I don't disagree with your central points here at all. However the fact remains that what appears to me to be the orthodox position of AGW zealots & mere protagonists across the world is replete with rather obvious contradictions and assumptions, involving the means they demand that all must accept and immediately act on, to meet the rather restrictive timeline they have proclaimed. Fanaticism has replaced rationality and simple minded doctrine thoughtful strategy.
With current and foreseeable technologies, wind and solar power are quite obviously not able to replace conventional petroleum fuels in the time required to meet the orthodox disaster scenario, even with the severe, freedom-destroying, coordinated world wide government action demanded (something that has never been achieved in the history of humanity.
Some available and indeed proven technologies with far greater potential and capacity, chiefly including the expanded use of pressurized water nuclear reactors, are immediately available , but are inexplicably widely rejected by those most avid in predicting our imminent doom due to rising atmospheric carbon.
The (odd in my estimation) coupling of demands for significantly increased government control and intrusion into the lives of citizens as a necessary means and component of any solution of the AGW problem flies in the face of a human history, which rather clearly establishes the marked inferiority of such systems, compared to those based on individual freedom, creativity and innovation, particularly in meeting significant new challenges. Indeed the historical record abounds with the failures of such authoritarian systems to adapt and meet new challenges, internal or external.
In short the many contradictions between the (in my view exaggerated) imminence of the danger, and the likely ineffectiveness of the rather rigid and doctrinaire social, political and technological demanded by AGW protagonists leads me to believe the movement involves more psychological disorder than substance.
Atmospheric warming is real and continuing, However its future progress and side effects remain hard to predict accurately. Corrective action is needed now to meet it's challenges. However the needs of humanity and the hard earned lessons of history must accompany any focused effort to deal effective with this challenge while, at the same time, protecting humanity from poverty and tyranny. So far I don't see that.