Parados has shown to have have exceeded the scientific knowledge of virtually everyone on this thread, especially that presented by the likes of you or okie.
Let me put it this way. Where did you get your BS, MS, and PhD in the physical sciences? Have you ever published a scientific article in a refereed journal, or spent a life time of work using scientific methods of analysis? I would doubt it, and wager that you don't know a ******* thing about science. I have the greater level of scientific training and you don't. So, I consider that my opinion on scienctific matters to exceed your own considering your paltry credentials.
in reference to the attacks on temperature readings, due to Urban Heat Island effect and closure of urban weather stations worldwide.
This has been addressed numerous times in the literature. It was discussed in the IPCC report para Page 105.
The difference between the urban and rural measurements, though small, has been taken into account. Also see Box 2.1 on the next page 106.
Unlike Parados, who attempts to inform the unenlightened, I don't give a **** about enlightening you, because, to paraphrase Jesus, the stupid will be with you, always, so there is no reason to waste my time trying to smarten you. I just don't want you to get the idea that you know what you are talking about, nor seduce other gullible rubes that you do.
Not surprising at all, really, but one of the main drivers of global-warming denialism on the part of the Right (conservative and libertarian) is the notion that a problem which is caused by failures of the free market, and which needs government action to fix, cannot exist. The market is, after all, perfect, particularly in more Randian views. And since such a problem cannot exist, then by logic it does not exist.
Which further means that the science behind anthropogenic climate change must be a hoax, which explains why the deniers came all over the stolen CRU emails (which have about as much damning substance to them as the doctored ACORN videos).
A lot of white males derive income and economic advantages from being
white males. This runs in direct conflict with sharing wealth and power with other groups, like women or “minorities.” I think the same reason they might feel entitled to better compensation for the same skill set another person has is the same reason they resent science " it is a
meritocracy. The same guys advocating climate science are the same guys who want to take their gas guzzling polluting ATV's and giving “their jobs” to “black folks” or “women.” The denial is linked. It has never been about anything else except defending upper-class, white male privilege.
White, middle class, educated men are living in a strange fear.
They offer knee-jerk reactions to the idea of "man-made" global warming. I think what it is really about is feeling that it is a blame America thing; that people are pointing fingers at their lifestyle and choices and then refuse to be intimidated so they come back with the disbelief reaction.