the world being flat 'n'all.

I hope he hurries, before all the oceans drain off the edge of the world.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 09:18 pm
Re: What can we do to help improve science education in the
rosborne979 wrote:
Education in general, and science in particular, are key components to the health of US culture (and others). But basic science knowledge, and even the fundamental process of science, seems to be lacking in many students and adults. This is beneficial to those who sell magnetic ionized techno-junk insoles for your shoes to keep your feet healthy. And for those who sell astrology charts and psychic readings, but other than that, it has little benefit to society. What can be done?

Thanks Smile

The very first thing that should be done, is to prevent all half-wits from having any more children. This at the very least will increase the gene pool of more intelligent adults, who hopefully will produce
bright, intelligent children, who can easily learn math and science.
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Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 06:20 am
Re: What can we do to help improve science education in the
Miller wrote:
The very first thing that should be done, is to prevent all half-wits from having any more children. This at the very least will increase the gene pool of more intelligent adults, who hopefully will produce
bright, intelligent children, who can easily learn math and science.

I think education (or possibly sociology) is the problem, not genetics.
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Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 08:10 am
ros wrote-

What can be done?

One of the first things is to get people to see that if-

This is beneficial to those who sell magnetic ionized techno-junk insoles for your shoes to keep your feet healthy. And for those who sell astrology charts and psychic readings,

there's an evident failure to see that there are people who will benefit financially from anti-ID (which may be promoting "sex education" by the back door) are equally entitled to be in the frame ros is holding up except that the number of people concerned about their feet or astrology or psychic readings is a small proportion of the population whereas the number to be screwed up by "sex education" is enormous.

Your slippery propaganda ros is basically an admission that you think the rest of us are stupid which I suppose to be a realistic proposition from your point of view seeing as how intelligent you are.

Pull the other one.

One of the first thing to do to improve science education or any education is to show students how to laugh at such simplistic and out-of-date methods of discourse as he employs in the above quote.
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Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 09:53 am
spendius wrote:

I presume that the hospital staff referred to are involved in abortion operations. While I personally wouldn't spit on them I certainly would avoid having any social contact with them and particularly if that contact involved any degree of intimacy.

No. My daughter worked at Brighams and Womens Hospital one summer while in college as receptionist on a stomach cancer ward. A right-to-lifer spat in her face as she went to work one morning, exhibiting his titanic ignorance.
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Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 09:55 am
Approaching the issue from both the Y-chromosone and from mitrochondrial DNA, scientists have proved there is only one race.
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Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 09:57 am
Even if only people with IQs over 120 were allowed to reproduce, the spectrum of intelligences would remain just what it is today.
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