Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Reply Thu 23 Apr, 2015 11:12 pm
I'm new to you Spooky, hi, but green tech isn't a failure at all. Just some countries do it a lot better than others.

In fact over a third of the countries listed generate more than half their electricity from renewable sources.

Reply Thu 23 Apr, 2015 11:14 pm
Not happy news for for the Malthusians and greentards...


Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid greentards...

Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 03:25 am
There is so much wrong with saying the sea level rose by 70mm in 20 years, I dont know where to begin . One tide in one part of the world is 16.27 m . How were storm tides eliminated ? Extra high tides from the moon ? Where were the tides measured ? What was the tolerance for data collection ? Were tides collected from everywhere on the earth at the same time ? This is a massive scientific effort or it could just be a bit of a fudge, tell the greenies it is all doom and gloom and then get funding .
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Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 03:26 am
Now, gunga, you know greenies dont like facts .
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Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 03:29 am
Japan has floating solar power plants in Hyogo Prefecture

Kyocera is in the news this month. Two floating solar power plants in two reservoirs in Kato City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, are complete. This is a joint venture. The two players are Kyocera and Century Tokyo Leasing, which is in the business of equipment leasing. Construction started last year in September. They use 255-watt Kyocera modules, 11,256 modules in total.
The 11,256 Kyocera modules are affixed to specially developed floating platforms, attached to the lakebeds, said RenewablesBiz.com.
The plants are on Nishihira Pond and Higashihira Pond. Capacity on Nishihira is 1.7MW. Capacity on Higashihira is 1.2MW. Tom Kenning reported in PV-Tech.org, which covers the solar PV supply chain, that, combined, the plants will generate enough to power 920 households.

Photo at link, vid here: http://phys.org/news/2015-04-japan-solar-power-hyogo-prefecture.html
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 03:34 am
I wonder how many 3rd world countries will afford this new technology . I know of one country that was denied a coal burning power house, but have no fear, the greenies delivered a solar power cell to the hospital . They have to turn the fridge off when they want to run the operating theatre .
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Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 06:00 am
China is not a democracy although they have a free enterprise system that runs some government industry. Renewable sources of energy are not required to be cost effective and the Government builds them anywhere they want as the people have little say in the manner.

Wikipedia is not a source.

Li Junfeng work 'Powering China’s Development' gives an honest report on their pollution issues and the future of alternative energy.

The coal consumption in China for it's 1.6 billion people accounts for 78% of it's electricity needs. Solar and wind power require huge amounts of coal to produce the power to run them-negativing the gain by some 40%. Having to burn coal just to run these systems increases pollution that they are trying to eliminate.

Renewable systems, excluding hydroelectric and nuclear energy, accounted for 9.8 percent of China's energy mix in 2014. The goal is by 2050 that will increase to around 22%

Environmental groups twist the stats by adding hydroelectric and Nuclear power to indexes to pump up Wind and Solar production.

Of all the source of power Nuclear is the worst and the dishonesty by environmental groups padding the stats with it is deplorable. It is extremely difficult-if not impossible-to get reliable indexes of facts. Once you start to study these issues it takes very little time to get frustrated by the unreliability of facts.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 06:14 am
Wikipedia is not a source.

That sentence is the kind of careless mistake that hurts what may or may not be a reasonable reply, Spooky.

Widipedia may not be the most reliable source...or the best source...but it most assuredly IS a source.
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Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 07:53 am
Could military strategy win the war on global warming?

...Tree huggers using missile-tr­acking technology and dropping bombs from C-130 aircraft? What's the world coming to?
These apparently devious tactics aren't what they seem though: The forest isn't being converted into a war zone. These innovative optimists are simply adapting advanced military technologies to use in aerial reforestation. Sometimes referred to as aerial seeding, and similar to the garden planting method of broadcasting, aerial reforestation is the use of aircraft to distribute seeds to replant forests.

Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 07:56 am
Increased Antarctic sea ice is a bad thing because it is caused by decrease in saline content in the ocean near Antarctica.

What causes the decrease in salt in the ocean? The melting of ice on land.

What causes the oceans to rise? The melting of ice on land.

I suggest you look up volume vs area, gunga. Thin sea ice can't begin to overcome the melting of ice on the land.
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 09:07 am
Do they really think they come out ahead by using a plane to distribute plants ? Are they too lazy to walk or just lack conviction in what they are doing ?

That is about as useful as pissing in a wet suit . Feels good at first, till you realise what you have done .
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Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 09:09 am
Increased Antarctic sea ice is a bad thing because it is caused by decrease in saline content in the ocean near Antarctica.
Drunk So why is there so much hysteria about it NOT increasing ?
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 09:47 am
What hysteria? You mean the deniers hysteria?
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 09:01 pm
I dont know why you plead stupid . I suppose I must take you at your word, though .

Sea Ice decreasing ! Alarm, hysteria ! Doom and Gloom ! Proof of Global Warming !
Sea Ice increasing ! Alarm, hysteria ! Doom and Gloom ! Proof of Global Warming !

Planet gets hotter...Global Warming .
Planet gets colder...Global Warming .

Do you know what it is called when you dont know what is going to happen but you pick a possibility anyway ? It is called a guess . Can you say it with me ? A guess .
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 08:55 am
ionus says:

Planet gets hotter...Global Warming .
Planet gets colder...Global Warming .

Planet not getting colder. Planet getting warmer. Global warming. 2010, 2012, 2014 b warmest on record. 2015 likely to beat them , in the absence moreover of a strong el nino. And don't give me the brutal winter in the US as contra evidence. If you look at the entire rest of the world, winter temps were high, and the US cold was an artifact of global warming too: If you're goingt to talk about sea ice, notice that the Artctic icecap has decreased hugely, including a 3/4 reduction in old dense ice, which is more resistant to melting than new seasonal ice. That increases the albedo in the area, which leads to more melting of Actic ice,which warms the Arctic Sea, which causes a high pressure over it, which disrupts the smooth flow of the jet stream which normally contains the cold polar winds, whichg can then blow farther southward, which means, guess what, the US gets polar winds, and freezes its ass off, while another idsruption of the jet s tream, due to a weak el nino in the northern Pacific, pushes warmer air northward, so they had to cancel the Iditarod sled race in Alaska--no snow--while we froze. Global warming marches onward.

I DO know what I'm talking about, thank you very much, I see precious little evidence that you know what you're talking about, beyond poor parroting of denialist memes.
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 09:02 am
And I see no hysteria over Antarctic ice. What I DO see is evidence of the fact that scientists are by nature curious, which is why they do what they do. Something that's anomalous, that poses a puzzle, attracts huge intereswt in finding out what's going on and why, and that''s what's happening here. No hysteria. Curiosity. (and you will note it is unquestioned in the cite, that the Antarctic Ocean, like the other oceans of the world, IS warming. And you know what happens to ice in warmer water, don't you? HINT; it's not likely to be anything other than a short-term glitch).
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 11:27 am
FYI. Earth has 2 poles. One is covered with land and the other isn't. Maybe we should start with what most first graders know when we talk to you.
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 01:11 pm
Sorry. I stopped reading when I got to this :

Solar and wind power require huge amounts of coal to produce the power to run them-negativing the gain by some 40%.

You can push that barrow on your own time.

Additional apologies - I accidentally reported this message trying to hit reply. Hope the hamsters see it was a mistake. Stoopid note 3 and fat fingers.
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Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 08:05 pm
Global warming marches onward.
Before you start singing The Battle Hymn of the Republic in honour of Global Warming, how about the science ? Exactly how are they determining an average when they dont have a base line ? Until the greenies took over science, there used to be well established means of obtaining data, and not your old aunts arthritis acting up . Where is the base line and how old is it ?

Here is your shopping list of Global Warming memes . http://able2know.org/topic/245759-13#post-5882972
You are guilty of exactly what you accuse me of...blind stupidity perhaps, or just loyally following dogma ?

I DO know what I'm talking about
Yessssss ? In your own mind .
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Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 08:09 pm
What I DO see is evidence of the fact that scientists are by nature curious
Lovely people scientists . They have never once been accused of being human or having human frailty . Never have they failed a student for disagreeing with them, intimidated a colleague for a different point of view, not recommended an appointment of someone who disagreed with them and most importantly have always turned down research money . Marvelous people, the scientists . Love em .

You do know scientists are always wrong when it comes to science dont you ?

You want to be a scientist dont you and stick out your chest ? Just support your local Global Warming Thuggee Organisation and contribute to saving the planet...sort of like saving Polar Bears but bigger .
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