Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Reply Tue 6 May, 2008 02:36 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
The earth's climate is changing and its anthropogenic. The debate has moved on.
Yeah, like the debate on biofuels "to save the climate" has moved on.
Now that they've rammed the debate down your throat, taxpayer's $ have been spent to subsidize biofuels (good news, they've made 15 year plans) and Ziegler, a UN official has stated "biofuels are a crime against humanity", just move on.

BTW, it's rather ironic to hear the rally cry "move on", since moveOn.org is a lobby group originally created ad hoc to avoid the impeachment of Clinton.
Lies have been told but hey, move on Laughing
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Reply Tue 6 May, 2008 04:58 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
The earth's climate is changing and its anthropogenic.

The earth's climate changes every hour, every day, every decade, every century, every millenium ever since humans. As a result, some humans, while calling it anthropogenic, have adopted anthroposophy (i.e., "a 20th century religious system growing out of theosophy and centering on man rather than God") and perceive earth's climate to have been made anthropomorphic by man. They want us non-believers in anthroposophy to "move on."
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Reply Tue 6 May, 2008 09:09 pm
Ican, the entire "save the earth" mentality is a gigantic case of arrogance by mankind. The idea that man can destroy the earth or save the earth is riddled with impossibilities.
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Reply Wed 7 May, 2008 10:43 am
okie wrote:
Ican, the entire "save the earth" mentality is a gigantic case of arrogance by mankind. The idea that man can destroy the earth or save the earth is riddled with impossibilities.

I think the "save the earth" mentality is more limited to a gigantic arrogance by that portion of mankind devoted to supressing the ability of any part of mankind accomplishing more than any other part.
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Reply Wed 7 May, 2008 11:33 am

As of December 20, 2007, over 400 prominent scientists--not a minority of those scientists who have published their views on global warming--from more than two dozen countries voiced significant objections to major aspects of the alleged UN IPCC "consensus" on man-made global warming.



Dutch Geologist Dr. Chris Schoneveld, a retired exploration geophysicist, has become an outspoken skeptic regarding the human influence on climate over the past four years. "If global warming is just a consequence of natural climatic fluctuations similar to well-documented, geologically caused climate changes, wouldn't we rather adapt to a warming world than to spend trillions of dollars on a futile exercise to contain carbon dioxide emissions?" Schoneveld wrote in the October 1, 2007 International Herald Tribune. "As long as the causes of the many climate changes throughout the Earth's history are not well understood, one cannot unequivocally separate natural causes from possibly man-made ones. The so-called scientific consensus discourages healthy debate between believers in global warming and skeptics. There has never been a UN-organized conference on climate change where skeptics were invited for the sake of balance to present their case," he explained. (LINK) Schoneveld also critiqued the UN IPCC process on February 3, 2007. "Who are the geologists that the IPCC is relying on? Is the IPCC at all concerned about the frequency and recurrence of ice ages? Who are the astronomers that advise the IPCC on other cause of possible climate change (sun spots or earth's elliptical orbit, tilt and wobble of its axis) so as to ascertain that we are not just experiencing a normal trend related to interglacial warming or variation in solar radiation?" he asked.
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Reply Wed 7 May, 2008 12:05 pm
Sigh. . . . .

Gore must be plumb brave or stupid or really believes a lot of people are gullible beyond belief.

Al Gore Blames Global Warming for Cyclone
By Jeff Poor
Business & Media Institute
5/6/2008 4:04:54 PM

Using tragedy to advance an agenda has been a strategy for many global warming activists, and it was just a matter of time before someone found a way to tie the recent Myanmar cyclone to global warming.

Former Vice President Al Gore in an interview on NPR's May 6 "Fresh Air" broadcast did just that. He was interviewed by "Fresh Air" host Terry Gross about the release of his book, "The Assault on Reason," in paperback.

"And as we're talking today, Terry, the death count in Myanmar from the cyclone that hit there yesterday has been rising from 15,000 to way on up there to much higher numbers now being speculated," Gore said. "And last year a catastrophic storm from last fall hit Bangladesh. The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China - and we're seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming."

Gore claimed global warming is forcing ocean temperatures to rise, which is causing storms, including cyclones and hurricanes, to intensify.
MORE HERE. . . .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 May, 2008 01:44 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Sigh. . . . .

Gore must be plumb brave or stupid or really believes a lot of people are gullible beyond belief.


MORE HERE. . . .

In October 2007, CNN Meteorologist Rob Marciano disputed Gore's claim that there is a strong correlation between intense storms and global warming. He explained that "global warming does not conclusively cause stronger hurricanes like we've seen," pointing out that "by the end of this century we might get about a 5-percent increase."
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Reply Wed 7 May, 2008 04:07 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Sigh. . . . .

Gore must be plumb brave or stupid or really believes a lot of people are gullible beyond belief.


MORE HERE. . . .

In October 2007, CNN Meteorologist Rob Marciano disputed Gore's claim that there is a strong correlation between intense storms and global warming. He explained that "global warming does not conclusively cause stronger hurricanes like we've seen," pointing out that "by the end of this century we might get about a 5-percent increase."

Yes, and that was October 2007. And his latest statement of a correlation was yesterday. But by golly he's consistent. Smile
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Reply Wed 7 May, 2008 04:12 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Sigh. . . . .

Gore must be plumb brave or stupid or really believes a lot of people are gullible beyond belief.

Al Gore Blames Global Warming for Cyclone
By Jeff Poor
Business & Media Institute
5/6/2008 4:04:54 PM

Using tragedy to advance an agenda has been a strategy for many global warming activists, and it was just a matter of time before someone found a way to tie the recent Myanmar cyclone to global warming.

Former Vice President Al Gore in an interview on NPR's May 6 "Fresh Air" broadcast did just that. He was interviewed by "Fresh Air" host Terry Gross about the release of his book, "The Assault on Reason," in paperback.

"And as we're talking today, Terry, the death count in Myanmar from the cyclone that hit there yesterday has been rising from 15,000 to way on up there to much higher numbers now being speculated," Gore said. "And last year a catastrophic storm from last fall hit Bangladesh. The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China - and we're seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming."

Gore claimed global warming is forcing ocean temperatures to rise, which is causing storms, including cyclones and hurricanes, to intensify.
MORE HERE. . . .

Gore is a demagogue, plain and simple. Such people are truly despicable to stoop that low.
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Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 10:09 am
As expected, vulture Al Gore crying AGW while circling with his CO2 spewing private jet over the Burmese deaths. Sickening Mad
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High Seas
Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 10:50 am
THE vultures are circling over Burma's dead. Hey, isn't that fat one Al Gore?

Sure is. And - flap, flap, plop - there he lands, the first to go picking over carcasses for scraps to feed his great global warming scare campaign.
[......]Yet there goes Gore - caw, caw, caw - flogging the warming scare that has made him so fantastically rich. The great Profit of Doom.

Par for his course, I know, given a British judge last year ruled that Gore had likewise exaggerated the link between global warming and the category three Hurricane Katrina that helped to breach the crumbling levees of New Orleans.


This would be hilarious if it weren't for the Burmese tragedy - and they did use to be Southeast Asia's breadbasket under British colonial rule. Rhodesia was ditto for its own Southern African region.

The departure dates of the colonial powers show a higher correlation with deaths from natural disasters than the alleged warming.
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Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 11:01 am
Haha o i love you people that beleive that humans have anything to do with global warming. First off we have nothing to worry about with global warming. Yes the average temperature in areas are increasing, but this is the earths natural cycle. If any of you actually did any real scientific research you would find the the earth goes through cooling and warming cycles every 6 to 10 thousand years. And oh!! "the ice caps are melting and more and more every day and the ocean is going to rise", thats only for the dumb and just plain ignorant. The ice caps are only partially melting, and this is due to our poles expanding into areas of warmer temperature that fluctuate, and over time cause the ice to break off and melt. Warmer temperatures over the ocean only means that more evaporation will occur causing little to no rise in sea level, and 55 percent of that comes down as snowfall over the poles which only makes our ice caps larger. Its the earths cycle!!! get it strait. Its been proven, its factual, all you have to do is read it. And theres the other fellos walking around saying we are severly damaging the earths atmosphere and making greenhouse gases that cause the earth to heat up, you make me laugh. Scientists recently ran tests and found that we have just under 1 percent of an effect on the earths rising temperatures, and when i say rising, this is just over 1 degree on average in the last 115 years!!! thats pretty stable if you ask me. Also, did you know that when mount saint helens erupted it emitted more polutants and green houses gases than the human race in our entire existance!! You would have to be stupid to still sit here and say that we are directly affecting global warming, because we simply arent. In fact many places arround the world, including deserts such as the gobe and places in africa have reported a decrease in average temperature over the last 50 years. Its just what the earth does, it warms up and cools down. There isnt anything we can do about it and there is no reason we should worry about it. so everyone can shut up now, this ends it, Global warming solved. All you idiots who still beleive in it go back to school or go to your local library and rent a new book on global warming. PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT!!
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High Seas
Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 11:15 am
Hi John MG. Read some text before commenting, not just the thread's headline.

Hurricanes in recent years are less damaging than at any time since 1850 - not that Al Gore is likely to grasp that simple fact:


0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 11:23 am
I'm unclear as to how a graph of the % of hurricanes that hit land relates to the amount of damage they do.

One category five hurricane can do a lot more damage than 100 category one hurricanes so the percent of hurricanes hitting land is meaningless in figuring "damage."
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High Seas
Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 11:26 am
Parados - the further back we go the higher the uncertainty; I'm sure you knew that. Here's an excerpt from one of the best studies at this link:

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High Seas
Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 11:28 am
P.S. Here are the academic papers referenced (some available via Google Scholar, others from SciNet database); some also at the public library:


Chang, E. K. M., and Y. Guo (2007): Is the number of North Atlantic tropical cyclones significantly underestimated prior to the availability of satellite observations? Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L14801, doi:10.1029/2007GL030169.

Holland, G. (2007): Misuse of landfall as a proxy for Atlantic tropical cyclone activity. Eos Trans. AGU, 88, 349.

Holland, G.J., and P.J. Webster (2007): Heightened tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic: natural variability or climate trend? Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Ser. A, 365, 2695- 2716, doi:10.1098/rsta.2007.2083.

Kossin, J. P., K. R. Knapp, D. J. Vimont, R. J. Murnane, B. A. Harper (2007): A globally consistent reanalysis of hurricane variability and trends. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L04815, doi:10.1029/2006GL028836.

Landsea, C. W. (2007), Counting Atlantic Tropical Cyclones Back to 1900. EOS, 18, 197-208.

Mann, M.E., T.A. Sabbatelli, U. Neu (2007): Evidence for a modest undercount bias in early historical Atlantic tropical cyclone counts. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L22707, doi:10.1029/2007GL031781.
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Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 11:37 am
Im new to this website, its really cool tho i like it. I was having trouble finding my blog and where the most recent one was, it kept showing me posts from 2005 so i was a little lost. I recently read a book called Unstopable Global Warming by fred singer. It sites and makes relevance with factual imformation. As any educated sane person can agree, it is hard to argue against facts. Its like saying that 200% higher crime rates in inner cities accross america have no corelation with the 90 percent black population, as opposed to say a smaller but relatively large town consisting mostly of whites with crime rates 200 times below that of a large city. Im not saying that black people are all bad or that most are, but the bad ones tend to stick to and populate the large cities. But just the opposite there are the scum bag redneck white people who are just as bad if not worse. And for the record I am not racist by any means, most of my friends are black, and i have spoken with them on this topic and they all agree.
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Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 12:43 pm

As of December 20, 2007, over 400 prominent scientists--not a minority of those scientists who have published their views on global warming--from more than two dozen countries voiced significant objections to major aspects of the alleged UN IPCC "consensus" on man-made global warming.



Atmospheric scientist Dr. Hendrik Tennekes, a scientific pioneer in the development of numerical weather prediction and former director of research at The Netherlands' Royal National Meteorological Institute, and an internationally recognized expert in atmospheric boundary layer processes, took climate modelers to task for their projections of future planetary doom in a February 28, 2007 post on Climate Science. "I am of the opinion that most scientists engaged in the design, development, and tuning of climate models are in fact software engineers. They are unlicensed, hence unqualified to sell their products to society. In all regular engineering professions, there exists a licensing authority. If such an authority existed in climate research, I contend, the vast majority of climate modelers would vainly attempt certification. Also, they would be unable to obtain insurance against professional liability," Tennekes said. (LINK) Tennekes also unleashed on the promoters of climate fears in a January 31, 2007 article. "I worry about the arrogance of scientists who claim they can help solve the climate problem, provided their research receives massive increases in funding", he wrote. "I am angry about the Climate Doomsday hype that politicians and scientists engage in. I am angry at Al Gore, I am angry at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists for resetting its Doomsday clock, I am angry at Lord Martin Rees for using the full weight of the Royal Society in support of the Doomsday hype, I am angry at Paul Crutzen for his speculations about yet another technological fix, I am angry at the staff of IPCC for their preoccupation with carbon dioxide emissions, and I am angry at Jim Hansen for his efforts to sell a Greenland Ice Sheet Meltdown Catastrophe," he explained. (LINK) Tennekes has also blasted Gore and the UN in the Dutch De Volskrant newspaper on March 28, 2007. "I find the Doomsday picture Al Gore is painting - a six-meter sea level rise, fifteen times the IPCC number - entirely without merit," Tennekes wrote. "I protest vigorously the idea that the climate reacts like a home heating system to a changed setting of the thermostat: just turn the dial, and the desired temperature will soon be reached. We cannot run the climate as we wish," Tennekes said. "Whatever the IPCC staff thinks, it is not at all inconceivable that decreasing solar activity will lead to some cooling ten years from now," he concluded.
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Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 01:43 pm


Holland, G. (2007): Misuse of landfall as a proxy for Atlantic tropical cyclone activity. Eos Trans. AGU, 88, 349.

The misuse of landfall as a proxy for damage could be the title assigned to your post.

Activity and landfall do NOT equate to damage. You claimed that the damage is less now without any evidence to support your claim.
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Reply Thu 8 May, 2008 01:51 pm
Johnmg wrote:
Im new to this website, its really cool tho i like it. I was having trouble finding my blog and where the most recent one was, it kept showing me posts from 2005 so i was a little lost. I recently read a book called Unstopable Global Warming by fred singer. It sites (cites) and makes relevance with factual imformation. As any educated sane person can agree, it is hard to argue against facts. Its like saying that 200% higher crime rates in inner cities accross america have no corelation with the 90 percent black population, as opposed to say a smaller but relatively large town consisting mostly of whites with crime rates 200 times below that of a large city. (Crime rates can not be 200 times less from one area to another. Crime rates can not be 200% less since 100% smaller would be ZERO.) Im not saying that black people are all bad or that most are, but the bad ones tend to stick to and populate the large cities. But just the opposite there are the scum bag redneck white people who are just as bad if not worse. And for the record I am not racist by any means, most of my friends are black, and i have spoken with them on this topic and they all agree.

I would suggest you make use of the SpellCheck function. It might make your posts more readable. Also break your posts up into paragraphs. Long unbroken posts are impossible to read and people tend to ignore them because of the structure.

Welcome to A2K, by the way.
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