Global Warming...New Report...and it ain't happy news

Reply Mon 14 May, 2007 04:30 pm
Did someone kick Bush in the ass to get his brain,pardon the expression, started. Note it won't be ready until just before he leaves office. His has been and continues to be a Rip Van Winkle administration

Bush orders draft regulations to cut oil use, greenhouse emissions
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- With average gasoline prices topping $3 a gallon, President Bush ordered government agencies to begin drafting regulations to cut U.S. oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions Monday.

In a brief statement from the White House Rose Garden, Bush said he has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency and the departments of Transportation, Agriculture and Energy to come up with new ways to reduce oil consumption and cut into carbon emissions blamed for an increase in global temperatures.

He set a goal of having the new rules ready by the end of 2008, just before he leaves office.

"This is a complicated legal and technical matter, and it's going to take time to fully resolve," he said. "Yet it is important to move forward." (Posted 3:04 p.m.)
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Reply Mon 14 May, 2007 05:36 pm
The President has been pro-AGW environmental friendly for some time now. It's one issue on which I both agree and disagree with him, If he had presented it that the government itself would go 'green' as much as possible and stop all wastefulness of every kind and conserve wherever possible, people would be lobbying to repeal the Twenty Second Amendment.

Grandiose proposals for costly regulation etc. on business and Americans however will receive a cool reception from those who remain skeptical that such measures are necessary.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 14 May, 2007 11:02 pm
Tony Blair believes he is close to persuading George Bush to accept an ambitious plan to bring the world's greatest polluters into international partnership to fight climate change for the first time.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 01:58 am
The plan would involve setting up a network of carbon trading schemes and is one of five main proposals drawn up by the Germans and British ahead of the G8 summit next month.
Well that should be enough to drive a few people around here absolutely nuts. Americans will have to get used to the fact they are a world power in decline, with their number one strategic resource oil under threat.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 02:36 am

Bush launches effort to cut gas consumption, emissions:

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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 02:46 am
"America has a clear national interest in reducing our dependence on oil," Bush said. "When it comes to energy and the environment, the American people expect common sense, and they expect action."

...and he could have gone on to say

"...this is why I am stepping down as your President."
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Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 04:17 am
au1929 wrote:
Did someone kick Bush in the ass to get his brain,pardon the expression, started. Note it won't be ready until just before he leaves office. His has been and continues to be a Rip Van Winkle administration

Bush orders draft regulations to cut oil use, greenhouse emissions
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- With average gasoline prices topping $3 a gallon, President Bush ordered government agencies to begin drafting regulations to cut U.S. oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions Monday.

Bush is really stupid Shocked With gasoline "topping" $3/gallon (in France, it's more than $6), people will make less 100 mile trips to see grandma and oil use will be cut by itself. Normal people call it market law.
If his has regulatory skin rashes, he should raise food taxes for the welfare of the American people decimated by obesity : see how the Japanese are thin and healthy with their $2 apples and their 50$ one kilo of beef meat Laughing
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Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 04:23 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Tony Blair believes he is close to persuading George Bush to accept an ambitious plan to bring the world's greatest polluters into international partnership to fight climate change for the first time.

Blair "believes" in AGW so he can believe in anything. "L'espoir fait vivre".


A two-week UN climate conference has ended in disarray. Germany's Secretary of the Environment, Sigmar Gabriel, refused to sign the final document on behalf of the European Union. For him and others, the final document did not go far enough. The text "does not only fall behind our expectations, but even weakens the promises agreed by the international community in Johannesburg hardly five years ago", Gabriel warned.

The Europeans had failed, among other things, with their initiative to obligate all countries to deliver long-term energy plans by 2010. The 130 odd developing and emerging countries in the Group of 77 (G77) plus China rejected the EU proposal because it would have subjected their energy policy under the control of industrial nations. Canada, now lead by a conservative government backed the the G77-countries and welcomed the meagre final declaration.

In contrast, the EU was supported by spokesperson for women and native tribes who also demanded a greater sense of responsibility in environmental and climatic questions and stricter restrictions of energy consumption. In the name of the EU, Germany also objected to the vote of the next CSD.

Source in German for you Walter
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 05:12 am

My English isn't so bad that I couldn't read your quotation (although some say so).

Besides, that was a topic in last week .... in all languages.

(NB: while everyone seems to point at Germany momentarily in all and every topics: Germany holds in the moment the presidency of the EU.)
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 05:37 am

Energy Fuels Science Fair Work


source: [copied/pasted from:]Albuquerque Journal, 15.05.07, frontpage and page A3
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 05:43 am
miniTAX wrote:

Blair "believes" in AGW so he can believe in anything. "L'espoir fait vivre".
But even Thomas was convinced when he saw the wounds of the resurrected Christ.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 05:54 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
But even Thomas was convinced when he saw the wounds of the resurrected Christ.

That must have happened when he was in the USA.

Oh and oops Embarrassed

You're referring to THAT Thomas :wink:
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 05:54 am
This year, creative attacks on the world's energy problems are everywhere.
Energy problems? Surely the market will determine that as prices rise, fuel will be used more sparingly and new petroleum resources will come on stream until the price drops? Er well no its a bit more complicated than that...but never mind you of so much faith in the market can always stick bananas in your tank.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 05:57 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
But even Thomas was convinced when he saw the wounds of the resurrected Christ.

That must have happened when he was in the USA.

Oh and oops Embarrassed

You're referring to THAT Thomas :wink:
No our Thomas...now he believes in AGW. He has seen the light.
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Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 06:54 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Energy Fuels Science Fair Work

By John Fleck
Journal Staff Writer

The cost of food and fuel is rising in Malaysia, just like everywhere else. But Naim Wan Hasamudin isn't just complaining.
Working with two student colleagues, Hasamudin found a way to turn wasted bananas into ethanol. On Monday, the three students pushed their English to its limits to explain their work at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, being held in the Albuquerque Convention Center.

Bananas ? http://images.forum-auto.com/images/perso/1/benny95.gif
Can I go to the fair with my process turning nuts into energy ? (I mean green nuts Laughing ).
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 07:23 am
You can ask Foxfyre if she offers you accomodation - and this site might offer you some help with your nuts before you present it here. (Sorry, I couldn't find a French link for you.)
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Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 07:43 am
miniTAX wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Energy Fuels Science Fair Work

By John Fleck
Journal Staff Writer

The cost of food and fuel is rising in Malaysia, just like everywhere else. But Naim Wan Hasamudin isn't just complaining.
Working with two student colleagues, Hasamudin found a way to turn wasted bananas into ethanol. On Monday, the three students pushed their English to its limits to explain their work at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, being held in the Albuquerque Convention Center.

Bananas ? http://images.forum-auto.com/images/perso/1/benny95.gif
Can I go to the fair with my process turning nuts into energy ? (I mean green nuts Laughing ).

The accommodations Walter offered would certainly be available, Minitax, provided the roofers complete their most costly (and probably environmentally unfriendly) roofing project on our house tomorrow. Or even if they don't.

You're turning nuts into energy?

My son is a mechanical/petroleum engineer with a major U.S. oil company and has just been made project manager for a cooperative venture between his company and Tyson Foods to turn chicken fat into a practical, affordable, and more user friendly fuel in lieu of petroleum. I know everybody thinks oil companies are the environmental devils, but they are definitely doing a significant amount of R&D and also commercial enterprises to not only make their own petroleum products more environmentally friendly but are also expanding into other areas.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 08:11 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I know everybody thinks oil companies are the environmental devils, but they are definitely doing a significant amount of R&D and also commercial enterprises to not only make their own petroleum products more environmentally friendly but are also expanding into other areas.

Yes, that's what they say.
BP has 'environment and society' on their website before any product ...


... and starts on their German website with "climate change" first


Most windparks are (now) run by the big electricity companies and the German "animal fat for prtoleum industry" is nearly full in thands of the oil industry as well ... now.
(It was all done privately before but ...)
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Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 08:25 am

Yes oil companies are not villains there jusrt out to make a profit. Is that why it is projected that a gallon of regular gasoline will exceed $4.00 by memorial day. That despite the price of a barrel of oil remaining relatively stable. Profit hell, killing is more like it.
Regarding our do nothing government they periodically wake up and make pronouncements regarding how they are going to attack a problem they "Just became aware of". A project that unfortunately will take umpty,umpty years to complete. To bad cars can' run on the hot air coming from Washington. If they could the problem would be solved. Embarrassed Embarrassed
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 08:38 am
Virtually every major oil co. advertisment I've seen for the last year or more has stressed how green they are and how they're leaders in researching new ways to power cars, usually from chicken sh1t.

And the ones that dont lead with that angle explain what extraordinary measures they go to to squeeze every last drop of oil out of the earth.

Just a passing fashion, I'm sure. No hidden message here.
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