farmerman wrote:BUT ITS THE PARK HQ, you missed that???
It's a town of 6000 people actually. If that town holds the headquarters of a park, that is hardly relevant.
farmerman wrote:YA know, theres no dishonor to **** up,
There is however dishonor in your phony attempts to pretend that I've made an error.
farmerman wrote:what is really kinda sad is when yo deny facts,
You cannot provide any examples of me ever denying any facts.
farmerman wrote:insist on your own veritude,
Since I am correct, it is reasonable for me to say that I am correct.
You are too stupid to ever get anything right, so you wouldn't understand this.
farmerman wrote:and, by so doing, furthr expose yourself like a "mini- me" Trump.
He doesnt admit when hes fucked up either so he always looks like a complete lying moron. Youre well in his league.
You can't help being stupid, but you shouldn't add dishonesty to your sins.
You are the only person here who looks like a complete lying moron.