Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 03:27 pm

(anyone care to comment on the qualifications and "left-leaning" tendencies of the participants in the study ?)

Engineering's greatest challenge: Our survival

quote :
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Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 03:34 pm
Looks like pretty conservative stuff to me Hamburger. You do know the the NSF is a U.S. government agency with the director appointed by the President? It provides seed money for research and development in science and engineering.

By the way HB, you never did answer my question. With Arctic ice returning with a vengeance this winter, did your lake freeze over this winter?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 03:36 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
As to who is right of who in Germany, I have no clue.

From the left to the right (major parties only):

The Left (Die Linke), SPD (Social Democrats), CDU/CSU (Christian Democratic Party/Christian Social Union).

FDP (liberal Party) similar to the conservatives (CDU/CSU), perhaps a bit more 'rightish'.
The Greens are sometimes left of the SPD, just now a bit to their right side.

Beo Nazis are on the extreme right.
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Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 03:52 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
miniTAX wrote:

The IPCC mandate is, I cite:
"to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the latest scientific, technical and socio-economic literature produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change, its observed and projected impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation".
The 4th IPCC report builds on the work of earlier reports from which it is concluded that climate change is real and that it stems from human activity.
No, it's untrue. The IPCC's mission statement at its onset in 1991 is to study HUMAN-INDUCED climate change. So "anthropogenic" is an apriori, not an apostiori, conclusion.
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Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 03:59 pm
That is akin to studying how many martians landed at Roswell, was it a hundred, or one or two? It would really be a non-starter to have to conclude that none landed there wouldn't it, after all that money spent on such a study, and all the experts receiving funding to study how many landed there? No expert wants to come to a conclusion that essentially says it was a waste of money to pay him to study it.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 04:03 pm
whether its apriori or apostiori its still anthropogenic global warming a conclusion you now accept dates back to at least 1991. Yet a few posts back you were saying even the IPCC cant quantify the magnitude of CO2 change and whether it was human induced or not.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 04:11 pm
okie wrote:
That is akin to studying how many martians landed at Roswell, was it a hundred, or one or two? It would really be a non-starter to have to conclude that none landed there wouldn't it, after all that money spent on such a study, and all the experts receiving funding to study how many landed there? No expert wants to come to a conclusion that essentially says it was a waste of money to pay him to study it.
There is such a thing as honesty and professionalism. Its not been completely obliterated even among scientists. Moreover science itself has no vested interest, its just a big compass pointing generally in the direction of 'valid'.
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Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 04:11 pm
foxfire wrote :

By the way HB, you never did answer my question. With Arctic ice returning with a vengeance this winter, did your lake freeze over this winter?

lake ontario never freezes completely as far as i know . it only freezes over in the eastern end where it narrows towards the st. lawrence river .
when we moved here in the mid-fifties and well into the mid-eighties this end would be frozen by christmas - but never solid , just an ice cover of probably 2 to 3 feet .
freezeover gradually started later and later - this year it didn't freeze until february .
while we had a very mild january - we were sitting by the lake to enjoy the sunshine several times - it got rather cold in february and still hovers just around freezing in the daytime .
we certainly haven't had the bone-chilling overnight temperatures of minus 30 to 35 C overnight for the last twenty years or so - BRRR ! don't remind me !
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Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 04:22 pm
Steve 41oo wrote:
Yet a few posts back you were saying even the IPCC cant quantify the magnitude of CO2 change and whether it was human induced or not.
Strawman argument. What I said is
1. The CO2 change is quantifiable : it's +30%
2. It's impossible to know which human part is in this 30%, wether it's 29.9% or 1%. The IPCC doesn't know it, nobody knows it. There is no way to know it.

Nobody denies that there is anthropogenic climate change. What is subject of debate is the amplitude of this ACC compared to natural CC, what is the proportion of fossil CO2 CC compared to other anthropogenic causes like land use change, deforestation, albedo change by roads & town, irrigation, aerosol pollution...
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 04:45 pm
miniTAX wrote:
Nobody denies that there is anthropogenic climate change.
Good. You're getting there, slowly.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 05:00 pm
It is quite possible to tell what percentage of CO2 increase is anthropogenic and what is not. The IPCC FAR does it. Essentially all of it isanthropogenic. Two converging lines of evidence. We know how much CO2 we produce. It's roughly twice the amount of atmospheric increase each year. About half of it is sequestered in the oceans and the earth. CO2 stays in the atmosphere on average for about a century. What's left is the increase.

And there are changes in the isotopic concentrations of carbon in the atmosphere from the historical record. Plant life differentially takes up C12 as opposed to C13. Very old plant life has no radioactive C14 left. Fossil fuels are from very old plant life. When they are used in great quantity they change the isotopic ratios in the atmosphere. Past atmospheric ratios are determinable from tree growth rings for the last several thousand years, and from ice cores, among other sources, before that. The changes in ratio are in line with anthropogenic CO2 being essentially the entire source of the CO2 increase, as the FAR says.
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Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 05:12 pm
parados wrote:
I have already shown you wrong.

Lets assume a solution X has 20 grams of a substance Y in it.

Now there is a process that acts on X and removes 19 grams of Y every hour but also returns 19 grams of Y every hour. We will call this process A.
If we monitor X and process B for 5 hours there is no increase of Y in X.

Now we introduce another process B which adds 5 grams of Y every hour and removes none of Y.

If after 5 hours we solution X has 22 grams of substance Y in it where did the extra Y come from? Process A or Process B?

If we know that Process A introduces 5 grams of Y every hour but haven't measured B during that 5 hours what is the logical assumption to make?

We know for a fact that humans introduce MORE CO2 into the atmosphere than the increase we observe. Where does that extra CO2 go? If the oceans and vegetation don't take up MORE CO2 than they put out where is that CO2?

Here is another explanation.

and another mathematical proof here

Humans do not put out 1/20 of the increase in CO2. They put out 2 or more times the increase in CO2.

Humans account for 32 gigatonnes per year with the 15 gigatonnes increase per year in the atmosphere.

4 lines of evidence show that humans cause CO2 increase.

No! I have already shown you are wrong.

Let's assume mixture A has 100 grams of C in it.

Now there is a process that adds 50 grams of C and removes 50 grams of C from mixture A every hour. We will call this process E-P.

If we monitor A and process E-P for 5 hours we learn that there is no increase or decrease of C in mixture A.

Now we introduce another process H which adds 4 grams of C to mixture A and removes 2 grams from mixture A every hour.

After 5 hours we observe that mixture A has 110 grams of C in it.

Now we introduce another process S which adds 12 grams of C to mixture A and removes 4 grams from mixture A every hour.

After 5 hours we observe that mixture A has 150 grams of C in it.

Obviously S has introduced 40 more grams of C into mixture A.

A = the atmosphere;
C = CO2;
E-P = the process of evaporation of CO2 out of its surface sink into A and the precipitation of CO2 out of A into its surface sink.
H-E-P = the human process of addiing CO2 into A and the E-P process of removal of 50% of these additions.
S = the process caused by the increase in solar irradiance that increases the temperature of both A and the CO2 surface sink.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 05:52 pm
CO2 in the atmosphere:
1975 = 330ppm
2005 = 385ppm

FOR THE PERIOD 1975 TO 2005:
%increase in CO2 in the atmosphere = 100% x (385-330)/330 = 16.7%

%increase in average global temperature not caused by solar irradiance increase = 0.1488%.

Ratio of CO2 increase to the average global temperature increase that is not caused by solar irradiance increase = 16.67% / 0.1488% = 112

Looks like average global temperature is relatively insensitive to CO2 content of the atmosphere.

1975 to 2005
S = solar irradiance average = 1371 w/m^2.
Si = solar irradiance increase = 1.0 w/m^2.
Si% = solar irradiance %increase = 100% x Si w/m^2 / S = 100% x 1.0 w/m^2 / 1371 w/m^2 = 0.07294%.
Si% = 0.07294%.

T = global temperature average= 287.06 °K.
Ti = global temperature increase = 0.6046 °K + 0.0319 °K = 0.6365 °K.
Ti% = global temperature %increase = 100% x Ti / T = 100% x 0.6365 °K / 287.06 °K = 0.2217%.
Ti% = 0.2217%.

Ti% - Si% = 0.2217% - 0.07294% = 0.1488%.
Ti% - Si% = 0.1488%.

Trend Atmospheric CO2 ppm 1958 to 2007

US Surface Temperature Trends versus Solar Activity

Arctic Air Temperature; CO2; Solar Radiation
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 06:27 pm
ican711nm wrote:
[No! I have already shown you are wrong.

Let's assume mixture A has 100 grams of C in it.

Now there is a process that adds 50 grams of C and removes 50 grams of C from mixture A every hour. We will call this process E-P.

If we monitor A and process E-P for 5 hours we learn that there is no increase or decrease of C in mixture A.

Now we introduce another process H which adds 4 grams of C to mixture A and removes 2 grams from mixture A every hour.

After 5 hours we observe that mixture A has 110 grams of C in it.

Now we introduce another process S which adds 12 grams of C to mixture A and removes 4 grams from mixture A every hour.

After 5 hours we observe that mixture A has 150 grams of C in it.

Obviously S has introduced 40 more grams of C into mixture A.

A = the atmosphere;
C = CO2;
E-P = the process of evaporation of CO2 out of its surface sink into A and the precipitation of CO2 out of A into its surface sink.
H-E-P = the human process of addiing CO2 into A and the E-P process of removal of 50% of these additions.
S = the process caused by the increase in solar irradiance that increases the temperature of both A and the CO2 surface sink.

your analogy makes no sense.
1. You have no evidence of humans removing CO2 from the atmosphere in quantities similar to your analogy. In fact there is no evidence of humans removing CO2 in any quantity that would be considered substantial.
2. The solar radiation is not a NEW process so can't suddenly be introduced after humans have started pumping CO2 into the air. Solar variation has occurred for billions of years.
3. Solar radiation doesn't create CO2 in the atmosphere so your attempt to use it is completely bogus.

We know that humans pump out more CO2 than the yearly increase. You have provided no other viable source for the increase in CO2. You have provided no viable place for the human CO2 to go so it is NOT the cause of the increase. You have provided no refutation of the KIND of carbon atoms that make up the inrease. Carbon atoms that are most likely to have come from fossil fuels in the quantities observed. You have provided no evidence of any change other than humans for the increase in CO2.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 07:08 pm
ican711nm wrote:
CO2 in the atmosphere:
1975 = 330ppm
2005 = 385ppm

FOR THE PERIOD 1975 TO 2005:
%increase in CO2 in the atmosphere = 100% x (385-330)/330 = 16.7%

%increase in average global temperature not caused by solar irradiance increase = 0.1488%.

Ratio of CO2 increase to the average global temperature increase that is not caused by solar irradiance increase = 16.67% / 0.1488% = 112

Looks like average global temperature is relatively insensitive to CO2 content of the atmosphere.
No one ever said it was the total reason for the earth's temperature or that increasing it by 50% would increase the earth's temperature by 50% or even 10%.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 07:17 pm
miniTAX wrote:
parados wrote:
We know for a fact that humans introduce MORE CO2 into the atmosphere than the increase we observe. Where does that extra CO2 go? If the oceans and vegetation don't take up MORE CO2 than they put out where is that CO2?

Parados, not because you keep repeating this same piece of junk science would make it better.

I am curious what is the junk science miniTax?

Do we NOT know what the increase in CO2 is? or do we NOT have any idea how much CO2 is put out by human activity?

Do humans put out more CO2 than is observed as the increase in the atmosphere? yes or no? If no, then give us your "real science."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 07:22 pm
parados wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
[No! I have already shown you are wrong.

Let's assume mixture A has 100 grams of C in it.

Now there is a process that adds 50 grams of C and removes 50 grams of C from mixture A every hour. We will call this process E-P.

If we monitor A and process E-P for 5 hours we learn that there is no increase or decrease of C in mixture A.

Now we introduce another process H which adds 4 grams of C to mixture A and removes 2 grams from mixture A every hour.

After 5 hours we observe that mixture A has 110 grams of C in it.

Now we introduce another process S which adds 12 grams of C to mixture A and removes 4 grams from mixture A every hour.

After 5 hours we observe that mixture A has 150 grams of C in it.

Obviously S has introduced 40 more grams of C into mixture A.

A = the atmosphere;
C = CO2;
E-P = the process of evaporation of CO2 out of its surface sink into A and the precipitation of CO2 out of A into its surface sink.
H-E-P = the human process of addiing CO2 into A and the E-P process of removal of 50% of these additions.
S = the process caused by the increase in solar irradiance that increases the temperature of both A and the CO2 surface sink.

your analogy makes no sense.
1. You have no evidence of humans removing CO2 from the atmosphere in quantities similar to your analogy. In fact there is no evidence of humans removing CO2 in any quantity that would be considered substantial.
2. The solar radiation is not a NEW process so can't suddenly be introduced after humans have started pumping CO2 into the air. Solar variation has occurred for billions of years.
3. Solar radiation doesn't create CO2 in the atmosphere so your attempt to use it is completely bogus.

We know that humans pump out more CO2 than the yearly increase. You have provided no other viable source for the increase in CO2. You have provided no viable place for the human CO2 to go so it is NOT the cause of the increase. You have provided no refutation of the KIND of carbon atoms that make up the inrease. Carbon atoms that are most likely to have come from fossil fuels in the quantities observed. You have provided no evidence of any change other than humans for the increase in CO2.

1. I did not claim humans removed CO2 from the atmosphere.

About half of the recent emissions are not accumulating in the atmosphere, but are going into the ocean and, to a lesser extent, into soils. These are considered "sinks" in the global carbon budget because they take up atmospheric CO2.

2. The solar irradiation process is a changing process. Sometimes it's level of irradiation is relatively low; sometimes it is average; sometimes it is relatively high. During 1975-2005 it increased to relatively high.
3. Solar radiation heats the surface of the globe. When solar radiation intensity increases, it heats up the surface of the globe more. Our globe's surface, especially the oceans, are CO2 sinks. When they are heated more, they emit more CO2 into the atmosphere. When the atmosphere is warmer, it can retain more CO2 than when it is cooler. Therefore, when solar irradiation increases, it causes more CO2 to be emitted into the atmosphere from surface CO2 sinks, and it causes more CO2 to be retained in the atmosphere.

I have identified an additional source of CO2 in the atmosphere besides humans. That additional source is the natural land and ocean surfaces of the earth.

By the way, most of the CO2 in the oceans arrived their over thousands of years before 1975, even before 1901, even before 1850, even before George Washington allegedly chopped down a cherry tree when a youngster. Wise up! ... if you can ...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 07:47 pm
parados wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
CO2 in the atmosphere:
1975 = 330ppm
2005 = 385ppm

FOR THE PERIOD 1975 TO 2005:
%increase in CO2 in the atmosphere = 100% x (385-330)/330 = 16.7%

%increase in average global temperature not caused by solar irradiance increase = 0.1488%.

Ratio of CO2 increase to the average global temperature increase that is not caused by solar irradiance increase = 16.67% / 0.1488% = 112

Looks like average global temperature is relatively insensitive to CO2 content of the atmosphere.

No one ever said it was the total reason for the earth's temperature or that increasing it by 50% would increase the earth's temperature by 50% or even 10%.

True! That "no one" you mentioned includes me. However, there are one or two of those "no ones", not me, who have claimed that tripling the 1975-2005 CO2 increase of 55ppm (i.e., 330 to 385ppm) and adding it to 385ppm, for a total of 550 ppm, will be disasterous for the environment in general and human life in particular.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 08:15 pm
ican711nm wrote:
parados wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
[No! I have already shown you are wrong.

Let's assume mixture A has 100 grams of C in it.

Now there is a process that adds 50 grams of C and removes 50 grams of C from mixture A every hour. We will call this process E-P.

If we monitor A and process E-P for 5 hours we learn that there is no increase or decrease of C in mixture A.

Now we introduce another process H which adds 4 grams of C to mixture A and removes 2 grams from mixture A every hour.

After 5 hours we observe that mixture A has 110 grams of C in it.

Now we introduce another process S which adds 12 grams of C to mixture A and removes 4 grams from mixture A every hour.

After 5 hours we observe that mixture A has 150 grams of C in it.

Obviously S has introduced 40 more grams of C into mixture A.

A = the atmosphere;
C = CO2;
E-P = the process of evaporation of CO2 out of its surface sink into A and the precipitation of CO2 out of A into its surface sink.
H-E-P = the human process of addiing CO2 into A and the E-P process of removal of 50% of these additions.
S = the process caused by the increase in solar irradiance that increases the temperature of both A and the CO2 surface sink.

your analogy makes no sense.
1. You have no evidence of humans removing CO2 from the atmosphere in quantities similar to your analogy. In fact there is no evidence of humans removing CO2 in any quantity that would be considered substantial.
2. The solar radiation is not a NEW process so can't suddenly be introduced after humans have started pumping CO2 into the air. Solar variation has occurred for billions of years.
3. Solar radiation doesn't create CO2 in the atmosphere so your attempt to use it is completely bogus.

We know that humans pump out more CO2 than the yearly increase. You have provided no other viable source for the increase in CO2. You have provided no viable place for the human CO2 to go so it is NOT the cause of the increase. You have provided no refutation of the KIND of carbon atoms that make up the inrease. Carbon atoms that are most likely to have come from fossil fuels in the quantities observed. You have provided no evidence of any change other than humans for the increase in CO2.

1. I did not claim humans removed CO2 from the atmosphere.
Every thing that adds in your analogy also removes . If you were not implying that humans remove CO2 from the atmosphere then you analogy makes even less sense since you left out what we are talking about, human contributions to CO2 in the atmosphere.


About half of the recent emissions are not accumulating in the atmosphere, but are going into the ocean and, to a lesser extent, into soils. These are considered "sinks" in the global carbon budget because they take up atmospheric CO2.

2. The solar irradiation process is a changing process. Sometimes it's level of irradiation is relatively low; sometimes it is average; sometimes it is relatively high. During 1975-2005 it increased to relatively high.
relatively high to what? 2 w/m2 more? is relatively high in a 1375 w/m2 average? Are you claiming that a .15% increase is a LOT? Wow.. That makes no sense with your arguments about how the temperature hasn't increased much since that has increased by a larger percentage.

3. Solar radiation heats the surface of the globe. When solar radiation intensity increases, it heats up the surface of the globe more. Our globe's surface, especially the oceans, are CO2 sinks. When they are heated more, they emit more CO2 into the atmosphere. When the atmosphere is warmer, it can retain more CO2 than when it is cooler. Therefore, when solar irradiation increases, it causes more CO2 to be emitted into the atmosphere from surface CO2 sinks, and it causes more CO2 to be retained in the atmosphere.
LOL.. really. So where does the human released CO2 go? We know that humans release more than twice the amount of CO2 that is newly retained in the atmosphere. Where does it go? You have never answered that question which is required if you want to claim the source is other than human. I have posted repeated scientific references that show the ocean absorbs more than it releases.

I have identified an additional source of CO2 in the atmosphere besides humans. That additional source is the natural land and ocean surfaces of the earth.
Those sources have existed for billions of years. They didn't suddenly come into being and start releasing more CO2 because humans started releasing it. Why would they release more now? The solar radiation today is NOT that much more than it has been in the past. We know that the increase in CO2 is LESS than that released by humans. In order for the increase to come from natural sources then there must be a source that came into being to sink the human CO2. Where is it? Why haven't you identified it? The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere shows that the C14 concentrations would indicate the excess carbon is coming from human use of fossil fuels. WHy haven't you addressed that? You just keep making claims because you want to believe in spite of any science it seems.

By the way, most of the CO2 in the oceans arrived their over thousands of years before 1975, even before 1901, even before 1850, even before George Washington allegedly chopped down a cherry tree when a youngster. Wise up! ... if you can ...
Yep, and most of it that the ocean gives up is absorbed back into the very ocean it came out of. MORE in fact. I seem pretty damn wise compared to you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 08:35 pm
parados wrote:

So where does the human released CO2 go? We know that humans release more than twice the amount of CO2 that is newly retained in the atmosphere. Where does it go? You have never answered that question which is required if you want to claim the source is other than human. I have posted repeated scientific references that show the ocean absorbs more than it releases.

You just answered your own question! But to help you understand yourself here's a quote I have included in my last post as well as in some of my other posts:

About half of the recent emissions are not accumulating in the atmosphere, but are going into the ocean and, to a lesser extent, into soils. These are considered "sinks" in the global carbon budget because they take up atmospheric CO2.

I'm not responding to your other responses to my post because they are logically way too dumb to warrant my effort.
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