Assuming the world will not stay the same forever, we have two possibilities. The world will get colder or hotter. If there is change enough in a single direction, then we will have either:
1. The oceans 5m higher or 80m lower as a absolute maximum possible. Which will affect the worlds reefs and shallow seas more ? Low tide 5m higher or high tide 80m lower ? Which will affect the world's population more ? 25% of people moved to higher ground or the world's ports surrounded by land ?
2. Minimum ice or maximum ice....which will affect people more ? 1km thick ice over North America and Europe and severe winters in Asia or the Polar ice caps melted ? Having 60-80% of the world's people displaced or shipping lanes across the top of the world ?
Everyone is worried about the Polar bear but the Arctic ice has melted before, several times. The Polar bear merges with the brown bear population and re-evolves white again when the ice comes back. How did the Polar Ice melt if evil wicked men werent there to do it ??