Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 09:42 am
blatham wrote:
Now, stop arguing or Krugman will have to write another book detailing why I've got this right.

If you assume I would mind reading another Krugman book soon, you are severely deluded. Nevertheless, I'll stop arguing for the moment, but only because it gives me the opportunity to say you quashed my free speech.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 10:14 am
Better watch where you're steppin'
Better mind what you say
Or gaia guy'll grab you up and boy you'll rue the day
I will visit Virtue on you like a plague down from the sky
I'm just a mean old, green old, speech-quashin' guy.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 11:41 am
No! No! Not another book by Krugman!

He writes books?? Ugly little rat.

Wheat grows very well thank you in Colorado, Kansas and Missourri which have warmer climates than the Canadian plains. Poor Blatham sees catastrophy scenarios in anything that changes.

The fact is that climactic change is as old as the earth. Human beings are adaptable creatures and we will, no doubt, adapt our technologies to accomodate the emerging realities of declining availability of some fossil fuels relative to demand, and the accumulating environmental impacts of increased use. There are alternatives available and adaptation will certainly follow the changing economic reality.

What we don't need are authoritarian Cassandras prescribing how we should live so as to avid their self-induced catastrophe fantasies.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 11:42 am
Time to plug one of my favorite exchanges in The Holy Grail

Monty Python wrote:
Shut up, will you? Shut up!
Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system.
Shut up!
Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
Bloody peasant!
Oh, what a give-away. Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That's what I'm on about. Did you see him repressing me? You saw it, didn't you?

The whole scene is a world treasure.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 11:50 am
Great bit Thomas! Thanks for the cite - I enjoyed it.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 12:04 pm
The fact is that climactic change is as old as the earth.

Likewise rape, war, child molestation, crotch rot, folk music and hemoroids. But we get by just fine. Nothing to see here, folks. On your way...on your way.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 12:35 pm
Blatham: So...what's your plan? What ideas to slow or stop global warming have you in mind? Or is your idea of "helping out" just to shoot holes in anyone's post that happens to differ from your idea of "the general good".

Under the observation that there is not going to be a consensus on the matter, scientific or secular, in the immediate future, actions will have to be taken by individual effort. What's the plan?

Please don't tell me to limit my driving, I do that already, in the effort to save gas money, not necessarily to "stop global warming". Besides, looking for leadership in "the cause", I believe that the erstwhile Presidential Contenders put more crap into the atmosphere, jetting back and forth on campaign, in one month, than I will put into the atmosphere in my entire life driving. (Just out of comparison....)

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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 01:28 pm
Halfback wrote:
Blatham: So...what's your plan? What ideas to slow or stop global warming have you in mind? Or is your idea of "helping out" just to shoot holes in anyone's post that happens to differ from your idea of "the general good".

Under the observation that there is not going to be a consensus on the matter, scientific or secular, in the immediate future, actions will have to be taken by individual effort. What's the plan?

Please don't tell me to limit my driving, I do that already, in the effort to save gas money, not necessarily to "stop global warming". Besides, looking for leadership in "the cause", I believe that the erstwhile Presidential Contenders put more crap into the atmosphere, jetting back and forth on campaign, in one month, than I will put into the atmosphere in my entire life driving. (Just out of comparison....)



Not only do I not have a plan, I don't even have the slightest confidence that I can wade into the relevant sciences and validly criticize findings or the significance of findings. Nor can I address the economics here with any authority at all. But, if we're honest, who among us can do these things other than in the shallowest manner?

What I can contribute is a fair understanding of some of the most effective and commonly used propaganda methods. And along with that, I can point to a well-documented money trail originating from corporate interests and ending up in the hands of those who do the propagandizing. I can bring into the discussion historical examples of such corporate shennaigans that we know about, and there are many, to help demonstrate why we need really acute bullshit detectors when a vested interest denies it's operations have negative consequences for the community around. And, of course, I can offer up whatever I find from credible sources on that stuff noted in paragraph one. And maybe there are one or two other ways I can help get us close to described real states of affairs. Past that, it is thinking cap stuff with the limited tools I have.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:03 pm
Thank you. I consider that "a plan". A worthy one at that.

I expect, however, your efforts may go in vain.... as there is absolutely no consensus at all in this matter. I tend to agree with you over the inherent dangers global warming may present in both the near and far future.

With no "clear and present" danger agreed upon, the general opinion by both the population and the various Governments is "wait and see". To, perhaps, the planet's peril.

Perhaps if we concentrate efforts toward reduction on dependency of foreign oil, a more agreed upon action generally as beneficial to the country, it would be a step in reduction of global warming almost by default as it would require alternate energy sources to accomplish.

Would that be a "positive" direction? I think so. Rather like insurance, you hope you don't need it, but it is there all the same.

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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:23 pm

Continued dependency on foreign oil does seem rather foolish, doesn't it? Greenspan was right, of course, the Iraq war was really about oil (and so is America's unique relationship with Israel, a relationship that would surely be much different if Israel happened to be elsewhere than the middle east). Further up the road, if our dependency continues, conflict for this resource with China, India, Pakistan etc seems certain. Not to mention conflicts related to other sources such as Khazakstan or Venezuela. All of which doesn't even take into account the potentially critical pollution/GW situation.

I'd be quite happy with wind turbines all over the place...I think they are incredibly graceful and beautiful. And, if I were King, I'd throw money hand over fist into development of other renewable, non-polluting energy technologies. Further, if I were King, I'd tie george to one of the turbine blades for at least an hour or two.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:30 pm
blatham wrote:
What I can contribute is a fair understanding of some of the most effective and commonly used propaganda methods.

Hi Blatham,
So you must be highly interested in this kind of institutionalized propaganda:
Start with its funding. CCS comes to states promising to bring money with them to pay for their greenhouse-gas reduction development. Who foots the bill? Several foundations on the global warming panic train: the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The (Ted) Turner Foundation, The Heinz Endowments, the Energy Foundation, and many others. For example, the state of Washington is paying only $200,000 for CCS' services -- half of what their cheap process has cost in other states.

Then CCS controls the entire policy development: the agenda, scheduling and oversight of their meetings; the CO2 reduction options that stakeholders consider; analysis (which is not an examination of cost/benefit or climate impact) of those options; the voting process; the changing and/or elimination of options; and the writing of all meeting minutes, presentations and reports.

... much more here. Hope you enjoy the reading on those "enviros toadies" (copyright Robert Kennedy, sort of). Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:34 pm
blatham wrote:
Continued dependency on foreign oil does seem rather foolish, doesn't it?
As foolish as dependency on French wine, Japanese cars, Korean RAM, Chinese gadgets, Thai harddrive...
Pls Blatham, come back to the future Wink
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:39 pm
miniTAX wrote:
blatham wrote:
Continued dependency on foreign oil does seem rather foolish, doesn't it?
As foolish as dependency on French wine, Japanese cars, Korean RAM, Chinese gadgets, Thai harddrive...
Pls Blatham, come back to the future Wink

...and the number of wars fought over Korean RAM and 1995 Burgundies is?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:41 pm
miniTAX wrote:

So you must be highly interested in this kind of institutionalized propaganda:
Start with its funding. CCS comes to states promising to bring money with them to pay for their greenhouse-gas reduction development. Who foots the bill?

Apropos "fundings". Quite interesting those of the the John Locke Foundation (the author, Paul Chesser, is an associate editor for the John Locke Foundation):

0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:43 pm
miniTAX wrote:
blatham wrote:
Continued dependency on foreign oil does seem rather foolish, doesn't it?
As foolish as dependency on French wine, Japanese cars, Korean RAM, Chinese gadgets, Thai harddrive...
Pls Blatham, come back to the future Wink

I hope your not suggesting that we are as addicted to French wine as we are to foreign oil.

If French wine (or any of the other things you mentioned) suddenly stopped flowing into the USA, would the economy collapse like it would if we suddenly stopped getting foreign oil. And let's not kid ourselves, if we stopped getting foreign oil, our consumer based economy WOULD collapse.

Pls minTAX listen to your brain.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:47 pm
Salute to John Locke every time I cycle to the White Horse at Moreton

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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:50 pm
miniTAX wrote:
blatham wrote:
What I can contribute is a fair understanding of some of the most effective and commonly used propaganda methods.

Hi Blatham,
So you must be highly interested in this kind of institutionalized propaganda:
Start with its funding. CCS comes to states promising to bring money with them to pay for their greenhouse-gas reduction development. Who foots the bill? Several foundations on the global warming panic train: the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The (Ted) Turner Foundation, The Heinz Endowments, the Energy Foundation, and many others. For example, the state of Washington is paying only $200,000 for CCS' services -- half of what their cheap process has cost in other states.

Then CCS controls the entire policy development: the agenda, scheduling and oversight of their meetings; the CO2 reduction options that stakeholders consider; analysis (which is not an examination of cost/benefit or climate impact) of those options; the voting process; the changing and/or elimination of options; and the writing of all meeting minutes, presentations and reports.

... much more here. Hope you enjoy the reading on those "enviros toadies" (copyright Robert Kennedy, sort of). Wink

Interesting fellow. Writes for National Review Online. Has some pieces on "liberal bias in the press" (most acutely, it seems, regarding "the Oregonian" of Portland, which arrives on my doorstep each morning), and "failures of Brit socialized medicine". I'll see what else I can find on the fellow but clearly he is a rather typical partisan fellow pushing the predictable talking points. And then I'll look at the link.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:54 pm
Member of The John Locke Foundation
John Locke Foundation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The John Locke Foundation is a free market think tank in North Carolina started in 1990. The organization advocates lowering taxes, decreasing spending on social support programs, and encouraging free markets. John Hood is its current president.

The Foundation is concerned primarily with state and local issues. The greater part of its funding comes from North Carolina conservative grantmaking foundations, some led by Republican party activists.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 03:02 pm


Sunspot density cycles?
Changes in the orientation of Earth's eliptical orbit around the sun?
Changes in Earth's distance from the sun over successive seasons?
Changes in the orientation of Mar's eliptical orbit around the sun?
Changes in Mars's distance from sun over successive seasons?

Changes in Earth's volcanic eruption frequencies over the last 100 years?
Changes in Mar's volcanic eruption frequencies over the last 100 years?

Increases of CO2 in Earth's atmosphere over the last 100 years?
Increases of CO2 in Mar's atmosphere over the last 100 years?

Why is the Antarctic icepack expanding, while the Arctic icepack is shrinking?

If CO2 in Earth's atmosphere reflects some of the Earth's heat back to the Earth, then why doesn't that same CO2 reflect some of the sun's heat back into space?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 03:06 pm
sheesh...they are not trying to hide what they are up to and the models they wish to follow...
The History of the John Locke Foundation
Looking back at it now, the creation of the John Locke Foundation was probably inevitable. The value and effectiveness of public policy think tanks had already been demonstrated by such venerable institutions as the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, and the American Enterprise Institute.

OK. So it is obvious right off the top that these chaps are going nowhere else on GW than pro-business, anti-regulation. And they are going to propagandize (precisely in the mode of AEI, Heritage, and Cato...which is why they were set up initially...see Krugman's new book, Chapter 6, section "Building an Intelligensia" for details).
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