hey littlek....the doggies do know whats up. They know you need some extra attention right now.
Thinking of you.
Had another calm dream about Boo when I fell asleep with my nephew today. She was with us, I got to hug her.
By the tone of your post, littlek, I assume your dog is no longer with us.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I know you loved that dog.
Yep, Gus, if you read back a few pages you'll see that I put her down a week ago. You'll also see a lot of warm, heartfelt support from our fellow A2Kers.
I'll do that. Sorry I'm late, but that's the nature of my being.
It's all right. I'm better now than I was before she went down.
littlek wrote:It's all right. I'm better now than I was before she went down.
I've said that same thing more than once in my life.
<guffaw> Just like me to laugh at a funeral.
I've only just caught up with your sad news.
Sorry to hear your news, Little K. You not only have my condolences, but also my admiration for being a world-class caregiver. My advice (unsolicited) is to stop by the local animal shelter for some dog bonding. There's no real commitment for you, the dogs love it, and it helps soothe the raw emotions. Time to look out for you?
If I stopped at the local shelter, what would keep my from taking anew dog home? I work in a house with dogs, I visit my parents who have a dog, I live upstairs from a woman with dogs...... I get my dog time. It does help.
I had to bring the cat to the vet this early a.m. because he was getting all sloppy and spacy - low blood sugar. I was there hoping it was low BG (it was), which I can deal with, and not a stroke, which I couldn't deal with.
Sorry. Guess I didn't know that. Time heals. Best wishes.
Just wanted to let you know you've been in my thoughts this week.
Hadn't read this thread until I'd seen the sad news. Went back and started reading and couldn't stop.
You are one amazing mom. Very inspiring.
Take care, and I hope your cat is feeling better.
Whooda - no apologies accepted! Why would you apologize? I hope I didn't offend.
flushd, thanks, that means a lot. The cat seems better. I am watching him like a hawk.
I had another dream about Boo last night. I had realized that the last batch of meds was old and not working and when I started her on the newer meds she could walk again. But, it's been so long since I've seen her walk/run that in my dream she was moving really oddly. Still, it made me happy to see her getting better.
Kris, I think the very fact that you're having dreams about your dog, speaks volumes about the relationship you had with him.
I'm getting a lump in my throat....
Aw.... I don't want anyone to get sad. I really don't. And, I'm not still posting for sympathy. I mostly just want a place to write my thoughts so I can reflect later on.
We are connected too, however virtually. To some extent we want to post after you do, and say whatever floats from fingertips at the time, our own sort of passage (not to get mushy). Not to interfere, not that you said that, just kind of signatures added to your Boo diary.
I'll digress. I tried to post a new photo of Pacco, one or the other of some photos of Pacco and Sally, as my avatar yesterday. I spent three hours trying to get them down to less than 6K and the right number of pixels. Came close, but no cigar. So now I have a Pacco Sally photo as my desktop, not bad...
Thus the painting photo, which fit both pixels and kb's.
Even with S & P alive and healthy I got all sentimental with the photos.
All are welcome to share about Boo or their own furry babies.....