Speaking of animals, C.I., if a dog barks in a forest and there is no human there to hear him, is he still a bad dog?
He is, in fact, a very good dog for warning the trees that the evil squirrels are there.
ehBeth gave the best answer.

He's a "Bad as I wanna be" dog.
Jl, why now after a two month hiatus? Not that I object, this was a fun thread.
:-) Well, as I was saying ... If a tree falls in the woods, it crushes many saplings. But after two months wait, you find quite a few saplings growing from the fallen trunk.
Which explains the silence.
The noise? Well, we don't know much about noise around here.
How can you be so sure that was a noise you heard?
For some it's music - not noise.
I dunno Diane; I'm just slow
Personally I think you're all barking up the wrong tree!
But I don't hear the barking, so if that tree falls, it'll be quiet in my neighborhood. c.i.
Moral: Live in the country!
May not hear the tree fall, may not hear the dogs bark, but can't see the neighbors. Then again - may hear the tree fall, may hear the dogs bark - therefore, who cares when you're in the country.
My favorite scene from LOTR: Two Towers is when the tree creatures flood Mordor, and one of them walks into frame with his head on fire and dunks it into the deluge. It was subtle, but funny as hell.
Ent's/Isengard - but no one is counting

- I thought the scene was great also!
BillW, I leave the LOTR details to the wife, who is the big fan....Viggo may just break us up after all, lol, if she ignores the restraining order
Get yourself a Viggo mask, strap on an ent and then enjoy the fun
Is this the beginning of the Ent?